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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ A ]
- AMPLE allergies, medications, past medical history, last meal, events preceding present condition
- A-M pr Austin-Moore prosthesis
- Amp-RT amplified reverse transcriptase
- AMPS abnormal mucopolysacchariduria; acid mucopolysaccharide
- AMPT active mouse protection test; alpha-methylparatyrosine
- ampul ampule
- AMR acoustic muscle reflex; activity metabolic rate; acute mitral regurgitation; alopecia-mental retardation [syndrome]; alternate motion rate; alternating motion reflex; ambulatory medical record
- AMRA American Medical Record Association
- AMRF American Medical Resources Foundation
- AMRI anteromedial rotatory instability
- AMRL Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory
- AMRNL Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory
- AMRO Amsterdam-Rotterdam Trial Comparing Excimer Laser and Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
- AMRS ambulatory medical records system; automated medical record system
- AMS ablepharon-microstomia syndrome; accelerator mass spectrometry; act management system; acute mountain sickness; adenosylmethionine synthetase; advanced large-scale integrated computational environment [ALICE] memory snooper; advanced medical systems [fetal monitor]; aggravated in military service; altered mental status; American Microscopical Society; amount of substance; amylase; antimacrophage serum; Army Medical Service; aseptic meningitis syndrome; Association of Military Surgeons; auditory memory span; automated multiphasic screening
- ams amount of a substance
- AMSA acridinylamine methanesulfon-m-anisidide; American Medical Society on Alcoholism; American Medical Students Association; amsacrine
- AMSAODD American Medical Society on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies
- AMSC Army Medical Specialist Corps
- AMSP Association of Medical School Pharmacology
- AMSRDC Army Medical Service Research and Development Command
- AMSU ambulatory minor surgery unit
- AMT acute miliary tuberculosis; Adenosine Scan Multicenter Trial; alpha-methyltyrosine; American Medical Technologists; amethopterin; amitriptyline; amniotic membrane transplantation; amphetamine; anxiety management training; atherogenic metabolic triad
- amt amount
- AMTV Arumowot virus
- amt/vol amount/volume
- AMU Army Medical Unit
- amu atomic mass unit
- AmuLV Abelson murine leukemia virus; amphotrophic murine leukemia virus
- AMV alfalfa mosaic virus; apex to mitral valve; assisted mechanical ventilation; asteroid mosaic virus; avian myeloblastosis virus
- AMVF additive multiattribute value function
- AMVI acute mesenteric vascular insufficiency
- aMVL anterior mitral valve leaflet
- AMWA American Medical Women's Association; American Medical Writers' Association
- AMX advanced multiprocessor extension; amoxicillin
- AMY, amy amylase
- AMyA antimyocardial antibody
- AN acanthosis nigricans; acetylnitrile; acne neonatorum; acoustic neuroma; adult, normal; ala nasi; amyl nitrate; aneurysm; anisometropia; anode; anorexia nervosa; antenatal; anterior; antineuraminidase; aseptic necrosis; atmosphere normal; atrionodal; autonomic neuropathy; avascular necrosis
- A/N antenatal; as needed
- An actinon; anisometropia; anode, anodal; antigen; Aspergillus niger; atmosphere normal
- An atmosphere normal
- A1-NA A1 area of the nucleus ambiguus
- ANA acetylneuraminic acid; American Narcolepsy Association; American Neurological Association; American Nurses Association; anesthesia [anaesthesia]; antibody to nuclear antigens; antinuclear antibody; aspartyl naphthylamide
- Ana anaplastic
- ANAD anorexia nervosa with associated disorders
- ANAE alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase
- ANAG acute narrow angle glaucoma
- AnaINH anaphylotoxin inhibitor
- ANAL, anal analgesia, analgesic; analysis, analytic
