Purchase your prescriptions from other countries - legally!

Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius and Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich met with senior citizens last week to announce that Kansas is joining the I-SaveRx prescription drug importation program - the first program in the nation to allow citizens to purchase lower cost, safe prescription drugs from state-approved pharmacies in Europe and Canada.

“We must make health care and life-sustaining prescription drugs more affordable for seniors and hardworking Kansans. After carefully reviewing the I-SaveRx program, I’m convinced it will help tens of thousands of Kansans safely obtain the medicine they need at prices they can afford,” Governor Sebelius said.

“I’m grateful to Governor Blagojevich for his leadership and his willingness to allow Kansas to participate in this innovative partnership.”

Governor Blagojevich said, “I want to commend Governor Sebelius for her leadership and encourage other states to join us in this bold step to take control away from powerful pharmaceutical companies and give it to the hardworking Americans who are unable to pay for their medicine. Life saving medicines should not be luxury products available only to people who can afford them. Through I-SaveRx, seniors and others with high prescription drug costs can now afford the medicine they need. Already, more than 30,000 people in Illinois, Wisconsin and Missouri have called or gone online to begin enrolling in I-SaveRx. Today we’re extending that opportunity to Kansas’ 2.7 million residents.”

Kansas is the fourth state to join the program developed by Illinois and launched in early October, following Wisconsin and Missouri into the program.

With the addition of Kansas, I-SaveRx now provides more than 26 million residents in four states with access to lower-priced prescription drugs through a network of more than 60 inspected and approved pharmacies and wholesalers in Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Consumers in Kansas, Missouri, Wisconsin and Illinois can look up I-SaveRx prices and start the enrollment process by calling toll-free 1866-ISAVE33, or visiting http://www.I-SaveRx.net.

Earlier this month, Governor Sebelius launched the HealthyKansas initiative to contain runaway health care costs, streamline the health care system, and make health insurance and prescription drugs more affordable for thousands of Kansas’ children, working parents and small business owners and employees.

In addition to I-SaveRx, Sebelius’ HealthyKansas reform initiative calls for establishment of a Kansas pharmacy network to provide lower cost generic drugs to low-wage, working Kansans. The state will also continue working on the development of a comprehensive pharmacy resource website.

Governor Blagojevich launched I-SaveRx on Oct. 4 and extended an invitation to other states to join the program. Participants in the I-SaveRx plan can save an average of 25 to 50 percent on the cost of the most common medications used to treat chronic conditions.

For instance, a three-month supply of the drug Nexium in 40 mg doses, which is used to treat acid reflux, costs an average of $373 in the United States; but is available through I-SaveRx for $207, including the $15 per order shipping charge. A three-month supply of Zocor in 20 mg doses, used to treat High cholesterol, costs $351 in the U.S.; but is available through I-SaveRx for $215, including shipping.

The program connects users to the I-SaveRx clearinghouse, administered by CanaRx, through the website (http://www.I-SaveRx.net) or toll-free telephone number (1-866-ISAVE33). The clearinghouse provides users with information on the list of medications included in the program, prices in each of the three countries and enrollment forms and guidance. Consumers can enjoy one-stop shopping rather than contacting numerous pharmacies to gather information and compare prices.

Before ordering, new enrollees must mail or have their doctor fax a completed health profile form and signed prescription to the clearinghouse. Once the clearinghouse has received the prescription and health profile form, it will conduct an initial scan for appropriateness using the same drug interaction software used in retail pharmacies. If the prescription passes the interaction test, it will then be turned over to a network physician in the country from which the medication will be dispensed, who will review and re-write the prescription for a local network pharmacy. The pharmacy will perform a final safety check to comply with local laws and regulations before dispensing the medication.

This I-SaveRx import program builds-in numerous safety measures to ensure the quality and safety of drugs dispensed. The list of available drugs is limited to those that are used for long periods of time, and that cannot spoil during the shipping process. Consumers can order eligible drugs for re-fill only, so patients and their doctors have had time to review for unanticipated side-effects or interactions. All network pharmacies agree to comply with Illinois pharmaceutical standards, and to only dispense drugs that are intended as domestic product in Canada, Ireland or the U.K. - meaning the pharmacies cannot dispense prescription drugs from other countries that are not part of the program to I-SaveRx consumers.

While all residents of Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri and Kansas are eligible to enroll in I-SaveRx, the states are focusing their promotional efforts on reaching people who do not have prescription drug coverage - estimated at more than 5.7 million individuals in the four states combined. Of that total, older citizens have the greatest need for relief. According to the Center for Policy Alternatives, one out of every five senior citizen takes at least five prescription medications daily. Last year, the prices of the thirty prescription drugs used most by senior citizens rose more than four times faster than the rate of inflation, according to Families USA.

Would you like to have more information about services for persons over the age of 60 in Butler County? Call the Butler County Department on Aging at 316-775-0500 or 1-800-279-3655 (for callers outside the Wichita area).

Volunteer opportunities are available for the Butler County Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). Shop for seniors one time weekly or grocery shop for those who are homebound; help deliver freezer meals to homebound residents in Butler County; take elders to doctor appointments, help with yard work, make friendly visits, etc. Call for details at 316-775-0500 or 316-775-0555.

Our next column will feature more services available for one of our most valuable national resources - our older Americans!

Until then, may you continue to age comfortably, and be well in mind and body!

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: July 3, 2011
Last revised: by Tatiana Kuznetsova, D.M.D.