Wealthy Chinese kids have worse nutrition - report

A Chinese study has found that children from wealthy families are more likely to suffer bad nutrition than those from low-income homes, partly because they eat more fast food, state media said on Friday.

“Children from high-income families are inclined to eat more fast food because the pace of life of their parents is rapid and they ignore a balanced diet,” the Beijing Evening Post said.

“Another possibility is that their parents believe that the more expensive food is, the more nutritious it is. So they are prone to choose foods that lack in nutrition,” it said.

As Chinese have become richer amid two decades of economic reforms, demand for meat has soared and many can now afford Western-style fast food.

The study of 8,000 children below the age of 6 was carried out in 10 cities over the course of 18 months. It was conducted by the National Working Committee on Children and Women and the China National Children’s Center.

“As to the food mix and eating habits, rich families should follow the example set by low-income families,” an expert was quoted as saying.

Provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: June 11, 2011
Last revised: by Sebastian Scheller, MD, ScD