Beat Your Backache

A dynamic practice of back stretch pose is variedly called ‘Gatyatmak’ (as to how it paves its own move forward).

It helps speed up the circulation of blood and ensures a metabolic effect. Stimulating physical and pranic energy, it renders the whole body very flexible and becomes handy for the spine to be supple.

As for the method of doing this, one has to lie flat on the back with the feet together, raise the arms over the head and bring them to the floor with the palms facing up. In the next stage, trunk has to be raised to the sitting position with the arms straight above the head and the spine straight. Now comes the forward bend to shape forth into Paschimottanasana. It has to be maintained for a while and return to the normal sitting position with the arms straight above the head. A practice of five to 10 rounds ushers in tangible results.

Coming to the breath, initially it should be normal and inhalation while coming into the sitting position and exhalation while bending forward and so on.

The attention or awareness on breath physically and ‘swadhisthana plexuses’ spiritually is desirable for greater channelisation of ‘pranic energy’.

An additional noteworthy feature of this posture is that if teenage girls practice this, there is absolutely no chance of their getting backache, common with the gynec problems and chances of ceserian hardly arises.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: June 21, 2011
Last revised: by Dave R. Roger, M.D.