- ANAM automated neuropsychological assessment metrics
- ANAP agglutination negative, absorption positive [reaction]
- ANAS anastomosis; auditory nerve activating substance
- ANASCD American Nurses Association Steering Committee on Databases
- anast anastomosis
- ANAT anatomic structure [UMLS]
- Anat, anat anatomy, anatomist
- ANAV Anopheles A virus
- ANB avascular necrosis of bone
- ANBN alpha-nitroso-beta-naphthol
- ANBP Australian National Blood Pressure [trial]
- ANBV Anopheles B virus
- ANC absolute neutrophil count; acid neutralization capacity; active noise control [MRI]; adaptive or noise canceler; adult neuronal ceroid [lipofuscinosis]; ancestor [UMLS]; antigen-neutralizing capacity; Army Nurse Corps
- ANC1 ancestor, first level in hierarchy [UMLS]
- ANCA antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody
- ANCC, AnCC anodal closure contraction
- ANCHR Access to National Claims History Repository [Medicare database]
- ANCL adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
- ANCOVA analysis of covariance
- ANCR Association of the Nordic Cancer Registries
- AND algoneurodystrophy; anterior nasal discharge
- ANDA Abbreviated New Drug Application
- ANDRO, andro androsterone
- ANDTE, AnDTe anodal duration tetanus
- ANDV Andasibe virus; Andes virus
- anes, anesth anesthesia, anesthetic
- ANESR apparent norepinephrine secretion rate
- AnEx, an ex anodal excitation
- ANF alpha-naphthoflavone; American Nurses' Foundation; antineuritic factor; antinuclear factor; atrial natriuretic factor
- AnfaMNPV Anagrapha falciform multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus
- ANFIS adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
- ANFO ammonium nitrate-fuel oil [bomb]
- ANG angiogenin; angiogram, angiography; angiotensin
- Ang II, ANGII angiotensin II
- ang angiogram, angiography; angle, angular
- ANGEL a new global environment for learning [computer-assisted]
- ANGFA antinerve growth factor antibody
- Ang GR angiotensin generation rate
- AngHV anguillid herpesvirus
- Angio , angiogram, angiographicangiography
- ang pect angina pectoris
- ANH academic nursing home
- anh anhydrous
- ANHV Anhanga virus
- AnHV anatid herpesvirus
- ANI acute nerve irritation
- ANIA automated nephelometric immunoassay
- ANIM animal [UMLS]
- ANIMAL automatic nonlinear image matching and anatomical labeling
- ANIR Advanced Networking Infrastructure and Research [National Science Foundation]
- ANIS Anorexia Nervosa Inventory for Self-rating
- aniso anisocytosis
- ANIT alpha-naphthyl-isothiocyanate
- ANK, Ank ankyrin
- ank ankle
- ANL acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia
- ANLI antibody-negative with latent infection
- ANLL acute nonlymphocytic leukemia
- ANN artificial neural network
- Ann annual
- ANNA antineutrophil nuclear antibody
- ann fib annulus fibrosus
- ANNP artificial neural network processor
- ANOC, AnOC anodal opening contraction
- ANOCL anodal opening clonus
- ANOCOVA analysis of covariance [statistics]
- ANOP anophthalmia
- ANOV, ANOVA analysis of variance [statistics]
- ANP acute necrotizing pancreatitis; adult nurse practitioner; advanced nurse practitioner; ancillary nursing personnel; A-norprogesterone; atrial natriuretic peptide
- ANP-A atrial natriuretic peptide A
- ANP-B atrial natriuretic peptide B
- ANP-C atrial natriuretic peptide C
- A-NPP absorbed normal pooled plasma
- ANRC American National Red Cross
- ANRL antihypertensive neutral renomedullary lipid
- ANS acanthion; American National Standards; American Nimodipine Study; American Nutrition Society; 8-anilino-1-naphthalene-sulfonic acid; anterior nasal spine; antineutrophilic serum; antirat neutrophil serum; Army Nursing Service; arterionephrosclerosis; Associate in Nursing Science; autonomic nervous system
- ANSCII American National Standard Code for Information Interchange
- ANSI American National Standards Institute
