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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ A ]
- ARBD alcohol-related birth defects
- ARBV Arbia virus
- ARC absolute reticulocyte count; accelerating rate calorimetry; Accreditation Review Council; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related complex; active renin concentration; AIDS-related complex; American Red Cross; anomalous retinal correspondence; antigen reactive cell; arcuate; Arthritis Rehabilitation Center; arthrogryposis-renal dysfunction-cholestasis [syndrome]; Association for Retarded Children; atypical reparative changes; automatic exposure control
- ARCA acquired red cell aplasia
- ARCD age-related cognitive decline
- ARCH Amiodarone Reduces Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Hospitalization [trial]; automated record for child health
- ARCI Addiction Research Center Inventory
- ARCOS Auckland Region Coronary or Stroke [study]
- ARCS Associate of the Royal College of Science; Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study
- ARC-ST Accreditation Review Council for Educational Programs in Surgical Technology
- ARD absolute reaction of degeneration; acute radiation disease; acute respiratory disease; adult respiratory distress; allergic respiratory disease; ancillary report display; anorectal dressing; aortic root diameter; arthritis and rheumatic diseases; atopic respiratory disease
- AR-DLMD autosomal recessive Duchenne-like muscular dystrophy
- ARDMS American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
- ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome; adult respiratory distress syndrome
- ARE active-resistive exercises; AIDS-related encephalitis; antioxidant response element
- AREDS Age-Related Eye Disease Study
- AREDYLD acrorenal field defect, ectodermal dysplasia, lipoatrophic diabetes [syndrome]
- AREPA acetazolamide-responsive familial paroxysmal ataxia
- ARES antireticulo-endothelial serum
- AREV Advanced Revelations [platform for database distribution]
- ARF acute renal failure; acute respiratory failure; acute rheumatic fever; Addiction Research Foundation; ambulance report form; area resource file
- ARFC active rosette-forming T-cell; autologous rosette-forming cell
- ARFD acrorenal field defect
- AR-FSP autosomal recessive familial spastic paraplegia
- ARG, Arg arginine
- arg arginine; silver [Lat. argentum]
- ARGAMI Argatroban Compared with Heparin in Myocardial Infarction Treated with Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator
- ARGS antitrypsin-related gene sequence
- ArGV Artogeia rapae granulovirus
- ARI absolute risk increase; activation-recovery interval; acute renal insufficiency; acute respiratory illness; airway reactivity index; aldolase reductase inhibitor; annual rate of infection; anxiety reaction, intense
- ARIA acetylcholine receptor-inducing activity; allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma; automated radioimmunoassay
- ARIC Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities [study]
- ARIF Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility [UK]
- ARIMA autoregressive integrated moving average
- ARIS Andrology Research Information System; Anturan Reinfarction Italian Study; auto-regulated inspiratory support
- Ar Kr argon-krypton [laser]
- ARKV Arkonam virus
- ARL Association of Research Libraries; average remaining lifetime
- ARLD alcohol-related liver disease
- AR-LGMD autosomal recessive limb muscular dystrophy
- ArLV artichoke latent virus
- ArLVM artichoke latent virus M
- ArLVS artichoke latent virus S
- ARM adrenergic receptor material; advanced respiratory mechanics; aerosol rebreathing method; ambulatory renal monitor; anorectal manometry; anxiety reaction, mild; arginine-rich motif; Armenian [hamster]; artificial rupture of membranes; associations rule mining [algorithm]; atomic resolution microscopy
- ARMA autoregressive moving average
- ARMD age-related muscle degeneration
- ARMS access by radial artery multilink stent; adverse reaction monitoring system; amplification refractory mutation system
- ARMV Arumateua virus
- ARN acute renal necrosis; acute retinal necrosis; arcuate nucleus; Association of Rehabilitation Nurses
- ARNMD Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Diseases
- ARNP Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner
- ARNSHL autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss
