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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ A ]
- ADI Academy of Dentistry International; acceptable daily intake; AIDS-defining illness; allowable daily intake; alternating direction implicit; alternating directions implicit [method]; artificial diverticulum of the ileum; atlas-dens interval; autism diagnostic interview; average daily intake; axiodistoincisal
- adj adjacent; adjoining; adjuvant
- ADK adenosine kinase
- ADKC atopic dermatitis with keratoconjunctivitis
- ADL active digital library; activities of daily living; advanced distributed learning; Amsterdam Depression List; annual dose limit
- ADLAR advanced design linear accelerator radiosurgery
- ADLC antibody-dependent lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity
- ad lib as desired [Lat. ad libitum]
- ADLS Activities of Daily Living Survey
- ADM abductor digiti minimi; add-drop multiplexer; administrative medicine; admission; Adriamycin; Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health [grant of US Department of Health and Human Services]
- AdM adrenal medulla
- adm administration; admission; apply [Lat. admove]
- Adm Dr admitting doctor
- ADME [drug] absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion
- Admin administration
- ADMIRE AMP 579 Delivery for Myocardial Infarction Reduction
- ADMIT Arterial Disease Multiple Intervention Trial
- AdML adenovirus major late promoter
- Adm Ph admitting physician
- ADMR average daily metabolic rate
- ADMS analysis of disorders of masticatory system; atmospheric dispersion modeling system
- ADMX adrenal medullectomy
- ADN antideoxyribonuclease; aortic depressor nerve; associate degree in nursing
- ad naus to the point of producing nausea [Lat. ad nauseam]
- ADN-B antideoxyribonuclease B
- ADO active data object; adenosine; adolescent medicine; allele drop-out; axiodisto-occlusal
- Ado adenosine
- ADOA autosomal dominant ocular albinism
- AdoCbl 5´-adenosylcobalamin
- ADOD arthrodentosteodysplasia
- AdoDABA adenosyldiaminobutyric acid
- AdoHcy S-adenosylhomocysteine
- adol adolescence, adolescent
- AdoMet S-adenosylmethionine
- ADOPT Accupril Decision on Pharmacotherapy [trial]
- ADOS autism diagnostic observation scale; autosomal dominant Opitz syndrome
- ADOTS affective disorder outpatient telephone screening
- Adox oxidized adenosine
- ADP adenopathy; adenosine diphosphate; adenovirus death protein; administrative psychiatry; approved drug product; approximate dynamic programming; area diastolic pressure; automatic data processing
- AdP adductor pollicis
- ADPase adenosine diphosphatase
- ADPK autosomal dominant polycystic kidney [disease]
- ADPKD autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
- ADPL average daily patient load
- ADPR adenosine diphosphate ribose
- ADPRT adenosine diphosphate ribosyltransferase
- ADQ abductor digiti quinti; adolescent drinking questionnaire
- ADR activation, depression, repetition [in bone remodeling]; adrenalin; adrenals; adrenergic receptor; adrenodoxin reductase; Adriamycin; adverse drug reaction; airway dilation reflex; alternative dispute resolution; arrested development of righting response; ataxia-deafness-retardation [syndrome]
- Adr adrenalin; Adriamycin
- adr adrenal, adrenalectomy
- ADRA1A alpha-1A-adrenergic receptor
- ADRA1B beta-1B-adrenergic receptor
- ADRAC Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee [Australia]
- ADRA1C alpha-1C-adrenergic receptor
- ADRA2C alpha-2C-adrenergic receptor
- ADRAR alpha-2-adrenergic receptor
- ADRBK beta-1-adrenergic receptor kinase
- ADRBR adrenergic beta-receptor
- ADRC Alzheimer Disease Research Center
- ADRDA Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders Association
- ADRP adipose differentiation-related protein; autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa
- ADRT approximate discrete radon transform
- ADS acute death syndrome; acute diarrheal syndrome; adenocarcinoma dataset; Alcohol Dependence Scale; alternative delivery system; anatomical dead space; anonymous donor's sperm; antibody deficiency syndrome; antidiuretic substance; Army Dental Service