- ANSI-HISPP American National Standards Institute Healthcare Informatics Standards Planning Panel
- AN-SIR advice nurse structured implicit review [telemedicine]
- ANSWER Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry/National Library of Medicine's Workstation for Emergency Response
- ANT acoustic noise test; adenine nucleotide translocator; aminonitrothiazole; anterior
- ant anterior; antimycin
- AntA antimycin A
- antag antagonist
- ANTENOX [Switch to oral] Anticoagulant from Enoxaparin [in treatment of acute deep venous thrombosis]
- Anth-Gly anthraquinone-glycine [conjugate]
- Anth-IDA anthraquinone-iminodiacetate [conjugate]
- anti-HBc antibody to hepatitis B core antigen
- anti-HBe antibody to hepatitis B early antigen
- anti-HBs antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen
- anti-PNM Ab anti-peripheral nerve myelin antibody
- AntLV Anthriscus latent virus
- ANTR apparent net transfer rate
- ANTU alpha-naphthylthiourea
- ANTV Antequera virus
- ANT3Y adenine nucleotide translocator 3 Y
- ANU artificial neural unit
- ANuA antinuclear antibody
- ANUG acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
- ANUV Ananindeua virus
- ANV avian nephritis virus
- AnV-S Aspergillus niger virus S
- ANX annexin
- anx anxiety
- ANZ Australia and New Zealand [heart failure collaborative study]
- AO abdominal aorta; abdominally obese; achievement orientation; acid output; acridine orange; age of onset; ankle orthosis; anodal opening; anterior oblique; antisense oligonucleotide; aorta; aortic opening; arthro-ophthalmopathy; assessment-object; atelosteogenesis; atomic orbital; atrioventricular [valve] opening; average optical [density]; axio-occlusal
- Ao aorta; Aspergillus ochraceus
- Ao orifice area
- A/O atlanto-occipital
- A&O, A/O alert and oriented
- AOA Administration on Aging; Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society; American Optometric Association; American Orthopedic Association; American Orthopsychiatric Association; American Osteopathic Association; ascending aorta
- AoA age of acquisition
- AOAA amino-oxyacetic acid
- AOAC Association of Official Agricultural Chemists
- AOAP as often as possible
- AoArE aortic arch epinephrine
- AOAS American Osteopathic Academy of Sclerotherapy
- AOB accessory olfactory bulb; alcohol on breath
- AOBEM American Osteopathic Board of Emergency Medicine
- AOBS acute organic brain syndrome
- AOC abridged ocular chart; allyloxycarbonyl; amyloxycarbonyl; anodal opening contraction; area of concern
- AOCA American Osteopathic College of Anesthesiologists
- AOCD American Osteopathic College of Dermatology
- AOCl anodal opening clonus
- AOCN advanced oncology certified nurse
- AOCPA American Osteopathic College of Pathologists
- AOCPR American Osteopathic College of Proctology
- AOCR American Osteopathic College of Radiology; American Osteopathic College of Rheumatology
- AOD Academy of Operative Dentistry; Academy of Oral Dynamics; adult-onset diabetes; anesthesiologist-on-duty; arterial oxygen desaturation; arteriosclerotic occlusive disease; auriculo-osteodysplasia
- AODM adult-onset diabetes mellitus
- AODME Academy of Osteopathic Directors of Medical Education
- AODP alcohol and other drug problems
- AOE admission order entry
- AoE aortic epinephrine
- AOHA American Osteopathic Hospital Association
- AoHV aotine herpesvirus
- AOI apnea of infancy
- AoIR Association of Internet Researchers
- AOIVM angiographically occult intracranial vascular malformation
- AOL acro-osteolysis
- AOM acute otitis media; alternatives of management; arthroophthalmopathy; azoxymethane
- AOMA American Occupational Medical Association
- AOMP, AoMP aortic mean pressure
- AON anterior olfactory nucleus
- AONE American Organization of Nurse Executives
- AOO anodal opening odor; atrial asynchronous (competitive, fixed-rate) [pacemaker]
- AOP anodal opening picture; aortic pressure