- ARNT aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator; aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator
- ARNV Aruana virus
- ARO adjusted relative odds; Associate for Research in Ophthalmology
- AROA autosomal recessive ocular albinism
- AROAV Aroa virus
- AROM active range of motion; artificial rupture of membranes
- arom aromatic
- ARP absolute refractory period; address resolution protocol; American Registry of Pathologists; anticipated recovery path; apolipoprotein regulatory protein; assay reference plasma; assimilation regulatory protein; atrial refractory period; at risk period; automaticity recovery phase
- ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency
- ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
- ARPC Akaike relative power contribution
- ARPD autosomal recessive polycystic disease
- ARPES angular resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
- ARPKD autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
- ARPT American Registry of Physical Therapists
- ARR absolute risk reduction; aortic root replacement
- arr arrest, arrested
- ARRC Associate of the Royal Red Cross
- ARREST Amiodarone in Out-of-Hospital Resuscitation of Refractory Sustained Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia; Amsterdam Resuscitation Study
- ARRP autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa
- ARRS American Roentgen Ray Society
- ARRT American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
- ARS acquiescence response scale; acute radiation syndrome or sickness; adult Reye's syndrome; alcohol-related seizures; alizarin red S; American Radium Society; American Rhinologic Society; antirabies serum; arsphenamine; arylsulfatase; Atherogenic Risk Study; autonomously replicating sequence
- Ars arsphenamine
- ARSA American Reye's Syndrome Association; arylsulfatase A
- ARSAC Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee
- ARSACS autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay
- ARSB arylsulfatase B
- ARSC arylsulfatase C; Associate of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- ARSM acute respiratory system malfunction
- ARSPH Associate of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health
- ART absolute retention time; Accredited Record Technician; Achilles reflex time; acoustic reflex test; acoustic reflex threshold; adaptive resonance theory; algebraic reconstruction technique; algebraic reconstructive technique; AngioJet Rapid Thrombectomy Catheter Study; antiretroviral therapy; artery; assisted reproductive technique; automated radiation therapy; automated reagin test; automaticity recovery time
- art artery, arterial; articulation; artificial
- ARTF artificial
- arth arthritis
- artic articulation, articulated
- artif artificial
- ARTIS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome [HIV/AIDS] Treatment Information Service [NLM database]
- ARTISTIC Angiorad Radiation Technology for In-Stent Restenosis Trial in Coronaries
- ARTMAP adaptive resonance theory mapping
- Art O2 arterial oxygen flow
- ARTS Arterial Revascularization Therapies Study
- ARU arthritis rehabilitation unit
- ARUAV Aruac virus
- ARV acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related virus; Adelaide River virus; anterior right ventricle; antiretroviral; avian orthoreovirus; avian reovirus
- ARV-A aquareovirus A
- ARV-B aquareovirus B
- ARV-C aquareovirus C
- ARVD arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
- ARV-D aquareovirus D
- ARV-E aquareovirus E
- ARV-F aquareovirus F
- ARVP arginine-vasopressin
- ARX autoregressive with exogenous input [model]
- ARZAP archive zap process [database element]
- AS above scale; absence of seizures; access service [to health information]; acetylstrophanthidin; acidified serum; acoustic schwannoma; acoustic stimulation; active sarcoidosis; active sleep; Adams-Stokes [disease]; adolescent suicide; aerosol sensitivity; aerosol sensitization; allele-specific; Alport syndrome; alveolar sac; amphetamine sulfate; amyloid substance; anabolic steroid; anal sphincter; androsterone sulfate; Angelman syndrome; angiosarcoma; ankylosing spondylitis; anorexia site [database, Italy]; anovulatory syndrome; anterior synechia; anteroseptal; anterosuperior; antiserum; antisocial; antistreptolysin; antral spasm; anxiety state; aortic sound; aortic stenosis; approaching significance [statistical]; aqueous solution; aqueous suspension; archives server; area of stenosis; arteriosclerosis; artificial sweetener; aseptic meningitis; asparagine synthetase; Asperger syndrome; assisted suicide; astigmatism; asymmetric; atherosclerosis; atrial septum; atrial stenosis; atropine sulfate; audiogenic seizure; Auto-Suture; left ear [Lat. auris sinistra; JCAHO unapproved abbreviation]
