CJ’s Place Provides Safe Housing For People With Mental Illness
A new apartment building in St. Louis is the first of its kind in the state. It’s called CJ’s Place.
It provides safe housing for people who are diagnosed with mental illness and HIV, and are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.
“I deal with schizophrenia and also a recovering addict. I have had problems with drugs and alcohol. Here at CJ’s Place I don’t have to worry about that.
If I feel I’m in a situation that might get me, or I might want to go do something, there’s somebody up there at that front desk I can talk to.” Jerry Robinson used to have a career in radio for KETZ. That career was sidetracked by his schizophrenia. Like many with this brain disorder, Jerry became an addict.
Today though, he lives a sober life at CJ’s Place and enjoys crocheting.
Francie Broderick works for Places for People, “What happens often is a cycle of an illness developing. It doesn’t get the proper treatment and one by one, people see their lives start to slip away. They may lose their job, and they may lose their housing, and then if somebody doesn’t intervene, and they don’t get the help they need, you see this cycle of homelessness, hospitalization, jail.”
Lance shows us his apartment, “This is my fish Big Thunder. I named him Big Thunder because the police used to call me Big Thunder. You know, they took me to the hospital a lot.”
Lance has been through that cycle of homelessness, hospitalization and jail. CJ’s place is helping him manage his illness, “But the police don’t pick me up no more. I don’t get in no more trouble. I like this apartment you know.”
CJ’s place has 18 apartments. There is a staff person on duty 24 hours a day. Tenants get whatever help they need with managing their meds, maintaining their sobriety, paying their bills, and their rent is based on their income, which is usually a disability check.
Yvette Collins is the onsite director, “Mental illness is tricky and it’s something that if you are not properly diagnosed, and if you are not properly medicated, it can result in harmful behaviors to yourself and to other people, which is why so many mentally ill individuals end up incarcerated.”
CJ’s place is operated by a non-profit organization called Places For People. For more information, call Places For People at 314-535-5600.
Revision date: June 20, 2011
Last revised: by Jorge P. Ribeiro, MD