Smoking Not Worst Cause of Pollution
I do believe this smoking ban borders on the ridiculous.
So far, the Columbus health department had received several complaints on smoking violations. Apparently, industrial plants didn’t realize the smoking ban applied to them as well. No smoking at an industrial plant - please.
No smoking at an industrial plant sounds like the wisdom of those who govern us.
Even if windows at a plant are airtight, people must go to their cars after work, people live in these neighborhoods and what comes out of those chimneys all day doesn’t dissipate at 5 p.m. The real culprits are not the restaurants, bars and bowling alleys, who at least try to provide large fans to take out the smoke, and where people can choose to go or not go. Try going after the large industrial plants. None of us will live long enough to see that completely eliminated - talk about job loss or outsourcing.
We still have some choices left, but little by little there are those who feel their rights are being infringed upon, and do not consider whose rights are being taken away. Those rights being those who own these establishments, the small-business owners who take all the risks running a business and should then be able to say how they want to run their businesses.
The government should stay out of this unless it is are willing to go after big industrial plants and take the chance of losing those plants, and again the jobs that are always lost when too many restrictions are applied.
Large signs outside a business should suffice: “Smoking” or “No Smoking.” The public chooses and the businesses once again take the risk, which should be their right.
Revision date: June 18, 2011
Last revised: by Amalia K. Gagarina, M.S., R.D.