- AoP aortic pressure
- AOPA American Orthotics and Prosthetics Association
- AOPC adult outpatient psychotherapy clinic
- AOPW, AoPW aortic posterior wall
- AOR adjusted odds ratio; Alvarado Orthopedic Research [instruments]; auditory oculogyric reflex
- AORN Association of Operating Room Nurses
- AOS American Ophthalmological Society; American Otological Society; anodal opening sound; anterior [o]esophageal sensor
- A2-OS aortic second sound, opening snap
- AOSF adaptive order statistic filter
- AOSSM American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine
- AOT accessory optic tract; acute occlusive thrombus or thrombosis; Anderson Olsson table; anodal opening tetanus; Association of Occupational Therapists
- AOTA American Occupational Therapy Association
- AOTe anodal opening tetanus
- AOTF American Occupational Therapy Foundation
- AOU apparent oxygen utilization
- AOV aortic valve
- AoV aortic valve; Aspergillus ochraceus virus
- AP abdominal pain; abdominal [voiding] pressure; abdominoperitoneal; accelerated phase; accessory pathway; accounts payable; acid phosphatase; acinar parenchyma; action plan; action potential; activator protein; active pepsin; active pressure; acute pancreatitis; acute phase; acute pneumonia; acute proliferative; adductor pollicis [muscle]; adenomatous polyposis; adolescent psychiatry; after parturition; agno protein; alkaline phosphatase; alum precipitated; aminopeptidase; aminopyrine; amyloid P-component; amyloid peptide; anatomic profile; angina pectoris; antepartal [Lat. ante partum]; anterior pituitary; anteroposterior; antidromic potential; antiplasmin; antipyrine; antiviral protein; antral peristalsis; aortic pressure; aortopulmonary; apical pulse; apothecary; appendectomy; appendicitis; appendix; apurinic acid; apurinic/apyrimidinic [site in DNA]; area postrema; arithmetic progression; arterial pressure; artificial pneumothorax; aspiration pneumonia; assessment and plans; association period; atherosclerotic plaque; atrial pacing; atrioventricular pathway; attending physician; axiopulpal; before parturition [Lat. ante partum]
- A-P anteroposterior
- A&P anterior and posterior; assessment and plans; auscultation and percussion
- A/P abdominal/perineal; antepartum; ascites/plasma [ratio]
- A2 P2 aortic second sound, pulmonary second sound
- 4-AP 4-aminopyridine
- Ap apex
- Ap amount in plasma
- aP acellular pertussis [vaccine]
- ap anteroposterior; attachment point
- APA action potential amplitude; aldosterone-producing adenoma; Ambulatory Pediatric Association; American Pancreatic Association; American Pharmaceutic Association; American Physiotherapy Association; American Podiatric Association; American Psychiatric Association; American Psychoanalytic Association; American Psychological Association; American Psychopathological Association; American Psychotherapy Association; aminopenicillanic acid; anterior margin of pulmonary artery; antipernicious anemia [factor]; antiphospholipid antibody; antiproliferative antibody; arcuate premotor area; azidophenacyl
- ApA adenylyl (3´-5´) adenosine; azidophenacyl
- APAAP alkaline phosphatase-antialkaline phosphatase [labeling]
- APAB antiphospholipid antibody; azidophenacyl bromide
- APACHE Acute Physiology, Age, and Chronic Health Evaluation
- APACS analog picture archiving and communication system
- APAF antipernicious anemia factor
- APAMI Asian Pacific Association of Medical Informatics
- APAN Asian-Pacific Advanced Network
- APAP acetaminophen; adaptive positive airway pressure
- APASS Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Stroke Studies
- APB abductor pollicis brevis; atrial premature beat
- APBD adult polyglucosan body disease