- ADSD adductor spasmodic dysphonia
- ADSL adenylosuccinate lyase; asymmetrical digital single line; asymmetrical digital subscription line
- ADSP analog devices digital signal processor
- ADSS adenylosuccinate synthetase
- ADSTGD Stargardt-like muscular dystrophy
- ADSV Arborea virus
- ADT Accepted Dental Therapeutics; adenosine triphosphate; admission, discharge, and transfer; agar-gel diffusion test; alternate-day therapy; any, what you desire, thing (a placebo); Alzheimer-type dementia; Auditory Discrimination Test
- ADTA American Dental Trade Association
- ADTe anodal duration tetanus
- ADU alkaline deoxyribonucleic acid unwinding
- AD&U acid dissociation and ultrafiltration
- ADV adenovirus; adventitia; Aleutian disease virus; Aujeszky disease virus
- AdV adenovirus
- Adv adenovirus
- adv advanced; against [Lat. adversum]
- ADVENT antithrombin for deep venous thrombosis
- ADVIRC autosomal dominant vitreo-retinochoroidopathy
- ADVS activities of daily vision survey
- ADW assault with deadly weapon
- A5D5W alcohol 5%, dextrose 5%, in water
- ADX adrenalectomized; adrenodoxin
- AE above-elbow [amputation]; acrodermatitis enteropathica; activation energy; adult erythrocyte; adverse event; after-effect; agarose electrophoresis; air embolism; air entry; alcoholic embryopathy; aminoethyl; anion exchange; anoxic encephalopathy; antiepileptic; antitoxic unit [Ger. Antitoxineinheit]; apoenzyme; aryepiglottic; atherosclerotic encephalopathy; atrial ectopic [heart beat]; avian encephalomyelitis
- A&E accident and emergency [department]
- A+E accident and emergency [department]; analysis and evaluation
- A/E above elbow [amputation]
- AEA acquired epileptic aplasia; alcohol, ether, and acetone [solution]
- AEB acute erythroblastopenia; avian erythroblastosis
- AEC aminoethylcarbazole; ankyloblepharon, ectodermal defects, and cleft lip [syndrome]; at earliest convenience; Atomic Energy Commission; automatic exposure control
- AECB acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
- AECD allergic eczematous contact dermatitis
- AECE-6-AZUMP 5-[2-(aminoethyl) carbamyl]-6-azauridine-5´monophosphate
- AECGM ambulatory electrocardiography monitoring
- AECS acute exacerbation of chronic sinusitis
- AED academic emergency department; antiepileptic drug; antihidrotic ectodermal dysplasia; anxious ego dissolution; automated external defibrillator
- AEDP automated external defibrillator pacemaker
- AEE Atomic Energy Establishment
- AEF allogenic effect factor; amyloid enhancing factor; aorto-enteric fistula
- AEFB aerobic endospore-forming bacterium
- AEFF effective area
- AEFI adverse events following immunization
- AEFV acceleration of early flow velocity
- AEG acute erosive gastritis; air encephalography, air encephalogram; atrial electrogram
- AEGIS Aid for the Elderly in Government Institutions
- AEI arbitrary evolution index; atrial emptying index; atrial escape interval
- AEL acute erythroleukemia
- AELV avian entero-like virus
- AEM Academic Emergency Medicine [journal]; ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring; analytical electron microscopy; ataxia episodica with myokymia; avian encephalomyelitis
- AEMG abdominal electromyography
- AEMIS Aerospace and Environmental Medicine Information System
- AEMK ataxia episodica with myokymia
- A-EMT advanced emergency medical technician
- AEN anal epithelial neoplasia; aseptic epiphyseal necrosis
- AEP acute edematous pancreatitis; artificial endocrine pancreas; auditory evoked potential; average evoked potential
- AEq age equivalent
- AER abduction/external rotation; acoustic evoked response; acute exertional rhabdomyolysis; agranular endoplasmic reticulum; albumin excretion rate; aldosterone excretion rate; apical ectodermal ridge; auditory evoked response; average electroencephalic response; average evoked response
- AERE Atomic Energy Research Establishment
- Aero Aerobacter
