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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ A ]
- A abnormal; abortion; absolute temperature; absorbance; acceptor; accommodation; acetone; acetum; achondroplasia; acid; acidophil, acidophilic; acromion; actin; Actinomyces; activity [radiation]; adenine; adenoma; adenosine; admittance; adrenalin; Adriamycin; adult; age; akinetic; alanine; albino [guinea pig]; albumin; allergologist, allergy; alpha [cell]; alveolar gas; ambulation; ampere; amphetamine; ampicillin; amplitude; anaphylaxis; androsterone; anesthetic; angstrom, Ängström unit; anode; Anopheles; antagonism; anterior; antibody; antrectomy; apical; aqueous; area; argon; artery [Lat. arteria]; atomic weight; atrium; atropine; auricle; auscultation; axial; axilla, axillary; before [Lat. ante]; blood group A; ear [Lat. auris]; mass number; subspinale; total acidity; tumor limited to the bowel [Dukes classification]; tumor limited to the mucosa [Astler-Coller classification]; water [Lat. aqua]; year [Lat. annum]
- A [band] the dark-staining zone of a striated muscle
- A1 aortic first sound; prostatic tumor less than 5% [Jewett staging system]
- A-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 anterior cerebral artery segments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- AI, AII, AIII angiotensin I, II, III
- A2 prostatic tumor more than 5% [Jewett staging system]
- A2 aortic second sound
- Ä Ängström unit
- Ã cumulated activity; antinuclear antibody
- a absorptivity; acceleration; accommodation; acidity; activated; ampere; anode; anterior; area; arterial blood; arterial; artery [Lat. arteria]; atto-; autopsy; before [Lat. ante]; thermodynamic activity; total acidity; water [Lat. aqua]
- a- atto- [10-18]
- a sample y intercept of straight line
- before [Lat. ante]
- α see alpha
- AA abampere; abdominal aorta; acetabular anteversion; acetic acid; achievement age; active alcoholic; active assistive [range of motion]; active avoidance; acupuncture analgesia; acute appendicitis; adenine arabinoside; adenylic acid; adjuvant arthritis; adrenal androgen; adrenocortical autoantibody; African American; aggregated albumin; [bacterial] aggregative adherence; agranulocytic angina; alcohol abuse; Alcoholics Anonymous; allergic alveolitis; alopecia areata; alveolo-arterial; aminoacetone; amino acid; aminoacyl; amyloid A; anaplastic astrocytoma; anti-arrhythmic agent; anticipatory avoidance; antigen aerosol; aortic amplitude; aortic aneurysm; aortic arch; aplastic anemia; arachidonic acid; arteries; ascending aorta; atlanto-axial; atomic absorption; Australia antigen; autoanalyzer; automobile accident; axonal arborization
- 2AA 2-aminoanthracene
- A&A aid and attendance; awake and aware
- A-a alveolar-arterial; alveolar-atrial
- aA abampere
- aa amino acid; arteries [Lat. arteriae]
- AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm/aneurysmectomy; acne-associated arthritis; acquired aplastic anemia; acute anxiety attack; alacrimia-achalasia-addisonianism [syndrome]; American Academy of Addictionology; American Academy of Allergy; American Association of Anatomists; androgenic anabolic agent; aneurysm of ascending aorta; angiography of abdominal aorta; Area Agency on Aging; aromatic amino acid; arrest after arrival
- AAAD aromatic amino acid decarboxylase
- AA/AD alcohol abuse/alcohol dependence
- AAAE amino acid activating enzyme
- AAAHC Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care
- AAAHE American Association for the Advancement of Health Education
- AAAI American Academy of Allergy and Immunology; American Association of Artificial Intelligence
- AAALAC American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care
- AAAM Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine
- AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science
- AAASPS African-American Antiplatelet Stroke Prevention Study
- AAAV avian adeno-associated virus
- AAB American Association of Bioanalysts; aminoazobenzene
- AABB American Association of Blood Banks; axis-aligned bounding boxes
- AABCC alertness (consciousness), airway, breathing, circulation, cervical spine
- AABS automobile accident, broadside
- AABV Ascogaster argentifrons bracovirus
- AAC antibiotic-associated [pseudomembranous] colitis; antimicrobial agent--induced colitis; augmentative and alternative communication
- AACA acylaminocephalosporanic acid
- 6´AAC-2″APH 6´-acetyltransferase-2″-phosphotransferase
- AACC American Association for Clinical Chemistry
- AACCN American Association of Critical Care Nurses
- AACD aging-associated cognitive decline
- AACE acute acquired comitant esotropia
- AACEM Association of Academic Chairs in Emergency Medicine
- AACG acute angle closure glaucoma
- AACHP American Association for Comprehensive Health Planning
- AACIA American Association for Clinical Immunology and Allergy
- AACN American Association of Colleges of Nursing; American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
- AACOM American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
- AACP American Academy of Cerebral Palsy; American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- AACPDM American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
- AACS American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
