New marketing tactics by the tobacco industry reported
Jun 28 06

A new American Lung Association report, Alcohol-Flavored Cigarettes - Continuing the Flavored Cigarette Trend, shows that the tobacco industry continues to target the nation’s… New marketing tactics by the tobacco industry reported   


Scots now more likely to visit pub since “smokefree”
Jun 28 06

A quarter of Scots are likely to visit pubs and bars more often now that Scotland is smokefree - according to a Cancer Research… Scots now more likely to visit pub since “smokefree”   


Traditional therapy combo good for migraines
Jun 27 06

A product that combines extracts of Tanacetum parthenium, commonly known as feverfew, with Salix alba, also called white willow, appears to be effective in… Traditional therapy combo good for migraines   


Cell phones excite the brain but is that good or bad?
Jun 27 06

According to a new study the electromagnetic fields from cell phones excite the brain cortex adjacent to it and that possibly has implications for… Cell phones excite the brain but is that good or bad?   


Link established between Parkinson’s and pesticides
Jun 27 06

Researchers in the U.S. say they have found evidence that exposure to pesticides may be linked to the development of Parkinson’s disease (PD).

In… Link established between Parkinson’s and pesticides   


Full thickness skin grafts for complex penile surgeries in children
Jun 27 06

Chordee and hypospadias are notorious for having a paucity of penile skin from prior surgical interventions.

Although hypospadias surgery is typically responsible for creating… Full thickness skin grafts for complex penile surgeries in children   


3 new genes implicated in rheumatoid arthritis
Jun 27 06

Researchers continue to search for genetic clues into rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic inflammatory joint disease.

While its specific cause is not yet known,… 3 new genes implicated in rheumatoid arthritis   


Weight loss may reduce arthritis disability
Jun 27 06

Overweight adults with osteoarthritis who lose just five percent of their body weight can reduce the amount of physical disability associated with this most… Weight loss may reduce arthritis disability   


Study shows how ADHD drugs Adderall, Ritalin and Dexedrine work in brain
Jun 27 06

Although millions depend on medications such as Ritalin to quell symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), scientists have struggled to pinpoint how the… Study shows how ADHD drugs Adderall, Ritalin and Dexedrine work in brain   


More problems for Merck over Vioxx
Jun 27 06

The painkiller Vioxx was withdrawn from the market in 2004 following a three-year study which showed it doubled the risk of heart attack and… More problems for Merck over Vioxx   


Yellow or amber-tinted sunglasses best
Jun 26 06

When picking out a pair of sunglasses this summer, it’s best to avoid blue-tinted lenses and instead to choose yellow- or amber-tinted lenses, advises… Yellow or amber-tinted sunglasses best   


Cadbury kept quiet about contaminated chocolate
Jun 26 06

Chocolate manufacturer Cadbury Schweppes has been forced to recall thousands of chocolate bars because of claims they are contaminated by salmonella.

The recall applies… Cadbury kept quiet about contaminated chocolate   


Alzheimer’s Pathology Related to Episodic Memory in Those without Dementia
Jun 26 06

Alzheimer’s pathology can appear in the brains of older men and women without dementia or mild cognitive impairment. The pathology is related to loss… Alzheimer’s Pathology Related to Episodic Memory in Those without Dementia   


Aussies chip in to help Indonesia fight bird flu
Jun 26 06

In an effort to help Indonesia fight bird flu the Australian Government has signed an agreement with Indonesia to the tune of $10 million… Aussies chip in to help Indonesia fight bird flu   


Chickens, swans, feathers and bird flu
Jun 26 06

The World Health Organization has revealed the deadly bird flu virus which appeared as a cluster in an Indonesian family had mutated but the… Chickens, swans, feathers and bird flu   


Stroke damage may be reversible
Jun 26 06

Scientists in the U.S. say they have discovered a way to make the brain reverse the damage it suffers after a stroke, and are… Stroke damage may be reversible   


Conflicting Food Messages May Put Consumers At Risk
Jun 26 06

International travel and the global food trade are driving the spread of pathogens resistant to control according to food safety experts assembled here this… Conflicting Food Messages May Put Consumers At Risk   


Key to reaching age 100 may be mom’s age at birth
Jun 25 06

People are more likely to see their 100th birthday, research hints, if they were born to young mothers.

The age at which a mother… Key to reaching age 100 may be mom’s age at birth   


Americans visit doctor, hospital more often
Jun 25 06

Americans are seeking medical care in greater numbers than ever before with the number of visits growing at three times the rate of population… Americans visit doctor, hospital more often   


Mobile phone users warned of lightning strike risk
Jun 25 06

People should not use mobile phones outdoors during thunderstorms because of the risk of being struck by lightning, doctors said on Friday.

They reported… Mobile phone users warned of lightning strike risk   


People Keep Driving Even When Sleepy
Jun 25 06

People continue to drive even when they know they are sleepy, suggests a large study published on today. This has important implications for… People Keep Driving Even When Sleepy   


Women’s Participation in Medical Research is Important
Jun 25 06

The medical community, from basic scientists to practicing physicians, conducts research studies to answer specific questions about health. Clinical trials are an important part… Women’s Participation in Medical Research is Important   


Community Intervention Boosts Vaccination Rates for Minority Kids
Jun 25 06

African-American children in Harlem and Hispanic children in Washington Heights caught up with other U.S. children and surpassed their peers nationwide in achieving up-to-date… Community Intervention Boosts Vaccination Rates for Minority Kids   


Magnetic device may prevent migraine
Jun 23 06

A device that delivers magnetic pulses through the skull to the brain may become a migraine sufferer’s best friend, new research indicates.

Transcranial magnetic… Magnetic device may prevent migraine   


Losing your job could cost you your life!
Jun 22 06

As if there wasn’t already enough to worry about, now researchers are saying that losing your job late in your career doubles your chances… Losing your job could cost you your life!   

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