Depression can be fatal, particularly for women
Depression is one of the primary health problems that affect women...
Ending Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
A good night sleep is critical to re-charge your energy and bring you peace of mind and a feeling of peace and balance..
Hypnotic Relaxation Therapy Minimizes Hot Flashes
With an estimated 85 percent of women experiencing hot flashes as they approach menopause...
Phone counseling improves quality of life
A unique telephone-counseling intervention not only improved the quality of life for cervical cancer survivors...
Effects of Chronic Stress Can be Traced to Your Genes
New research shows that chronic stress changes gene activity in immune cells before they reach the bloodstream...
Meditation might reduce workplace stress
Regular doses of meditation might prevent work-related stress and burnout...
Yoga improves quality of life in women with breast cancer
For women with breast cancer undergoing radiation therapy, yoga offers unique benefits beyond fighting fatigue...
What Happens in the Depressed Brain?
You've probably probably heard the term "neurotransmitter" before, but what does this really mean...