Limited flu shots available

The Coffee County Health Department will have a limited number of flu shots available to those at high risk this week, but an appointment must be made to get a shot.
The additional vaccines will be given in Manchester on Wednesday, December 1. To make an appointment at the Manchester health clinic, you must call 723-5134.

In Tullahoma, flu shots will be given on Friday, December 3. To make an appointment at the Tullahoma health clinic, call 455-9369.

Both offices have been inundated by requests for immunizations due to a shortage of the flu vaccine available this year.

In order to avoid the long lines, and the many people who had to be turned away, the health clinics are requiring appointments for those seeking the flu shots, that will only be given to people at high risk for severe complications from influenza.

High risk groups include anyone 65 or older, children 6 to 23 months, children under 18 on long-term aspirin therapy, people with chronic illnesses, pregnant women and health care workers or caregivers.

Last week the Tennessee Department of Health reminded parents to consider their children for a flu shot, as most of the available vaccine so far has gone to the elderly.

Dr. Allen Craig, the state epidemiologist, said the Centers for Disease Control has okayed physicians to prescribe a nasal flu mist as an alternative for people ages five to 49 who are not considered high risk. Check with your doctor for details.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: June 22, 2011
Last revised: by Tatiana Kuznetsova, D.M.D.