- APC acetylsalicylic acid, phenacetin, and caffeine; activated protein C; adenoidal-pharyngeal-conjunctival [agent]; adenomatous polyposis coli; allophyocyanin; all-purpose capsule; angiotensin presenting cell; antigen-presenting cell; antiphlogistic corticoid; aortopulmonary collateral artery; aperture current; apneustic center; argon plasma coagulation; Association for Practitioners in Infection Control; aspirin-phenacetin-caffeine; atrial premature contraction; autologous platelet concentrate
- aPC activated protein C
- ApCAM aplasia cell adhesion molecule
- APCC aspirin-phenacetin-caffeine-codeine
- APCD acquired prothrombin complex deficiency [syndrome]; adult polycystic kidney disease
- APCF acute pharyngoconjunctival fever
- APCG apex cardiogram
- Ap4CH apical four-chamber plane
- APCKD adult-type polycystic kidney disease
- ApCPV Anaitis plagiata cypovirus; Antheraea pernyi cypovirus
- APC-R, APCR activated protein C resistance
- APD acquired perforating dermatosis; action potential duration [of heart]; acute polycystic disease; adult polycystic disease; advanced physical diagnosis; airway pressure disconnect; anteroposterior diameter; antipsychotic drug; articulation-phonological disorders; atrial premature depolarization; autoimmune progesterone dermatitis; automated peritoneal dialysis; avalanche photodiodes
- APD80 action potential duration at 80% repolarization
- A-PD anteroposterior diameter
- APDb [heart] action potential duration-baseline beat
- APDF amplitude probability density function
- APDI Adult Personal Data Inventory
- APDIM Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine
- ApDNV Aedes pseudoscutellaris densovirus
- APDp [heart] action potential duration-premature stimulus
- AP-DRG all patients-diagnosis-related group
- APE acetone powder extract; acute polioencephalitis; acute psychotic episode; acute pulmonary edema; airway pressure excursion; aminophylline, phenobarbital, and ephedrine; anterior pituitary extract; asthma of physical effort; avian pneumoencephalitis
- APECED autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidosis-ectodermal dystrophy
- ApEn approximate entropy
- APES aminopropyltriethoxysilane
- APEUV Apeu virus
- APEX automatic programmable electronic matrix
- APF acidulated phosphofluoride; adaptive pattern filtering; American Psychological Foundation; anabolism-promoting factor; animal protein factor; antiperinuclear factor; assigned protection factor
- APG acid-precipitated globulin; air plethysmography; ambulatory patient group; animal pituitary gonadotropin; antegrade pyelography
- APGAR American Pediatric Gross Assessment Record
- APGL alkaline phosphatase activity of granular leukocytes
- APGO Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics
- APH alcohol-positive history; alternative pathway hemolysis; aminoglycoside phosphotransferase; antepartum hemorrhage; anterior pituitary hormone; Association of Private Hospitals
- Aph aphasia
- APHA American Protestant Hospital Association; American Public Health Association
- APhA American Pharmaceutical Association
- APHEA Air Pollution in Health, European Approach
- APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
- APHL Association of Public Health Laboratories
- APHP anti-Pseudomonas human plasma
- API alkaline protease inhibitor; Analytical Profile Index; annual parasitological index; application program interface; applications programming interface; arterial pressure index; atmospheric pressure ionization; Autonomy Preference Index
- APIC Acenocoumarin vs Pentoxifylline in Intermittent Claudication [trial]; Association for Practitioners in Infection Control
- APIE assessment, plan, implementation, and evaluation
- APIM Association Professionnelle Internationale des Medecins
- APIP additional personal injury protection
- APIS Antihypertensive Patch, Italian Study
- APIVR artificial pacemaker-induced ventricular rhythm
- aPKC atypical protein kinase C
- APKD adult-onset polycystic kidney disease
- APL abductor pollicis longus; accelerated painless labor; acute promyelocytic leukemia; animal placenta lactogen; anterior pituitary-like; anterior pulmonary leaflet
