Arafat does have flu, confirm doctors from Tunisia and Egypt

Yasser Arafat, 75, has flu and is recuperating, said Ahmed Tibi, an Israeli MP who used to be Arafat’s adisor. He said Tunisian doctors visited him yesterday and confirmed the Egyptian doctors’ diagnosis of flu - an acute viral infection. Tibi is also a doctor.

Israeli TV said Arafat had gall stones and an intestinal infection. It added that he would need to go abroad for surgery. This will be difficult as he is confined by Israel to the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Israeli authorities say he is free to leave. They cannot, however, confirm that he will be allowed to come back.

Saeb Erekat, a Cabinet Minister in the Palestinian govt, said Arafat does not need an operation. He said Arafat just had stomach flu.

Many say Arafat suffers from neurological problems, perhaps Parkinson’s disease. He was in a plane crash in 1992 in Libya - this crash may have caused his neurological injuries.

Last week, say Palestinian aides, Arafat had a high temperature and nausea. He had to cancel many engagements. They say he is now on the mend.

Apparently, Arafat plans to fast during the current Ramadan, despite advice from his doctors not to. The Koran states that people need not fast during Ramadan if they are unwell.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: July 7, 2011
Last revised: by Tatiana Kuznetsova, D.M.D.