Message on a bottle - Heineken backs drink restraint

Heineken NV is introducing messages encouraging “responsible drinking” on its bottles and cans worldwide, the Dutch brewer said on Monday.

The world’s fourth-largest brewer in terms of sales said the message would invite consumers to visit a new Web site with information about the effects of drinking alcohol and consumption guidelines (

“Whilst consumers are responsible for their own drinking behavior, we are nonetheless committed to help remind and inform consumers about responsible drinking and the dangers of alcohol abuse,” Heineken Chairman Thony Ruys said.

Heineken said the message on back labels was live in the United States and would be rolled out to the rest of the world.

The Web site asks consumers for their age and where they live, then gives guidelines on how much men and women should drink.

It also includes a quiz on the effects of alcohol, asking for instance whether strong coffee or whipped egg speeds up the breakdown of alcohol. The answer: neither does.

Britain’s biggest brewer Scottish & Newcastle has said it will start putting general health warnings on some beer bottles in Britain this month, with guidance on how many units of alcohol people should drink, the first major brewer to do so.

An increased focus on “responsible drinking” comes as food and drink companies seek to shield themselves from potential lawsuits over the dangers of obesity and alcoholism like the huge damage claims faced by tobacco companies.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: July 6, 2011
Last revised: by Dave R. Roger, M.D.