Early parental program improves long-term childhood outcomes
Jan 19 15

Children whose parents participated in a prenatal program aimed at enhancing couples’ co-parenting relationship were better adjusted at age seven than children whose parents… Early parental program improves long-term childhood outcomes   


Rare mutations do not explain ‘missing heritability’ in asthma
Jan 19 15

Despite a strong suspected link between genetics and asthma, commonly found genetic mutations account for only a small part of the risk for developing… Rare mutations do not explain ‘missing heritability’ in asthma   


To beet or not to beet? Researchers test theories of beet juice benefits
Jan 19 15

Athletes who down beet juice before exercising to increase blood flow and improve performance may be surprised at the results of a recent study… To beet or not to beet? Researchers test theories of beet juice benefits   


Michigan autoworkers fare worse when it comes to the heart
Jan 19 15

A Michigan State University study is the first to indicate that the state’s autoworkers are at a higher risk of heart disease compared to… Michigan autoworkers fare worse when it comes to the heart   


Study identifies geographic clusters of underimmunization in Northern California
Jan 19 15

Researchers used spatial analysis software and electronic medical records to identify clusters of underimmunization and vaccine refusal among Kaiser Permanente members in Northern California,… Study identifies geographic clusters of underimmunization in Northern California   


Is it possible to reset our biological clocks?
Jan 19 15

Imagine being able to easily get over all of the discomfort and problems of jet lag or night-shift work. Science is not quite there,… Is it possible to reset our biological clocks?   


Brain recalls old memories via new pathways
Jan 19 15

People with anxiety disorders, such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), often experience prolonged and exaggerated fearfulness. Now, an animal study suggests that this… Brain recalls old memories via new pathways   


Genes and environment contribute to personal and peer drinking during adolescence and beyond
Jan 19 15

Alcohol use typically begins during adolescence, within social contexts, and is often correlated with the drinking of one’s peers. A new study of how… Genes and environment contribute to personal and peer drinking during adolescence and beyond   


Bacteria could contribute to development of wound-induced skin cancer
Jan 12 15

Researchers at King’s College London have identified a new mechanism by which skin damage triggers the formation of tumours, which could have important therapeutic… Bacteria could contribute to development of wound-induced skin cancer   


Statin treatment reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in women
Jan 12 15

A large international study, published today in The Lancet, has shown conclusively that statin treatment reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in women.

Whether… Statin treatment reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in women   


Restoring vision to the blind
Jan 08 15

Scientists have long known that species such as amphibians and fish can regenerate retinal cells - so why can’t mammals? This and related questions… Restoring vision to the blind   


An avocado a day keeps the cardiologist away
Jan 08 15

Adding an avocado to your daily diet may help lower bad cholesterol, in turn reducing risk for heart disease, according to health researchers.

Avocados… An avocado a day keeps the cardiologist away   


Mom’s exercise habits good for blood pressure in kids
Jan 06 15

It’s been well established among doctors and researchers alike, that babies with lower birth weight have a greater risk of having high blood pressure… Mom’s exercise habits good for blood pressure in kids   


Skin microbes trigger specific immune responses
Jan 06 15

New research in mice shows that the immune system in the skin develops distinct responses to the various microbes that naturally colonize the skin,… Skin microbes trigger specific immune responses   


Men’s diets are related to local offerings, unlike women’s
Jan 06 15

Canadian men’s eating habits are associated with the availability of healthy food sources in their residential neighbourhood but women’s are not, according to researchers… Men’s diets are related to local offerings, unlike women’s   


Poor vitamin D status linked to longer respiratory support in ICU patients, study finds
Jan 06 15

Vitamin D status may influence the duration of respiratory support needed for surgical intensive care patients, according to a new cohort study conducted by… Poor vitamin D status linked to longer respiratory support in ICU patients, study finds   


Cancer treatment potential discovered in gene repair mechanism
Dec 31 14

Case Western Reserve researchers have identified a two-pronged therapeutic approach that shows great potential for weakening and then defeating cancer cells. The team’s complex… Cancer treatment potential discovered in gene repair mechanism   


Enzyme’s alter ego helps activate the immune system
Dec 29 14

Already known to cut proteins, the enzyme SPPL3 turns out to have additional talents, according to a new study from Johns Hopkins. In its… Enzyme’s alter ego helps activate the immune system   


Text messaging reminders increase second dose influenza vaccinations in children
Dec 29 14

Researchers at the Mailman School of Public Health and Columbia University Medical Center studied the impact of text message reminders for the second dose… Text messaging reminders increase second dose influenza vaccinations in children   


Comparing analgesic effect of manual vs laser acupuncture for lateral epicondylalgia
Dec 29 14

A team of researchers from China Medical University and Da-Chien General Hospital in Taiwan (R.O.C.) recently compared the analgesic effect of laser acupuncture and… Comparing analgesic effect of manual vs laser acupuncture for lateral epicondylalgia   


Binge drinking disrupts immune system in young adults, study finds
Dec 29 14

Binge drinking in young, healthy adults significantly disrupts the immune system, according to a study led by a researcher now at Loyola University Chicago… Binge drinking disrupts immune system in young adults, study finds   


High-fat diet, obesity during pregnancy harms stem cells in developing fetus
Dec 26 14

Physician-scientists at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital reveal a high-fat diet and obesity during pregnancy compromise the blood-forming, or hematopoietic, stem cell system in the… High-fat diet, obesity during pregnancy harms stem cells in developing fetus   


Project pinpoints 12 new genetic causes of developmental disorders
Dec 26 14

The first results to emerge from a nationwide project to study the genetic causes of rare developmental disorders have revealed 12 causative genes that… Project pinpoints 12 new genetic causes of developmental disorders   


Optogenetics captures neuronal transmission in live mammalian brain
Dec 26 14

Neurons, the cells of the nervous system, communicate by transmitting chemical signals to each other through junctions called synapses. This “synaptic transmission” is critical… Optogenetics captures neuronal transmission in live mammalian brain   


Resistance to anti-viral drug may be more likely in cystic fibrosis patients
Dec 19 14

A drug called ganciclovir is given to lung transplant patients to protect against a life-threatening virus that is common after transplantation.

Ganciclovir reduces… Resistance to anti-viral drug may be more likely in cystic fibrosis patients   

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