New Rules Allow More People To Get Flu Shots
San Diego County health officials are relaxing regulations to allow more adults and children to receive the flu vaccine.
The relaxed recommendations now allow adults age 50 or older, emergency service workers, and all people who have regular contact with those in high risk priority groups to receive a flu shot. Others groups recommended to receive vaccine include: all children under the age of two and anyone with chronic health problems, pregnant women and nursing home residents.
The county received 49,380 adult doses of the vaccine and has 7,000 doses on hand. About 4,800 doses of flu vaccine for children remain.
For questions about eligibility for flu shots and to get the location of clinics dispensing the vaccine, call the county flu hotline at (866) 358-2966.
Revision date: July 4, 2011
Last revised: by Sebastian Scheller, MD, ScD