Night owls may be more sedentary, less motivated to exercise
Jun 04 14

A new study suggests that night owls are more sedentary and feel that they have a harder time maintaining an exercise schedule.

Results show… Night owls may be more sedentary, less motivated to exercise   


“Cool” factor separates e-cigarettes from nicotine inhalers
Jun 04 14

Why are e-cigarettes so popular among Americans who want to quit smoking, even though so little is known about their safety or effectiveness? The… “Cool” factor separates e-cigarettes from nicotine inhalers   


Immigrant parents less likely to read to their children: study
Jun 02 14

Minority children often lag behind their peers in language development when they start preschool. According to a new study, some of that disparity in… Immigrant parents less likely to read to their children: study   


Does your stomach bacteria protect you from obesity?
Jun 02 14

The germ Helicobacter pylori is the cause of most stomach ulcers, but new research in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics suggests that treating the bacteria… Does your stomach bacteria protect you from obesity?   


‘Healthy’ component of red wine, resveratrol, causes pancreatic abnormalities in fetuses
Jun 02 14

Here’s more evidence that pregnant women should be careful about what they eat and drink: A new research report appearing in the June 2014… ‘Healthy’ component of red wine, resveratrol, causes pancreatic abnormalities in fetuses   


No harm in yoga: But not much help for asthma sufferers
Jun 02 14

Yoga has long been promoted as a method for improving physical and mental well-being. And although yoga is often suggested to asthma sufferers to… No harm in yoga: But not much help for asthma sufferers   


MRI-guided laser procedure provides alternative to epilepsy surgery
Jun 02 14

For patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) that can’t be controlled by medications, a minimally invasive laser procedure performed under MRI guidance provides… MRI-guided laser procedure provides alternative to epilepsy surgery   


One in 4 children with leukemia not taking maintenance medication, study shows
Jun 02 14

An estimated 25 percent of children in remission from acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) are missing too many doses of an essential maintenance medication that… One in 4 children with leukemia not taking maintenance medication, study shows   


Certain kids with diabetes are most at risk for excess weight: study
May 31 14

Children and teens with type 1 diabetes are already at increased risk for becoming overweight or obese, but certain traits make the odds even… Certain kids with diabetes are most at risk for excess weight: study   


Exposure to smoke in cars may worsen asthma: study
May 31 14

People with asthma may face increased risk from secondhand smoke exposure while riding in the close quarters of a vehicle, according to U.S.… Exposure to smoke in cars may worsen asthma: study   


The dark side of acetaminophen
May 30 14

There is a drug - probably sitting in your purse, desk drawer or medicine cabinet - that is widely considered one of the world’s… The dark side of acetaminophen   


Where one lives matters in the relationship between obesity and life satisfaction
May 29 14

A new study suggests that how one compares weight-wise with others in his or her community plays a key role in determining how satisfied… Where one lives matters in the relationship between obesity and life satisfaction   


How long should HCV treatment last? Study suggests answers are complex
May 29 14

As new treatments for hepatitis C virus (HCV) are approved, biomedical scientists are exploring their mechanisms and what they reveal about the virus. An… How long should HCV treatment last? Study suggests answers are complex   


Exercise reduces mobility problems among older adults: study
May 28 14

People in their 70s and 80s who took part in a moderate-intensity exercise program over several years were more likely to retain their ability… Exercise reduces mobility problems among older adults: study   


Economic slowdown tied to rise in obesity in richer nations: OECD
May 28 14

The rate of obesity continues to climb across the world’s most developed countries, with certain nations and groups of people such as women and… Economic slowdown tied to rise in obesity in richer nations: OECD   


Migrating stem cells possible new focus for stroke treatment
May 27 14

Two years ago, a new type of stem cell was discovered in the brain that has the capacity to form new cells. The same… Migrating stem cells possible new focus for stroke treatment   


What Role Does MSG Play in Obesity and Fatty Liver Disease?
May 27 14

The commonly used food additive monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been linked to obesity and disorders associated with the metabolic syndrome including progressive liver disease.… What Role Does MSG Play in Obesity and Fatty Liver Disease?   


E-cigarettes: Not a healthy alternative to smoking
May 27 14

Caveat emptor - or “buyer beware” holds true when it comes to the unknown health effects of e-cigarettes. An article in the June… E-cigarettes: Not a healthy alternative to smoking   


Fighting cancer with dietary changes
May 26 14

Calorie restriction, a kind of dieting in which food intake is decreased by a certain percentage, has been touted as way to help people… Fighting cancer with dietary changes   


Weight could be a factor in treating rheumatoid arthritis
May 26 14

People who are overweight when they are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis are less likely to be able to control the disease well in… Weight could be a factor in treating rheumatoid arthritis   


Sound and vision: Visual cortex processes auditory information too
May 26 14

Scientists studying brain process involved in sight have found the visual cortex also uses information gleaned from the ears as well as the eyes… Sound and vision: Visual cortex processes auditory information too   


Groups call for more exercise after stroke
May 23 14

People who have had a stroke can often benefit from moderate exercise, doctors and physical therapists report.

In a scientific statement from the American… Groups call for more exercise after stroke   


Study shows how common obesity gene contributes to weight gain
May 23 14

Researchers have discovered how a gene commonly linked to obesity - FTO - contributes to weight gain. The study shows that variations in FTO… Study shows how common obesity gene contributes to weight gain   


Health-care professionals must be aware of rarer causes of headaches in pregnancy
May 23 14

Most headaches in pregnancy and the postnatal period are benign, but healthcare professionals must be alert to the rarer and more severe causes of… Health-care professionals must be aware of rarer causes of headaches in pregnancy   


Light exercise linked to less disability
May 23 14

People who engage in plenty of light movement have a lower risk of developing a disability and losing their capacity to care for themselves,… Light exercise linked to less disability   

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