Obese workers discriminated against in the workforce
According to a new report, overweight workers are discriminated against when applying for positions, passed over for promotions, and more likely to loose their jobs.
A survey of more than 2,000 personnel officers by Personnel Today magazine, reveals that 93 percent said they would choose an applicant of “normal weight” over an obese applicant with the same experience and qualifications.
According to editor Karen Dempsey, overweight workers are being marginalised and given fewer opportunities than their slimmer counterparts.
It seems the survey also showed that 30 percent of human resource managers believe obesity is a valid medical reason for not employing a person, while 15 percent said they would be less likely to promote an obese person, and around one in 10 said they thought firms could fairly dismiss someone who was overweight.
All this despite the fact that according to the last survey of obesity by the National Audit Office, one in five English adults is now obese and the number has tripled in the two decades to 2001.
Source: http://www.personneltoday.com/
Revision date: June 22, 2011
Last revised: by David A. Scott, M.D.