PediPump may help kids with heart failure
Researchers have developed a tiny heart pump specifically for use in children, even newborns, with heart failure, a condition in which the failing heart pumps less blood than the body needs.
The device, known as the PediPump, is smaller than similar devices used in adults, but still provides excellent blood-pumping support, Dr. Brian Duncan, of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio and colleagues report in the current issue of the journal Artificial Organs.
The development of so-called ventricular assist device (VAD) technology for children is widely regarded as one of the major unaddressed needs in pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery, they point out in the report.
“Historically, children have had few options for mechanical support of the failing heart,” Duncan said in a statement. “The experimental development of the PediPump and similar devices will give new hope to children with heart failure.”
Testing of the PediPump prototype in a mock loop model showed excellent performance. A next generation version is already in the works with the goal of making the device even smaller and totally implantable.
SOURCE: Artificial Organs, July 2005.
Revision date: June 20, 2011
Last revised: by Dave R. Roger, M.D.