- AACSH adrenal androgen corticotropic stimulating hormone
- AACT American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
- AACVPR American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- AAD acute agitated delirium; acute aortic dissection; alcohol abuse or dependence; alloxazine adenine dinucleotide; alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency; American Academy of Dermatology; antiarrhythmic drug; antibiotic-associated diarrhea; aromatic acid decarboxylase; average absolute deviation
- 7-AAD 7-amino-actinomycin D
- AADC amino acid decarboxylase; L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase
- AADE American Association of Dental Editors; American Association of Dental Examiners
- AADGP American Academy of Dental Group Practice
- AADH alopecia-anosmia-deafness-hypogonadism [syndrome]
- (A-a)DN2 alveolo-arterial nitrogen tension difference
- AaDNV Aedes aegypti densovirus
- AADO2, (a-A) DO2 arterio-alveolar oxygen tension difference
- AADP American Academy of Denture Prosthetics; amyloid A-degrading protease
- AADPA American Academy of Dental Practice Administration
- AADR American Academy of Dental Radiology
- AADS American Academy of Dental Schools
- AAE active assistive exercise; acute allergic encephalitis; American Association of Endodontists; annuloaortic ectasia
- AAEE American Association of Electromyography and Electrodiagnosis
- AAEM American Academy of Emergency Medicine; American Academy of Environmental Medicine; American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine
- AAEV Aedes aegypti entomopoxvirus
- AA ex active assistive exercise
- AAF acetylaminofluorene; aggregative adherence fimbriae; aortic arch flush; ascorbic acid factor
- 2-AAF N-2-fluorenylacetamide
- AAFP American Academy of Family Physicians; American Academy of Family Practice
- AAFPRS American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- AAFT amplitude-adjusted Fourier transform
- AAG 3-alkaladenine deoxyribonucleic acid glycosylase; allergic angiitis and granulomatosis; alpha-1-acid glycoprotein; alveolar arterial gradient; autoantigen
- 17AAG 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin
- AAGL American Academy of Gynecologic Laparoscopists
- AAGP American Academy of General Practice; American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
- AAH Academy of Architecture for Health
- AAHA American Academy of Hospital Attorneys; American Association of Homes for the Aging
- AAHC American Academy of Healthcare Consultants; American Accreditation HealthCare Commission; Association of Academic Health Centers
- AAHD American Association of Hospital Dentists
- AAHE Association for the Advancement of Health Education
- AAHP American Association of Health Plans
- AAHPER American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
- AAHRPP Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs
- AAHS American Association for Hand Surgery
- AAHSL Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries
- AAHSLD Association of Academic Health Sciences Library Directors
- AAI acute alveolar injury; Adolescent Alienation Index; American Association of Immunologists; atrial inhibited [pacemaker]
- AAIB alpha-1-aminoisobutyrate
- AAID American Academy of Implant Dentures
- AAIN American Association of Industrial Nurses
- AAK allo-activated killer
- AAL ambient air level; anterior axillary line
- AALAC American Association for Laboratory Animal Care
- AALAS American Association of Laboratory Animal Science
- AALib amino acid library
- AALL American Association for Labor Legislation
- AALNC American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants
- AAM acute aseptic meningitis; American Academy of Microbiology; amino acid mixture
- AAm acrylamide
- AAMA American Academy of Medical Administrators; American Association of Medical Assistants
- AAMC American Association of Medical Clinics; Association of American Medical Colleges
- AAMD American Academy of Medical Directors; American Association of Mental Deficiency
- AAME acetylarginine methyl ester
- AAMFT American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
- AAMI Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
- AAMIH American Association for Maternal and Infant Health
- AAMMC American Association of Medical Milk Commissioners
- AAMP American Academy of Maxillofacial Prosthetics; American Academy of Medical Prevention
- AAMR American Academy of Mental Retardation
- AAMRL American Association of Medical Record Librarians
- AAMRS automated ambulatory medical record system
- AAMS acute aseptic meningitis syndrome
- AAMSI American Association for Medical Systems and Informatics
- AAMT American Association for Medical Transcription
- AAMU 5-acetylamino-6-amino-methyluracil
- AAN AIDS-associated nephropathy; alpha-amino nitrogen; American Academy of Neurology; American Academy of Nursing; American Academy of Nutrition; American Association of Neuropathologists; amino acid nitrogen; analgesic-associated nephropathy; attending's admission notes
- AANA American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
- AANE American Association of Nurse Executives
- AANM American Association of Nurse-Midwives
- AANPI American Association of Nurses Practicing Independently
