Coffee not linked to psoriasis

Earlier studies from Qureshi’s team have tied psoriasis to both alcohol and tobacco, so when the researchers took the latter into account they found there was no longer any link between caffeine and skin problems.

Although the earlier research doesn’t prove that either smoking or drinking causes psoriasis by itself, the findings are another good reason to cut back on unhealthy habits, Qureshi told Reuters Health.

“From a lifestyle point of view,” he said, “I’d recommend exercising more, drinking less and quitting smoking.”

Every effort must be made to achieve a peaceful night’s sleep. Sleep deprivation is one of the greatest threats to our skin. Sleep is nature’s healer, as it gives the body and the mind time to relax and restore energy. Listen to relaxing music, or the sound of the sea through headphones at bedtime to help you drift off to sleep.

Eating should be avoided late at night, or watching disturbing TV - these can stimulate hormone production which keeps you awake. Catnaps can be very valuable, and they are usually quite easy to achieve during the day - find a quiet place during lunch hour to escape with a book and totally remove yourself from the stresses of the day. Relaxation and sleep are invaluable in protecting us from illness and helping the immune system. Healing time will be quicker if a good, regular nights sleep can be achieved.

Choose a healthy diet

The relationship between diet and the skin is a close one. Suspect foods for psoriasis sufferers are excess animal fats, acids, sugars, spices, salt and stimulants like alcohol, tea, coffee, and soft drinks. We appreciate that a complete diet change can be very difficult - don’t feel guilty, but convince yourself that a gradual change in eating habits will do your skin the world of good. Small changes will bring on bigger changes as you start to improve.

Dr. Esther Lopez-Garcia, who was not involved in the new work but has studied the health effects of coffee, said there is good evidence that the brew - at least when filtered - isn’t harmful for healthy people.

“There is also a growing body of evidence suggesting that coffee drinking may decrease the risk of diabetes, stroke and some types of cancer,” Lopez-Garcia, of Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain, told Reuters Health in an email.

But she warned that the drink can worsen problems like insomnia, anxiety and high blood pressure.

“Because of these side effects of coffee, it is prudent to recommend moderate coffee consumption,” she said.

SOURCE: Archives of Dermatology, March 19, 2012.

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