- As arsenic; astigmatism; asymptomatic
- A(s) asplenia syndrome
- As ampere second
- A/s ampere per second
- As shifted ligand concentration [amount/volume]
- aS absiemens
- as left ear [Lat. auris sinistra]
- ASA acetylsalicylic acid; active systemic anaphylaxis; acute severe asthma; Adams-Stokes attack; ambulatory services architecture; American Society of Anesthesiologists; American Standards Association; American Surgical Association; aminosalicylic acid; anterior spinal artery; antibody to surface antigen; argininosuccinic acid; arylsulfatase-A; aspirin-sensitive asthma; asthma-nasal polyps-aspirin intolerance [triad]
- ASAAC Acetylsalicylic Acid Aorto-Coronary Bypass Surgery; Acetylsalicylic Acid vs Anticoagulants [study]
- ASAAD American Society for the Advancement of Anesthesia in Dentistry
- ASAC acidified serum-acidified complement
- ASAH antibiotic sterilized aortic valve homograft
- ASAHP American Society of Allied Health Professions
- ASAIO American Society for Artificial Internal Organs
- ASAL arginosuccinic acid lyase
- ASAP Academic Strategic Alliance Program; Acetylsalicylic Acid Persantine [study]; American Society for Adolescent Psychology; apparatus for sensing accuracy of position; arbitrary signatures from amplification profiles; Areawide Stroke Awareness Program; as soon as possible; Azimilide Supraventricular Arrhythmia Program [trial]
- ASAPS American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- ASAS Anderson Symptom Assessment Scale; argininosuccinate synthetase
- ASAT aspartate aminotransferase
- ASB American Society of Bacteriologists; anencephaly-spina bifida [syndrome]; anesthesia standby; Anxiety Scale for the Blind; asymptomatic bacteriuria
- ASBMT American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
- ASBS American Society for Bariatric Surgery
- ASBV, ASBVd avocado sunblotch viroid
- ASC acetylsulfanilyl chloride; acute suppurative cholangitis; altered state of consciousness; ambulatory surgical center; American Society of Cytology; anterior subcapsular cataract; antibody-secreting cell; antigen-sensitive cell; ascorbate, ascorbic acid; asthma symptom checklist; auditory sequence comparison; automatic sensitivity control
- asc anterior subcapsular; ascending
- ASCAD atherosclerotic coronary artery disease
- ASCAo ascending aorta
- ASCB Asymptomatic Cervical Bruit [study]
- ASCH American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
- ASCI Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative; acute spinal cord injury; American Society for Clinical Investigation; automated stress relaxation and creep indentation
- ASCIA American Spinal Cord Injury Association
- ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- ASCLT American Society of Clinical Laboratory Technicians
- ASCMS American Society of Contemporary Medicine and Surgery
- ASCN American Society for Clinical Nutrition
- ASCO American Society of Clinical Oncology; American Society of Contemporary Ophthalmology
- ASCOT Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial; a severity characterization of trauma
- ASCOTA American Student Committee of the Occupational Therapy Association
- ASCP American Society of Clinical Pathologists; American Society of Consulting Pharmacists
- AsCPV Actias selene cypovirus; Agrotis segetum cypovirus
- ASCR American Society of Chiropodical Roentgenology
- ASCS admissions scheduling system
- ASCT autologous stem cell transplantation
- ASCUS atypia of squamous cells of undetermined significance
- ASCUS-H atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
- ASCUS-L atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
- ASCVD arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease; atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
- ASD adaptive seating device; aldosterone secretion defect; Alzheimer senile dementia; antisiphon device; argininosuccinic acid synthetase deficiency; arthritis syphilitica deformans; arthroscopic subacromial decompression; atrial septal defect
- ASDB Active Substance Database; