A new way to fight ageing
A new anti-aging ingredient developed by UNSW researchers is expected to be available in skin products as early as next year.
Known as GGC, it is a precursor for an effective antioxidant known as glutathione, that has a broad range of potential health benefits. Glutathione is the body’s key defence for detoxifying harmful compounds implicated in cancer, diabetes, aging and other diseases and degenerative conditions.
After nine years in development, UNSW researchers Dr Wallace Bridge and Dr Martin Zarka have established a new, cost-effective process for manufacturing GGC, which has been licensed to pharmaceutical company, Biospecialties Australia. A newly-expanded manufacturing plant at Mayfield, near Newcastle, will produce GGC.
It is expected that GGC will be used as an active ingredient in foods, health care, toothpastes, dietary supplements and cosmetics as well as in skin repair anti-aging creams.
Natural dietary sources of GGC are available, including milk whey protein and garlic. However, GGC is present only in relatively dilute concentrations. This new, pure GGC product will potentially allow for more efficacious dosages and product formulations.
Given the rapidly increasing interest in glutathione, it is likely a pure GGC supplement would have significant market potential. The Australian nutraceutical market is currently worth $1bn and generates exports of $200m.
Biospecialties Australia P/L is a licensee of New South Innovations (NSi), which provides technology transfer services to UNSW. The company received a federal government Commercial Ready grant of $1.1m in May this year to assist in bringing glutathione to market for use in foods, health care and cosmetics.
Media contacts: Dr Wallace Bridge, UNSW co-inventor, 0425 218 721, Susi Hamilton, UNSW media unit, 9385 1583 or 0422 934 024
Revision date: June 22, 2011
Last revised: by Tatiana Kuznetsova, D.M.D.