Device Effective in Zapping the Pain Out of Migraines
Jun 22 06

An electronic device designed to “zap” away migraine pain before it starts may be the next form of relief for millions of people who… Device Effective in Zapping the Pain Out of Migraines   


Researchers identify gene used to recognize pathogens
Jun 22 06

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have identified a gene in the Anopheles gambiae mosquito’s DNA that is central to… Researchers identify gene used to recognize pathogens   


No wonder Brits worry more about MRSA than waiting lists
Jun 22 06

Scientists say they believe as many as 53 million people may carry the superbug MRSA.

MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) is a nightmare for hospitals… No wonder Brits worry more about MRSA than waiting lists   


Doctors who take part in clinical trials usually prescribe the drug
Jun 22 06

Doctors are often asked by pharmaceutical companies to take part in clinical trials and little is known about the effects of such participation on… Doctors who take part in clinical trials usually prescribe the drug   


Choosing the Right Sunscreen
Jun 22 06

Before you head outdoors to enjoy summer activities, slather on the sunscreen. The average adult requires 1 ounce of sunscreen - 2 tablespoons’ worth… Choosing the Right Sunscreen   


Preparation May Help Patients Cope with Nausea
Jun 21 06

Patients undergoing difficult medical procedures may benefit from getting advance detailed information about how unpleasant they might feel, according to researchers from Wake Forest… Preparation May Help Patients Cope with Nausea   


No prion diseases found in German deer
Jun 21 06

Presently, there is no evidence of prion diseases in free-living German cervids.

This is the result of a study conducted by scientists of the… No prion diseases found in German deer   


FDA warns of possible risks to children using Triaminic Vapor Patch
Jun 21 06

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today is warning consumers not to use the Triaminic Vapor Patch marketed by Novartis Consumer Health due… FDA warns of possible risks to children using Triaminic Vapor Patch   


Parental smoking still a threat to kids’ lungs
Jun 21 06

A new international study of more than 20,000 children confirms that exposure to cigarette smoke before and after birth impairs their lung function, and… Parental smoking still a threat to kids’ lungs   


Clearer definition of painful bladder syndrome
Jun 21 06

The results of the latest meeting of ESSIC in Baden, Germany have been published, and provide a very well thought-out and organized conception of… Clearer definition of painful bladder syndrome   


If you’re happy and you know it… you’re probably old!
Jun 19 06

In what will be of a great comfort to the senior members of the community the idea that the young are the most likely… If you’re happy and you know it… you’re probably old!   


Scientists cracking virus protection shield
Jun 19 06

Ebola, measles and rabies are serious threats to public health in developing countries.

Despite different symptoms all of the diseases are caused by the… Scientists cracking virus protection shield   


Chocolate set to conquer the heath-food market
Jun 19 06

The ancient Mayan and Aztec people believed that chocolate increased wisdom, energy, vitality, and sexual power, but in the intervening centuries it has been… Chocolate set to conquer the heath-food market   


Helping Children Handle Stress, Emotions May Help Stuttering
Jun 19 06

Children who stutter often face greater challenges managing their behavior and emotions than other children, researchers have found, offering new insight into how to… Helping Children Handle Stress, Emotions May Help Stuttering   


Better understanding of olfactory system
Jun 19 06

Duke University Medical Center researchers have discovered how the brain creates a scent symphony from signals sent by the nose.

In studies in mice,… Better understanding of olfactory system   


Who is to blame for the measles epidemic in Britain?
Jun 19 06

Health officials in Britain say the country is in the grip of the worst outbreak of measles and have blamed the 20-year high on… Who is to blame for the measles epidemic in Britain?   


Experts descend on Jakarta to sort out bird flu outbreaks
Jun 19 06

An international team of experts are meeting in Jakarta this week to assess the avian flu situation in Indonesia.

Experts from the World Health… Experts descend on Jakarta to sort out bird flu outbreaks   


Bird Flu Preparations Earn Special Review
Jun 19 06

Amid a climate of worldwide attentiveness to avian influenza, a disease that’s resulted in the slaughter of millions of birds and the deaths of… Bird Flu Preparations Earn Special Review   


Maine begins testing wild birds for avian flu
Jun 19 06

Maine, the closest U.S. state to migration routes for birds coming from Europe, has begun testing for avian flu as the United States steps… Maine begins testing wild birds for avian flu   


Link between child abuse and schizophrenia proposed
Jun 19 06

There is strong evidence to support the theory that child abuse can cause schizophrenia, two researchers argued at medical conferences in London and Madrid… Link between child abuse and schizophrenia proposed   


Children in Large Families May Get Smaller Share of Health Care
Jun 17 06

Children living with many siblings or with adults in addition to their parents visit the doctor less often and use fewer prescriptions than children… Children in Large Families May Get Smaller Share of Health Care   


Obesity tied to hepatitis C treatment failure
Jun 17 06

Obese patients who are treated for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection are more likely to have a better outcome if the underlying abnormalities… Obesity tied to hepatitis C treatment failure   


More women than men are working weekends
Jun 15 06

More women than men are working weekends new research from the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University shows.

Nearly 20 percent of Canadians… More women than men are working weekends   


Broca’s area and the hierarchical organization of human behavior
Jun 15 06

Researchers have discovered that Broca’s area in the brain - best known as the region that evolved to manage speech production - is a… Broca’s area and the hierarchical organization of human behavior   


Pesticide Use Increases Risk of Parkinson’s in Men
Jun 15 06

Mayo Clinic researchers have found that using pesticides for farming or other purposes increases the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease for men. Pesticide exposure… Pesticide Use Increases Risk of Parkinson’s in Men   

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