US rabbis can use tube to suck circumcision blood

Rabbis should use a tube to suck blood from circumcision wounds rather than suck the blood directly with their mouths to protect infants and themselves from disease, the leading Orthodox rabbinical group said on Thursday.

In a traditional Orthodox practice during the bris, the ritual circumcision of baby boys, rabbis have used their mouths to suck blood from the penis wounds and surrounding tissue - a practice used for thousands of years.

A sterile tube is an acceptable substitute for direct mouth contact based upon a review of science and religious writings and Torah authorities, said Rabbi Basil Herring of the Rabbinical Council of America, which sets policies for and represents about half of America’s Orthodox rabbis as well as sponsoring a Jewish court.

“We strongly urge rabbis and congregations to adhere to this method,” said Herring, who added that it’s possible that the preference may not be adopted by all Orthodox rabbis because Jewish leaders often have different views.

The traditional practice has been under scrutiny after New York City health officials went to court late last year to stop a rabbi from performing the practice they believe may have led to the death of a baby boy from herpes.

The baby was one of three infants health officials said contracted herpes simplex virus after being circumcised by Rabbi Yitzchok Fischer, who used his mouth to draw blood from the infant’s wound.

The herpes virus is common in adults but does not usually produce serious illness. In newborns it can cause severe illness and may be fatal.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: June 11, 2011
Last revised: by Sebastian Scheller, MD, ScD