Morphine overdose possible in Canberra Hospital death

The ACT Coroners Court has heard an overdose of morphine could have contributed to the death of a Moruya man at the Canberra Hospital.

Edward Hunter, 66, had major abdominal surgery in October 2003.

The court heard a nurse was concerned about the level of pain he appeared to be suffering after the operation and called for an anaesthetist twice, but he never arrived.

The court was told the nurse allocated to him in the surgical ward had never worked there before and was not properly supervised.

It is alleged Mr Hunter continued receiving pain relief after there were physiological signs he was suffering from an overdose.

ACT Coroner Phil Thompson agreed that there were doses of morphine given to Mr Hunter that were not clearly accounted for on the medical records.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: July 3, 2011
Last revised: by Andrew G. Epstein, M.D.