- AAO American Academy of Ophthalmology; American Academy of Optometry; American Academy of Osteopathy; American Academy of Otolaryngology; American Association of Ophthalmologists; American Association of Orthodontists; amino acid oxidase; ascending aorta; awake, alert, and oriented
- AAo ascending aorta
- A-a O2 alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient; alveolo-arterial oxygen tension
- AAOC antacid of choice
- AAofA Ambulance Association of America
- AAOHN American Association of Occupational Health Nurses
- AAOM American Academy of Oral Medicine
- AAOMS American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- AAOO American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
- AAOP American Academy of Oral Pathology
- AAOPP American Association of Osteopathic Postgraduate Physicians
- AAOS American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; American Association of Osteopathic Specialists
- AAP acute abdominal pain; acute appendicitis; air at atmospheric pressure; American Academy of Pediatrics; American Academy of Pedodontics; American Academy of Periodontology; American Academy of Psychoanalysts; American Academy of Psychotherapists; American Association of Pathologists; Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis; Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy; Association of Academic Physiatrists; Association of American Physicians
- AAPA American Academy of Physician Assistants; American Association of Pathologist Assistants
- AAPB American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists
- AAPC antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis; average annual percent change
- AAPCC adjusted annual per capita cost; adjusted average per capita costs; American Association of Poison Control Centers
- AaPCO2, (A-a)PCO2 alveolo-arterial carbon dioxide tension difference
- AAPF anti-arteriosclerosis polysaccharide factor
- AAPH 2,2´-azobis-(2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride
- AAPHD American Association of Public Health Dentists
- AAPHP American Association of Public Health Physicians
- AAPL American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
- AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine
- AAPMC antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis
- AAPM&R American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- AaPO2, (A-a) PO2 alveolo-arterial oxygen tension difference
- AAPP American Academy on Physician and Patient
- AAPPO American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations
- AAPS American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists; American Association of Plastic Surgeons; Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale; Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
- AAPT Adolescent Alcohol Prevention Trial
- AAR active avoidance reaction; acute articular rheumatism; antigen-antiglobulin reaction
- aar against all risks
- AARC American Association for Respiratory Care
- AARE automobile accident, rear end
- AARNet Australian Academic and Research Network
- AAROM active assertive range of motion; active-assisted range of motion
- AARP American Association of Retired Persons
- AART American Association for Rehabilitation Therapy; American Association for Respiratory Therapy
- AAS Aarskog-Scott [syndrome]; acid aspiration syndrome; alcoholic abstinence syndrome; American Academy of Sanitarians; American Analgesia Society; aneurysm of atrial septum; anthrax antiserum; aortic arch syndrome; atomic absorption spectrophotometry
- AASD American Academy of Stress Disorders
- aa seq amino acid sequence
- AASH adrenal androgen stimulating hormone; American Association for the Study of Headache
- AASK African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension Pilot Study
- AASP acute atrophic spinal paralysis; American Association of Senior Physicians; ascending aorta synchronized pulsation
- AASS American Association for Social Security
- AAST American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
- AAT Aachen Aphasia Test; academic aptitude test; Accolate Asthma Trial; alanine aminotransferase; alkylating agent therapy; alpha-1-antitrypsin; atrial triggered [pacemaker]; auditory apperception test; automatic atrial tachycardia
- A1AT α1-antitrypsin
- α1AT α1-antitrypsin
- AATB American Association of Tissue Banks
- AATS American Association for Thoracic Surgery
- AAU acute anterior uveitis
- AAUT actual amount of use test
- AAV adeno-associated virus
- AaV Acherontia atropas virus; Allomyces arbuscula virus
- AAVMC Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
- AAVP American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists
- AAW anterior aortic wall
- AB abdominal; able body; abnormal; abortion; Ace bandage; active bilaterally; aid to the blind; airbag; alcian blue; alertness behavior; antibiotic; antibody; antigen binding; apex beat; asbestos body; asthmatic bronchitis; axiobuccal; Bachelor of Arts [Lat. Artium Baccalaureus]; blood group AB
- A/B acid-base ratio
- A&B apnea and bradycardia
- A>B air greater than bone [conduction]
- Ab abortion; antibiotic; antibody; antivenom
- Ab amount in body
- aB azure B
- ab aberration; abortion; antibody; from [Lat.]
