Research confirms alcohol risk during pregnancy
New research has shown that even small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy can be unsafe for babies.
A British-based study looked at a condition known as foetal alcohol syndrome and concluded that pregnant women would be better off avoiding alcohol altogether.
Researchers say effects of the condition on babies can range from mild learning difficulties to physical abnormalities and even severe brain damage, in the case of a heavy drinker.
Steve Allsop, from the Drug and Alcohol Authority of Western Australia, says abstinence is the best option for mums-to-be.
“If you’re thinking about getting pregnant or if you are pregnant then you should think about stopping drinking,” he said.
“Alcohol readily crosses a placenta, now that means for every drink you have as a parent, you’re sharing that drink with your unborn child.”
Revision date: July 4, 2011
Last revised: by Tatiana Kuznetsova, D.M.D.