- aPL antiphospholipid
- A-P&L anteroposterior and lateral
- APLA, aPLA antiphospholipid antibody
- APLAUD Antiplatelet Useful Dose [trial]
- APLAUSE Antiplatelet Treatment After Intravascular Ultrasound Guided Optimal Stent Expansion [trial]
- APLP amyloid precursor-like protein
- APLPV American plum line pattern virus
- APLS advanced pediatric life support
- APLV Andean potato latent virus
- APM Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine; Academy of Physical Medicine; Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine; acid precipitable material; admission pattern monitoring; affected pedigree member; alternating pressure mattress; anterior papillary muscle; anteroposterior movement; apical plasma membrane; aspartame; Association of Professors of Medicine
- APML acute promyelocytic leukemia
- APMOMS Advisory Panel on the Mission and Organization of Medical Schools
- APMoV Andean potato mottle virus
- APMR Association for Physical and Mental Retardation
- APMV avian paramyxovirus
- ApMV apple mosaic virus
- APN acute pyelonephritis; advanced practice nurse; average peak noise
- APNCU adequacy of prenatal care utilization
- APNH antiporter sodium-hydrogen ion
- APO abductor pollicis obliquus; acquired pendular oscillation; Adriamycin, prednisone, vincristine; adverse patient occurrence; aphoxide; apolipoprotein; apomorphine; apoprotein
- Apo, apo apolipoprotein
- APOA, apoA apolipoprotein A
- APOB, apoB apolipoprotein B
- APOC African Program for Onchocerciasis Control; apolipoprotein C
- apoC apolipoprotein C
- APOE, apoE apolipoprotein E
- APOIV Apoi virus
- APOJ, apoJ apolipoprotein J
- APORF acute postoperative renal failure
- apoth apothecary
- APP acute phase protein; alum-precipitated pyridine; aminopyrazolopyrimidine; amyloid peptide precursor; amyloid precursor protein; antiplatelet plasma; aqueous procaine penicillin; automated physiologic profile; average pixel projection; avian pancreatic polypeptide
- App, app appendix
- APPA American Psychopathological Association; 4-aminophenylacetic acid
- appar apparatus
- APPC application or advanced program-to-program communication
- APPCPT atom and physicochemical property class pair and torsion
- APPCR, AP-PCR arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction
- APPG aqueous procaine penicillin G
- APPI Active Persantine in Postischemic Injury [study]
- appl appliance; application, applied
- APPROACH Alberta Provincial Project for Outcomes Assessment in Coronary Heart Disease
- approp appropriate
- approx approximate
- APPS amyloid precursor protein secretase
- APPT Adolescent Pediatric Pain Tool
- Appt, appt appointment
- appx appendix
- appy appendectomy
- APR abdominoperineal resection; absolute proximal reabsorption; acute phase reaction or reactant; air-purifying respirator; amebic prevalence rate; anatomic porous replacement; anterior pituitary reaction; average payment rate
- APRAIS Acute Phase Reactions and Ischemic Coronary Syndromes
- APRAISE Antisense to Prevent Restenosis After Intervention, Stent Evaluation
- aprax apraxia
- APRICOT Antithrombotics in the Prevention of Reocclusion in Coronary Thrombolysis [trial]; Aspirin vs Coumadin Trial; Aspirin vs Coumadin in the Prevention of Reocclusion and Recurrent Ischemia after Successful Thrombolysis Trial
- APRL American Prosthetic Research Laboratory
- AProL acute promyelocytic leukemia
- APRP acidic proline-rich protein; acute phase reactant protein
- APRT adenine phosphoribosyl transferase
- APRV airway pressure release ventilation