- 3AB 3-aminobenzamide
- ABA abscissic acid; allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis; American Board of Anesthesiologists; American Burn Association; antibacterial activity; arrest before arrival; autonomic blocking agent
- ABACAS Adjunctive Balloon Angioplasty Following Coronary Atherectomy Study
- AB/AM antibiotic/antimycotic
- ABAT American Board of Applied Toxicology
- ABAV Abadina virus
- ABB Albright-Butler-Bloomberg [syndrome]; American Board of Bioanalysis
- ABBI advanced breast biopsy instrument
- ABBQ AIDS Beliefs and Behavior Questionnaire
- abbr abbreviation, abbreviated
- ABC abacavir; absolute basophil count; absolute bone conduction; acalculous biliary colic; acid balance control; aconite-belladonna-chloroform; adenosine triphosphate [ATP] binding cassette; airway, breathing, and circulation; alignment, blue, calcium [synovial fluid pearls in gout and pseudogout]; Alpha Beta Canadian [trial]; alternative birth center; alum, blood, and charcoal [purification and deodorizing method]; alum, blood, and clay [sludge deodorizing method]; American Blood Commission; aneurysmal bone cyst; antigen-binding capacity; antigen-binding cell; apnea, bradycardia, cyanosis; aspiration biopsy cytology; assessment of basic competency; atomic, biological, and chemical [warfare]; axiobuccocervical; autism behavior checklist; avidin-biotin peroxidase complex
- A&BC air and bone conduction
- ABCA1 ATP-binding cassette A1
- ABCC Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
- ABCD airway, breathing, circulation, differential diagnosis (or defibrillate) [in cardiopulmonary resuscitation]; amphotericin B colloidal dispersion; appropriate blood pressure control in diabetes; asymmetry, borders are irregular, color variegated, diameter > 6 mm [biopsy in melanoma]
- ABCDE airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure [in trauma patients]; botulism toxin pentavalent
- ABCDES abnormal alignment, bones-periarticular osteoporosis, cartilage-joint space loss, deformities, marginal erosions, soft tissue swelling [x-ray features in rheumatoid arthritis]; adjust medication, bacterial prophylaxis, cervical spine disease, deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis, evaluate extent and activity of disease, stress-dose steroid coverage [preoperative evaluation in rheumatoid diseases]; alignment, bone mineralization, calcifications, distribution of joints, erosions, soft tissue and nails [x-ray features in arthritis]; ankylosis, bone osteoporosis, cartilage destruction, deformity of joints, erosions, swelling of soft tissues [x-ray features of septic arthritis]
- ABCIC airway, breathing, circulation, intravenous crystalloid
- ABCIL antibody-mediated cell-dependent immunolympholysis
- ABC-M chemical-biological aircraft mask
- ABCN American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology
- ABD abdomen; aged, blind, and disabled; aggressive behavioral disturbance; aortic barodenervated [rat]; automatic border detection; automatic boundary detection; average body dose
- Abd, abd abdomen, abdominal; abduct, abduction, abductor
- abdom abdomen, abdominal
- ABDPH American Board of Dental Public Health
- ABE acute bacterial endocarditis; American Board of Endodontics; botulism equine trivalent antitoxin
- ABEM American Board of Emergency Medicine
- ABEPP American Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology
- ABER abducted and externally rotated; auditory brainstem evoked response
- aber aberrant
- A-β amyloid beta-peptide
- ABF aortic blood flow; aortobifemoral
- ABG arterial blood gas; axiobucco-gingival
- ABGC American Board of Genetic Counseling
- ABI ankle/brachial index; atherothrombotic brain infarct
- ABIC Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children; antibody excess immune complex
- ABIM American Board of Internal Medicine
- ABIMCE American Board of Internal Medicine certifying examination
- ABIT assertive behavior inventory tool
- ABK aphakic bullous keratopathy
- ABL Abelson proto-oncogene; abetalipoproteinemia; acceptable blood loss; acute basophilic leukemia; African Burkitt lymphoma; Albright-Butler-Lightwood [syndrome]; allograft-bound lymphocyte; angioblastic lymphadenopathy; antigen-binding lymphocyte; Army Biological Laboratory; automated biological laboratory; axiobuccolingual
- Abl ablation
- ABLB alternate binaural loudness balance
- ABLC amphotericin B lipid complex
- ABLES Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance
