Study finds increased menthol cigarette use among young people
Jun 20 14

A new study on mentholated cigarette use in the U.S. finds an increase in menthol cigarette smoking among young adults and concludes that efforts… Study finds increased menthol cigarette use among young people   


Menthol cigarettes linked to increased smoking among teens
Jun 20 14

Teens who use menthol cigarettes smoke more cigarettes per day than their peers who smoke non-menthols, says a new study. The findings from the… Menthol cigarettes linked to increased smoking among teens   


Study finds difference in way bipolar disorder affects brains of children versus adults
Jun 19 14

A new study from Bradley Hospital has found that bipolar children have greater activation in the right amygdala – a brain region very important… Study finds difference in way bipolar disorder affects brains of children versus adults   


Immune response affects sleep and memory -new study
Jun 13 14

Fighting off illness- rather than the illness itself- causes sleep deprivation and affects memory, a new study has found.

University of Leicester biologist Dr… Immune response affects sleep and memory -new study   


Does food addiction exist?
Jun 13 14

Women with weight problems were more impulsive than average in a food-related psychology test, a new research paper has shown. This suggested that they… Does food addiction exist?   


Findings point toward one of first therapies for Lou Gehrig’s disease
Jun 13 14

Researchers have determined that a copper compound known for decades may form the basis for a therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or… Findings point toward one of first therapies for Lou Gehrig’s disease   


6,000 steps a day keeps knee OA limitations away
Jun 12 14

A new study shows that walking reduces risk of functional limitation associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA). In fact, the study funded in part by… 6,000 steps a day keeps knee OA limitations away   


Gum Disease Bacteria Selectively Disarm Immune System, Penn Study Finds
Jun 12 14

The human body is comprised of roughly 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells. In healthy people, these bacteria are typically harmless and… Gum Disease Bacteria Selectively Disarm Immune System, Penn Study Finds   


Peer pressure is weaker for kids to quit smoking
Jun 12 14

Adolescents tend to be more powerful in influencing their friends to start smoking than in helping them to quit, according to sociologists.

In a… Peer pressure is weaker for kids to quit smoking   


Infant nutrition and development of type 1 diabetes
Jun 12 14

Previous studies have indicated that early exposure to complex foreign proteins, such as cow’s milk proteins, increases the risk of type 1 diabetes in… Infant nutrition and development of type 1 diabetes   


California city to consider taxing soda to combat obesity
Jun 11 14

An effort to combat obesity by placing an extra tax on sugary drinks was proposed by the California city of Berkeley on Tuesday,… California city to consider taxing soda to combat obesity   


Experts urge government to publish draft regulations on plain tobacco packaging
Jun 11 14

The UK parliament has voted overwhelmingly to support the introduction of plain packaging for cigarettes and other tobacco products - and the Public Health… Experts urge government to publish draft regulations on plain tobacco packaging   


MRI shows brain abnormalities in late preterm infants
Jun 10 14

Babies born 32 to 36 weeks into gestation may have smaller brains and other brain abnormalities that could lead to long-term developmental problems, according… MRI shows brain abnormalities in late preterm infants   


Bacteria help explain why stress, fear trigger heart attacks
Jun 10 14

Scientists believe they have an explanation for the axiom that stress, emotional shock, or overexertion may trigger heart attacks in vulnerable people. Hormones released… Bacteria help explain why stress, fear trigger heart attacks   


Reminders through text can help smokers quit, says study
Jun 09 14

Text messages can give smokers the constant reminders they need to stay focused on quitting and thus, double their chances of kicking the butt,… Reminders through text can help smokers quit, says study   


Secondary Drowning Nearly Takes Life of California Toddler
Jun 09 14

Lindsay Kujawa just turned away from her son Ronin for “maybe five seconds” and the toddler tumbled into the water at a pool party.

Secondary Drowning Nearly Takes Life of California Toddler   

Southeast Asia Tackles Obesity with Stair Climbing and Cutting Calories
Jun 09 14

Obesity is a worldwide epidemic that affects people of all ages. Since obesity can increase one’s risk of developing numerous other health conditions, losing… Southeast Asia Tackles Obesity with Stair Climbing and Cutting Calories   


Inflammation may help explain depression, diabetes link
Jun 08 14

People with both depression and diabetes have higher markers of inflammation in their blood than those with diabetes alone, a new study suggests.

Researchers… Inflammation may help explain depression, diabetes link   


Psoriasis linked to worse quality of life for family members, too
Jun 08 14

Both psoriasis patients and the people who live with them say psoriasis negatively impacts their quality of life, according to a new study. And… Psoriasis linked to worse quality of life for family members, too   


Smokers, passive smokers more likely to suffer hearing loss, study shows
Jun 08 14

Giving up or reducing smoking and avoiding passive exposure to tobacco smoke may reduce your risk of hearing loss, new research shows.

Smokers and… Smokers, passive smokers more likely to suffer hearing loss, study shows   


Sleep apnea tied to diabetes in large study
Jun 08 14

In the largest study to date of the relationship between sleep apnea and diabetes, a new study of more than 8,500 Canadian patients has… Sleep apnea tied to diabetes in large study   


How Obesity Leads to Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer
Jun 08 14

Findings about the biological links between obesity, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance may also shed light on the connection between cancer and obesity,… How Obesity Leads to Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer   


Children With Autism Have Elevated Levels of Steroid Hormones in the Womb
Jun 06 14

Researchers have discovered that children who later develop autism are exposed to elevated levels of steroid hormones (ie, testosterone, progesterone, and cortisol) in the… Children With Autism Have Elevated Levels of Steroid Hormones in the Womb   


University of Toronto biologists pave the way for improved epilepsy treatments
Jun 05 14

University of Toronto biologists leading an investigation into the cells that regulate proper brain function, have identified and located the key players whose actions… University of Toronto biologists pave the way for improved epilepsy treatments   


Study finds coordinated approach improves quality of primary care
Jun 04 14

Primary care doctors practicing in a model of coordinated, team-based care that leverages health information technology are more likely to give patients recommended preventive… Study finds coordinated approach improves quality of primary care   

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