Do We Know How to Put a Baby to Bed?
A poll of Pennsylvania adults suggests that most may not be aware of the best way to put a baby to sleep which as a result may actually increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
The Patient Poll, a survey of Pennsylvania adults (21 y.o. and older) conducted by the Institute for Good Medicine at the Pennsylvania Medical Society in July 2009, asked participants “In what position is it best for a baby to sleep?”
Its findings …
On the baby’s side = 26.1%
On the baby’s stomach = 19.5%
On the baby’s back = 54.5%
According to the American SIDS Institute, infants who sleep on their stomachs and sides have a much higher rate of SIDS than infants who sleep on their backs. As such, the American SIDS Institute and many other organizations suggest parents place infants on their backs to sleep.
Thus, many Pennsylvania parents may be unknowingly increasing the risk of SIDS when they put their babies to bed.
According to the National Health Observance Calendar, October is SIDS Awareness Month.
American SIDS Institute
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, Georgetown University
National Health Observance Calendar
Institute for Good Medicine at the Pennsylvania Medical Society
July 2009 Patient Poll background
Conducted: July 2009
Margin of Error: 5.67 percent
Eligibility: Pennsylvania adults age 21 or older
Survey Consultants: Taylor Brand Group, Lancaster, Pa., and Greenfield Online, Connecticut.
Question: In what position is it best for a baby to sleep?
On his/her side 26.1%
On his/her stomach 19.5%
On his/her back 54.5%
Source: Pennsylvania Medical Society