- APS acute physiology score; adenosine phosphosulfate; advanced photon source; American Pain Society; American Pediatric Society; American Physiological Society; American Proctologic Society; American Prosthodontic Society; American Psychological Society; American Psychosomatic Society; aminopropylsilane; ammonium persulfate; analog processing stage; annual person summary [Medicare data file]; antiphospholipid antibody syndrome; attending physician's statement; Australian Psychological Society; autoimmune polyglandular syndrome; automated patent system; prostate-specific antigen
- APSAC acylated plasminogen-streptokinase activator complex; anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activator complex
- APSD aorticopulmonary septal defect
- APSGN acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
- APSIS Angina Prognosis Study in Stockholm; Angina Prognosis Study with Isoptin and Seloken [trial]
- APSP assisted peak systolic pressure
- APSQ Abbreviated Parent Symptom Questionnaire
- APSS Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep
- APSU Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit
- APT Ablate and Pace Trial; alum-precipitated toxoid; aminophenylthioether; antiplatelet trials; applied potential tomography; automatic peak tracing
- APTA American Physical Therapy Association
- APTD Aid to Permanently and Totally Disabled
- APTES γ-aminopropyltriethoxysilane
- APTF American Physical Therapy Foundation
- APTH ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and treatment of hypertension
- APTI airway pressure time index
- APTT, aPTT activated partial thromboplastin time
- APUD amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation
- APV abnormal posterior vector; Acyrthosiphon pisum virus; amprenavir
- aPV acellular pertussis vaccine
- APVC anomalous pulmonary venous connection
- APW alkaline peptone water
- APWS attending physician work station
- AQ achievement quotient; acoustic quantification; anthraquinone; any quantity; aphasia quotient
- aq aqueous; water [Lat. aqua]
- AQAB acquired abnormality [UMLS]
- AQCESS Automated Quality of Care Evaluation Support System
- AQIS Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
- AQL acceptable quality level
- AQLQ Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire
- AQMS acute quadriplegic myopathy syndrome
- AQP aquaporin
- AQS additional qualifying symptoms
- aqu aqueous
- AR absolute risk; acceptable risk; accounts receivable; achievement ratio; actinic reticuloid [syndrome]; active resistance; acute rejection; acute relapse; adherence ratio; admission rate; admitting room; adrenergic receptor; adrenodoxin reductase; airway resistance; alarm reaction; alcohol related; alkali reserve; allergic rhinitis; allowance region [radiotherapy]; alloy restoration; ambulance report; amphiregulin; amplitude ratio; analytical reagent; androgen receptor; anterior root; aortic regurgitation; apical-radial; Argyll Robertson [pupil]; aromatase; arsphenamine; articulare; artificial respiration; ascorbate reductase; assisted respiration; at risk; atrial rate; atrial reversal; atrophic rhinitis; augmented reality [computer graphics]; autoradiography; autoregressive; autosomal recessive
- A1R adenosine A1 receptor
- Ar argon; articulare
- Ar relative atomic mass
- ar aromatic
- A/R apical/radial
- A&R advised and released
- ARA Academy of Rehabilitative Audiometry; acetylene reduction activity; adenine regulating agent; American Rheumatism Association; anorectal agenesis; antireticulin antibody; aortic root angiogram; arabinose; Associate of the Royal Academy; Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly
- ara arabinose
- ara-A adenine arabinoside
- Ara-C arabinosylcytidine
- ara-C cytosine arabinose; cytosine arabinoside
- ARAL adjustment reaction to adult life
- ARAM antigen recognition activation motif
- ARAMIS American Rheumatism Association Medical Information System
- ARAO angiographic area of right anterior oblique projection
- ARAS ascending reticular activating system
- ara-U arabinosyluracil
- ARAV Araguari virus
- ARB adrenergic receptor binder; angiotensin receptor blocker
- arb arbitrary unit