- ABM abamectin; adjusted body mass; alveolar basement membrane; autologous bone marrow
- ABMG American Board of Medical Genetics
- ABMI autologous bone marrow infusion
- AbMLV Abelson murine leukemia virus
- ABMM American Board of Medical Management
- ABMS American Board of Medical Specialties
- ABMT American Board of Medical Toxicology; autologous bone marrow transplantation
- ABMV Above Maiden virus; Abu Mina virus
- AbMV Abutilon mosaic virus
- AbN antibody nitrogen
- Abn, abn abnormal; abnormality(ies)
- ABNMP alpha-benzyl-N-methyl phenethylamine
- ABNO anatomic abnormality [UMLS]
- abnor abnormal
- ABO abortion; absent bed occupancy; American Board of Orthodontists; blood group system consisting of groups A, AB, B, and O
- ABOHN American Board for Occupational Health Nurses
- ABOMS American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- ABOP American Board of Oral Pathology
- Abor, abor abortion
- ABOS American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
- ABOVE Acute Bleeding Oesophageal Variceal Episodes [study]
- ABP actin-binding protein; acute biliary pancreatitis; ambulatory blood pressure; American Board of Pedodontics; American Board of Periodontology; American Board of Prosthodontists; aminobiphenyl; androgen-binding protein; antigen-binding protein; arterial blood pressure; automatic systolic blood pressure measurement; avidin-biotin peroxidase
- aBP arterial blood pressure
- ABPA actin-binding protein, autosomal form; allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- ABPC antibody-producing cell
- ABPE acute bovine pulmonary edema
- ABPM ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
- ABPM&R American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- ABPS American Board of Plastic Surgery
- ABR abortus Bang ring [test]; absolute bed rest; American Board of Radiology; arterial baroreflex; auditory brainstem response
- ABr agglutination test for brucellosis
- Abr, Abras abrasion
- ABRV Abras virus; Arbroath virus
- ABS abdominal surgery; acidic ammonium bisulfate; acute brain syndrome; Adaptive Behavior Scale; admitting blood sugar; adult bovine serum; aging brain syndrome; alkylbenzene sulfonate; aloin, belladonna, strychnine; American Board of Surgery; amniotic band sequence; amniotic band syndrome; anti-B serum; Antley-Bixler syndrome; arterial blood sample; at bed side; Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Abs absorption
- abs absent; absolute
- AB-SAAP autologous blood selective aortic arch perfusion
- absc abscess; abscissa
- abs conf absolute configuration
- ABSe ascending bladder septum
- abs feb while fever is absent
- ABSITE American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination
- absorp absorption
- AbSR abnormal skin reflex
- abst, abstr abstract
- ABSV Absettarov virus
- ABT abstract behavioral type; autologous blood transfusion; lopinavir
- abt about
- ABU asymptomatic bacteriuria
- ABV actinomycin D-bleomycin-vincristine; Agaricus bisporus virus; Aglaonema bacilliform virus; Aransas Bay virus; arthropod-borne virus
- AbV Agaricus bisporus virus
- ABVD Adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine
- ABW average body weight
- ABX abciximab; antibiotics
- ABY acid bismuth yeast [medium]
- AbYV Abutilon yellow virus
- AC abdominal circumference; abdominal compression; ablation catheter; abrupt closure; absorption coefficient; abuse case; acetate; acetylcholine; acidified complement; Acinetobacter calcoaceticus; acromioclavicular; activated charcoal; acupuncture clinic; acute; acute cholecystitis; adenocarcinoma; adenylate cyclase; adherent cell; adrenal cortex; adrenocorticoid; Adriamycin/cyclophosphamide; air chamber; air conditioning; air conduction; alcoholic cirrhosis; alternating current; alveolar crest; ambulatory care; anesthesia circuit; angiocellular; anodal closure; antecubital; anterior chamber; anterior column; anterior commissure; antibiotic concentrate; anticholinergic; anticoagulant; anticomplement; antiphlogistic corticoid; aortic closure; aortic compliance; aortocoronary; arm circumference; ascending colon; assist control [ventilation]; atriocarotid; autocorrelation; axiocervical; hydrogen cyanide [war gas]
- A-C acromioclavicular; adult-versus-child; aortocoronary bypass
- A/C albumin/coagulin [ratio]; anterior chamber of eye; assist control [ventilation]
- A2C apical two-chamber [view]
- A4C apical four-chamber [view]
- Ac accelerator [globulin]; acetate; acetyl; actinium; anticoagulant, anticoagulation; aortic closure; arabinosyl cytosine
- aC abcoulomb; arabinosyl cytosine