Older Adults and Health
Good nutrition and regular physical activity are important at every stage of the life cycle. Help yourself to feel your best as you age. Celebrate by putting an emphasis on fitness no matter what your age. Physical activity and healthful eating are a central part of the golden years.
If as an older adult physical activity is new for you, check with your physician first. Getting started is easy. Go out and take a walk. Start with 10 minutes and you’re your way up to 30 to 40 minutes several days a week. Once this becomes a comfortable routine, try to walk longer or more quickly.
Use the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to plan meals and two to three small snacks each day. The combination of the right fuel and regular physical activity will help keep you healthy and energetic for years to come.
Revision date: July 3, 2011
Last revised: by Dave R. Roger, M.D.