- AERP aircrew air and respiratory protection; antegrade effective refractory period; atrial effective refractory period; auditory event related potential
- AERPAP antegrade effective refractory period accessory pathway
- AERS acute equine respiratory syndrome
- AES acetone-extracted serum; ambulatory encounter system; American Electroencephalographic Society; American Encephalographic Society; American Endocrine Society; American Endodontic Society; American Epidemiological Society; American Equilibration Society; anterior esophageal sensor; anti-embolic stockings; antral ethmoidal sphenoidectomy; aortic ejection sound; Auger's electron spectroscopy; auto-erythrocyte sensitization
- AEs adverse events
- AesoNPV Aedes sollicitans nucleopolyhedrovirus
- AEST aeromedical evacuation support team
- AET absorption-equivalent thickness; S-(2-aminoethyl) isothiuronium
- AETT acetylethyltetramethyltetralin
- AEV arthritis encephalitis virus; avian encephalomyelitis-like virus; avian erythroblastosis virus
- AeV Antheraea eucalypti virus
- AEZ acrodermatitis enteropathica, zinc deficient
- AF abnormal frequency; acid-fast; actin filament; active force; adult female; afebrile; affected female; aflatoxin; albumin-free; albumose-free; alcoholic female; aldehyde fuchsin; amaurosis fugax; aminofluorine; aminophylline; amniotic fluid; angiogenesis factor; anteflexion; anterior fontanelle; antibody-forming; anti-fog; aortic flow; Arthritis Foundation; artificial feeding; ascitic fluid; atrial fibrillation; atrial flutter; atrial fusion; attenuation factor; attributable fraction; audio frequency
- aF abfarad
- af audio frequency
- AFA acromegaloid facial appearance [syndrome]; advanced first aid; alcohol-formaldehyde-acetic acid [fixative]
- AFAFP amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein
- AFAR American Foundation for Aging Research
- AFASAK Atrial Fibrillation, Aspirin, Anticoagulation [trial]
- AFB acid-fast bacillus; aflatoxin B; aflatoxin biomarker; air fluidized bed; aortofemoral bypass
- AFBAC affected family-based control test
- AFBG aortofemoral bypass graft
- AFC adult foster care; alternative forced choice; amplitude frequency characteristics; antibody-forming cell
- AFCAPS Air Force Coronary Atherosclerosis Prevention Study
- AFCI acute focal cerebral ischemia
- AFCR American Federation for Clinical Research
- AfCVd Apple fruit crinkle viroid
- AFD accelerated freeze drying; acrofacial dysostosis
- AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children
- AFDH American Fund for Dental Health
- AFDM adaptive focus deformable model
- AFDSM adaptive focus deformable statistical model
- AFDW ash-free dry weight
- AFE amniotic fluid embolism
- afeb afebrile
- AFEDI Association Francophone Europeene des Infirmiers [Canada]
- AFF atrial fibrillation and flutter; atrial filling fraction
- aff afferent
- AFFIRM Atrial Fibrillation Follow-Up Investigation of Rhythm Management
- AFFN acrofrontofacionasal [dysostosis]
- AFG aflatoxin G; amniotic fluid glucose; arbitrary function generator
- aFGF acidic fibroblast growth factor
- AFH angiofollicular hyperplasia; anterior facial height
- AFI amaurotic familial idiocy; Atrial Fibrillation Investigators [1993 pooled study]
- AFib atrial fibrillation
- AFIB Atrial Fibrillation Investigation with Bidisomide [trial]
- AFIB/FL atrial fibrillation/flutter
- AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
- AFIPS American Federation of Information Processing Societies
- AFIRME antagonist of the fibrinogen receptor after myocardial events
- AFIS amniotic fluid infection syndrome
- AFL antifibrinolysin; artificial limb; atrial flutter
- AFLNH angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia
- AFLP acute fatty liver of pregnancy; amplified fragment length polymorphism
- AFM aflatoxin M; after fatty meal; American Federation of Musicians; atomic force microscopy
- AFMA automated fabrication of modality aids
- AFMU 5-acetylamino-6-formylamino-3-methyluracil
