US obesity task force urges action
May 11 10

Economic incentives to provide inexpensive healthy food and insurance coverage for prevention are among a list of 70 immediate steps that can reduce U.S.… US obesity task force urges action   


Study defines different levels of obesity
May 11 10

The more obese you are, the more health problems you are bound to have. That’s what the Utah Department of Health has discovered in… Study defines different levels of obesity   


Should Anti-Obesity Campaigns Learn from McDonald’s?
May 11 10

Watching McDonald’s new “Big Mac World Chant” ad campaign-announced within a week of The Atlantic’s latest cover story, “Fat Nation: It’s Worse Than You… Should Anti-Obesity Campaigns Learn from McDonald’s?   


Children’s obesity rates vary by geography
May 11 10

U.S. kids have been getting fatter in recent decades, but a new study that shows geographical differences in childhood obesity trends paints a clearer… Children’s obesity rates vary by geography   


Americans Ignoring Obesity Health Warnings
May 11 10

Americans still aren’t heeding media and medical messages about the dangers of obesity. More Americans were obese at the end of 2010’s first quarter… Americans Ignoring Obesity Health Warnings   


Obesity: understanding the UK epidemic
May 11 10

What does poverty look like in Britain? An emaciated young child, perhaps? Not exactly. Studies about the predictors of obesity in the UK have… Obesity: understanding the UK epidemic   


Waterpipes: A new pastime for the young?
May 10 10

As fewer people puff on cigarettes, a new smoking trend may be gaining popularity among North American youth. A study published in the journal… Waterpipes: A new pastime for the young?   


Overuse of heartburn drugs is risky: study
May 10 10

Although they are sometimes used to make spicy meals go down easier, common heartburn drugs can cause serious side effects and should be used… Overuse of heartburn drugs is risky: study   


Eating nuts associated with improvements in cholesterol levels
May 10 10

Consuming more nuts appears to be associated with improvements in blood cholesterol levels, according to a pooled analysis of data from 25 trials reported… Eating nuts associated with improvements in cholesterol levels   


Restless legs syndrome appears to occur within families
May 10 10

Restless legs syndrome appears to aggregate in families, and the siblings of those who are severely affected appear to have an increased risk of… Restless legs syndrome appears to occur within families   


Implanted lenses may not be superior to contacts for babies with cataracts
May 10 10

Among infants who undergo surgery to treat congenital cataract, surgical lens replacement appears to cause more complications while achieving the same treatment benefit as… Implanted lenses may not be superior to contacts for babies with cataracts   


Certain laboratory technique allows rapid detection of eye pathogens
May 10 10

A laboratory technique using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that copies DNA segments may allow clinicians to accurately identify pathogens infecting the cornea more… Certain laboratory technique allows rapid detection of eye pathogens   


Fly gut bacteria could control sleeping sickness
May 10 10

A new bacterial species, found in the gut of the fly that transmits African sleeping sickness, could be engineered to kill the parasite that… Fly gut bacteria could control sleeping sickness   


Running a marathon halts cellular suicide
May 10 10

Apoptosis, the natural ‘programmed’ death of cells, is arrested in the aftermath of strenuous exercise. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Physiology… Running a marathon halts cellular suicide   


Even Healthy Pregnant Women Need to Worry About Oral Bacteria
May 10 10

Healthy pregnant women can be at risk for pregnancy problems caused by oral bacteria. Researchers from Case Western Reserve University have begun to understand… Even Healthy Pregnant Women Need to Worry About Oral Bacteria   


Hearing loss in one ear impairs kids’ language
May 10 10

Hearing loss in one ear is enough to cause language problems for kids, doctors reported on Monday.

However, they write in the journal Pediatrics,… Hearing loss in one ear impairs kids’ language   


Bottle-fed babies may eat more, study hints
May 10 10

Babies who are bottle-fed early on may consume more calories later in infancy than babies who are exclusively breastfed, a study published Monday suggests.

Bottle-fed babies may eat more, study hints   

New mutant genes linked to rheumatoid arthritis
May 10 10

A large study of European populations has uncovered seven new clusters of defective genes that may be responsible for rheumatoid arthritis, a painful… New mutant genes linked to rheumatoid arthritis   


Pentagon tries aroma therapy to ease combat stress
May 10 10

The U.S. military is experimenting with aroma therapy, acupuncture and other unorthodox methods to treat soldiers traumatized by combat experiences, Defense Secretary Robert Gates… Pentagon tries aroma therapy to ease combat stress   


Smoking moms tied to lasting kids’ sleep woes
May 10 10

Mothers who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have children with sleep problems from birth all the way through age 12, new research… Smoking moms tied to lasting kids’ sleep woes   


Federal official: Childhood obesity is everyone’s problem
May 09 10

In her first report to the nation as U.S. surgeon general, Dr. Regina Benjamin chose to address the nation’s obesity epidemic. The Surgeon General’s… Federal official: Childhood obesity is everyone’s problem   


Childhood obesity: Motivation to exercise is hard to come by
May 09 10

In the summer, Danielle Puckett swims and walks her dog around her Susquehanna Twp. neighborhood. When the weather turns cold, she just wants to… Childhood obesity: Motivation to exercise is hard to come by   


Georgia Ranks High for Obesity, Baldwin Co. Promotes Healthy Living
May 09 10

A new partnership hopes to make healthier lifestyles, including more locally grown produce and options for outdoor activities, more accessible to people in… Georgia Ranks High for Obesity, Baldwin Co. Promotes Healthy Living   


Fight Obesity With A Low Sodium Diet
May 09 10

Its no surprise to see the growing awareness among people to switch to low-sodium alternatives, as they understand how high sodium intake is related… Fight Obesity With A Low Sodium Diet   


Health Ministry launches obesity control drive
May 09 10

RIYADH: The Ministry of Health on Saturday launched an obesity-control campaign as part of its national health-awareness program.

The program, held under the support… Health Ministry launches obesity control drive   

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