EMLA cream effective for premature ejaculation
EMLA, an anesthetic cream, is effective in treating premature ejaculation, according to a report by researchers in Turkey.
“Topical EMLA cream alone seems a reasonable, inexpensive, effective, and easily applicable treatment modality for premature ejaculation treatment,” co-author Dr. Altug Tuncel from Ankara Numune Research and Training Hospital, Ankara, told Reuters Health.
Tuncel and colleagues assigned 84 men with premature ejaculation to receive sildenafil (Viagra) alone; EMLA alone; sildenafil plus topical EMLA; or placebo.
The rates of effectiveness were 40 percent for placebo, 55 percent for sildenafil alone, 86.4 percent for the combination of sildenafil plus EMLA, and 77.3 percent for EMLA alone, the authors report.
The differences between placebo and sildenafil only and between the combination of sildenafil plus EMLA and EMLA only were not statistically significant, the results indicate. However, the combination treatment and EMLA only were significantly better than sildenafil alone and placebo alone according to the study, published in the February issue of Urology.
Headache and flushing occurred in patients taking sildenafil as part of their treatment, the researchers note, but no side effects were reported by patients taking placebo or EMLA only.
“Topical EMLA cream alone had effectiveness equal to that of the combination treatment,” the authors note.
SOURCE: Urology, February 2006.
Revision date: July 5, 2011
Last revised: by Sebastian Scheller, MD, ScD