- AFN afunctional neutrophil; antegrade femoral nail
- AFNC Air Force Nurse Corps
- AFND acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
- AFO ankle/foot orthotic [brace or cast]; ankle-foot orthosis
- AFORMED alternating failure of response, mechanical, [to] electrical depolarization
- AFP acute flaccid paralysis; alpha-fetoprotein; anterior faucial pillar; atypical facial pain
- AFPP acute fibropurulent pneumonia
- AFQ aflatoxin Q
- AFR aqueous flare response; ascorbic free radical
- AFRAX autism-fragile X [syndrome]
- AFRD acute febrile respiratory disease
- AFRI acute febrile respiratory illness
- AFROC Association for Freestanding Radiation Oncology Centers
- AFS acquired or adult Fanconi syndrome; alternative financing system; American Fertility Society; antifibroblast serum
- AFSAM Air Force School of Aviation Medicine
- AFSCME American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
- AFSM adaptive Fourier series modeling
- AFSP acute fibrinoserous pneumonia
- AFT aflatoxin; agglutination-flocculation test
- AFTA American Family Therapy Association
- AFTER Anistreplase Following Thrombolysis Effect on Reocclusion [study]; Aspirin/Anticoagulants Following Thrombolysis with Eminase in Recurrent Infarction [study]; Aspirin/Anticoagulants Following Thrombolysis with Eminase Results [study]
- AFTN autonomously functioning thyroid nodule
- AFV amniotic fluid volume; aortic flow velocity; Aspergillus foetidus virus
- AFV-F Aspergillus foetidus virus F
- AFV-S Aspergillus foetidus virus S
- AFX atypical fibroxanthoma
- AG abdominal girth; acidophilic granulocyte; agarose; aminoglutethimide; analytical grade; angular gyrus; anion gap; antigen; antigenomic; antiglobulin; antigravity; atrial gallop; attached gingiva; autograft; axiogingival; azurophilic granule
- AG, A/G albumin-globulin [ratio]
- Ag antigen; silver [Lat. argentum]
- Ag* labeled antigen
- ag androgenetic; antigen
- AGA accelerated growth area; allergic granulomatosis and angiitis; American Gastroenterological Association; American Genetic Association; American Geriatrics Association; American Goiter Association; antigliadin antibody; antiglomerular antibody; anti-IgG autoantibody; appropriate for gestational age [birthweight]; aspartylglucosamidase
- Ag-Ab antigen-antibody complex
- AGAC aminoglycoside-aminocyclitol
- AGAG acidic glycosaminoglycans
- AGAR Australian Group on Antimicrobial Resistance [study]
- AGBAD Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf
- AGC absolute granulocyte count; anatomically graduated component; atypical glandular cell; automatic gain control
- AGC-FN atypical glandular cell-favor neoplasia
- AGC-FR atypical glandular cell-favor reactive
- AgCPV Abraxas grossulariata cypovirus; Autographa gamma cypovirus
- AGCT antiglobulin consumption test; Army General Classification Test
- AGC-U atypical glandular cell-unqualified
- AGD agar gel diffusion; agarose diffusion; alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
- AGDD agar gel double diffusion
- AGE acrylamide gel; acute gastroenteritis; advanced glycosylation end-product; agarose gel electrophoresis; angle of greatest extension; arterial gas embolism
- AGED automated general experimental device
- AGEG age group
- AGE-IEF agarose gel-isoelectric focusing [electrophoresis]
- AGEPC acetyl glyceryl ether phosphorylcholine
- AGES age grade extension size [thyroid tumor]
- AGF adrenal growth factor; angle of greatest flexion
- AGG agammaglobulinemia
- agg agglutination; aggravation; aggregation
- aggl, agglut agglutination
- aggrav aggravated, aggravation
- aggreg aggregated, aggregation
- AGGS anti-gas gangrene serum
- AGI adjusted gross income
- AGID agar gel immunodiffusion
- AGIS Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study
- agit agitated, agitation
- AGIV Anticarisia gemmatalis iridescent virus
- AGL acute granulocytic leukemia; agglutination; aminoglutethimide; anterior glenoid labrum
- AGM absorbent gelling material
- AGMK African green monkey kidney [cell]
- AGMkK African green monkey kidney [cell]
