Brain study sheds light on how children with autism process social play
Jan 26 15

Brain scans confirm significant differences in play behavior, brain activation patterns and stress levels in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as compared with… Brain study sheds light on how children with autism process social play   


In infants, pain from vaccinations shows up in brain activity
Jan 26 15

Infants show distinct, consistent patterns of brain activity in response to painful vaccinations, reports a study in the February issue of PAIN®, the official… In infants, pain from vaccinations shows up in brain activity   


Dragnet for epilepsy genes
Jan 23 15

An international team of scientists together with the University of Bonn Hospital have taken a new path in the research into causes of epilepsy:… Dragnet for epilepsy genes   


Scientists extend telomeres to slow cell aging
Jan 23 15

Will extending telomeres lead to longer, healthier lives? Researchers have taken an important step toward answering this question by developing a new treatment used… Scientists extend telomeres to slow cell aging   


New ‘systems genetics’ study identifies possible target for epilepsy treatment
Jan 23 15

A single gene that coordinates a network of about 400 genes involved in epilepsy could be a target for new treatments, according to research.

New ‘systems genetics’ study identifies possible target for epilepsy treatment   

How malaria-spreading mosquitoes can tell you’re home
Jan 23 15

Females of the malaria-spreading mosquito tend to obtain their blood meals within human dwellings. Indeed, this mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, spends much of its adult… How malaria-spreading mosquitoes can tell you’re home   


Pro-marijuana ‘tweets’ are sky-high on Twitter
Jan 23 15

Analyzing every marijuana-related Twitter message sent during a one-month period in early 2014, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have… Pro-marijuana ‘tweets’ are sky-high on Twitter   


Rare neurological disease shines light on health of essential nerve cells
Jan 23 15

Ian Duncan is a Scotsman with the iron discipline and stamina of a competitive marathoner, triathlete and cross-country skier. As a neuroscientist at the… Rare neurological disease shines light on health of essential nerve cells   


You are what you eat - How gut bacteria affect brain health
Jan 22 15

The hundred trillion bacteria living in an adult human - mostly in the intestines, making up the gut microbiome - have a significant impact… You are what you eat - How gut bacteria affect brain health   


Family voices and stories speed coma recovery
Jan 22 15

“Can he hear me?” family members are desperate to know when a loved one with a traumatic brain injury is in a coma.

Family voices and stories speed coma recovery   

Researchers find new links between obesity and cardiovascular disease
Jan 22 15

In a new study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, a research group led by James A. Hamilton, PhD, professor of Physiology, Biophysics… Researchers find new links between obesity and cardiovascular disease   


New strategies to identify and help women victims of intimate partner violence
Jan 22 15

Screening for and counseling women exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV) is part of the free preventive services covered within the U.S. Affordable Care… New strategies to identify and help women victims of intimate partner violence   


Antibiotic use by travelers may add to global spread of superbugs
Jan 22 15

Taking antibiotics for diarrhea may put travelers visiting developing parts of the world at higher risk for contracting superbugs and spreading these daunting drug-resistant… Antibiotic use by travelers may add to global spread of superbugs   


Four in 10 American children live in low-income families, new report shows
Jan 22 15

Four out of every ten American children live in low-income families, according to new research from the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP)… Four in 10 American children live in low-income families, new report shows   


Study shows how Ebola becomes lethal as it spreads
Jan 21 15

Scientists investigated why Ebola virus is so deadly when it spreads from animals to humans and then from human-to-human contact. The research team looked… Study shows how Ebola becomes lethal as it spreads   


Oranges versus orange juice: Which one might be better for your health?
Jan 21 15

Many health advocates advise people to eat an orange and drink water rather than opt for a serving of sugary juice. But in ACS’… Oranges versus orange juice: Which one might be better for your health?   


Seeing is not remembering
Jan 21 15

People may have to “turn on” their memories in order to remember even the simplest details of an experience, according to Penn State psychologists.… Seeing is not remembering   


Older minds need physical and mental activity
Jan 21 15

Exercising the body and mind may be the best way to keep an older brain sharp, suggests a new study.

“The best medicine is… Older minds need physical and mental activity   


Gym time won’t cancel out too much sitting
Jan 21 15

People who are too sedentary, even if they do exercise frequently, are more likely to develop heart disease, cancer and diabetes, a new report… Gym time won’t cancel out too much sitting   


Pizza days boost kids’ calorie and fat intake
Jan 21 15

On any given day, a large proportion of kids and adolescents eat pizza - and on those days, they tend to eat more calories,… Pizza days boost kids’ calorie and fat intake   


Major cause of blindness linked to calcium deposits in the eye
Jan 20 15

Microscopic spheres of calcium phosphate have been linked to the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a major cause of blindness, by UCL-led research.

Major cause of blindness linked to calcium deposits in the eye   

Early knee arthritis symptoms first felt when using stairs
Jan 20 15

People who suffer from knee pain when using the stairs may be experiencing the early symptoms of osteoarthritis, according to a new study by… Early knee arthritis symptoms first felt when using stairs   


Time to rethink the inner-city asthma epidemic?
Jan 20 15

Challenging the long-standing belief that city dwellers suffer disproportionately from asthma, the results of a new Johns Hopkins Children’s Center study of more than… Time to rethink the inner-city asthma epidemic?   


Researchers make breakthrough on new anesthetics
Jan 20 15

For the first time since the 1970s, researchers are on the verge of developing a new class of anesthetics. According to a study published… Researchers make breakthrough on new anesthetics   


Couples more likely to get healthy together
Jan 19 15

People are more successful in taking up healthy habits if their partner makes positive changes too, according to research* published in JAMA Internal Medicine… Couples more likely to get healthy together   

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