- AgMNPV Anticarisia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus
- AGMPyV African green monkey polyoma virus
- AGN acute glomerulonephritis; agnosia
- VIIIAGN factor VIII antigen
- agn agnosia
- AGNB aerobic gram-negative bacillus
- AgNOR silver-staining nucleolar organizer region
- AGOS American Gynecological and Obstetrical Society
- AGP acid glycoprotein; agar gel precipitation; ambulatory glucose profile; azurophil granule protein
- AGPA American Group Practice Association; American Group Psychotherapy Association
- AGPI agar gel precipitin inhibition
- AGPT agar-gel precipitation test
- AGR aniridia-ambiguous genitalia-mental retardation [syndrome]; anticipatory goal response
- agr accessory gene regulator
- agri agriculture
- AGRP agouti-related protein
- AGS adrenogenital syndrome; Alagille syndrome; American Geriatrics Society; audiogenic seizures
- AGSP Australian Gonococcal Surveillance Programme
- AGT abnormal glucose tolerance; activity group therapy; acute generalized tuberculosis; alkylguanine deoxyribonucleic acid alkyltransferase; angiotensin; aniline/glyoxylate aminotransferase; antiglobulin test; Association of Genetic Technologists
- agt agent
- AGTH adrenoglomerulotropic hormone
- AGTr adrenoglomerulotropin
- AGTT abnormal glucose tolerance test
- AGU aspartylglucosaminuria
- AGUS atypia of gland cells of undetermined significance
- AGUV aguacate virus
- AGV aniline gentian violet
- AGVd Australian grapevine viroid
- AH abdominal hysterectomy; absorptive hypercalciuria; accidental hypothermia; acetohexamide; acid hydrolysis; acute hepatitis; adrenal hypoplasia; affected hemisphere; after-hyperpolarization; agnathia-holoprosencephaly; alcoholic hepatitis; amenorrhea and hirsutism; aminohippurate; anterior heel; anterior hypothalamus; antihyaluronidase; arcuate hypothalamus; Army Hospital; arterial hypertension; artificial heart; aryl hydrocarbon; ascites hepatoma; assisted hatching; astigmatic hypermetropia; ataxic hemiparesis; atypical hyperplasia; autoimmune hepatitis; autonomic hyperreflexia; axillary hair
- A/H amenorrhea-hyperprolactinemia
- A + H accident & health [policy]
- A · h ampere-hour
- Ah ampere hour
- aH abhenry
- ah hyperopic astigmatism
- AHA acetohydroxamic acid; acquired hemolytic anemia; acute hemolytic anemia; American Heart Association; American Hospital Association; anterior hypothalamic area; anti-heart antibody; antihistone antibody; area health authority; arthritis-hives-angioedema [syndrome]; aspartyl-hydroxamic acid; autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- AHA/ACC American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology [Task Force]
- AHB alpha-hydroxybutyric acid
- AHC academic health care; academic health center; acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis; acute hemorrhagic cystitis; adrenal hypoplasia congenita; antihemophilic factor C
- AHCA Agency for Health Care Administration; American Health Care Association
- AHCD acquired hepatocellular degeneration
- AHC/HHG adrenal hypoplasia congenita-hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [syndrome]
- aHCl aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride
- AHCN American Housecall Network [consumer health information]
- AHCP allied health care professional
- AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (see AHRQ)
- AhCPV Agrochola helvolva cypovirus
- AHCy adenosyl homocysteine
- AHD acquired hepatocerebral degeneration; acute heart disease; antihyaluronidase; antihypertensive drug; arterio-hepatic dysplasia; arteriosclerotic heart disease; atherosclerotic heart disease; autoimmune hemolytic disease
- AHDMS automated hospital data management system
- AHDP azacycloheptane diphosphonate
- AHDS Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome
- AHE acute hazardous events [database]; acute hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis
- AHEA area health education activity
- AHEAD Asset and Health Dynamics
- AHEC area health education center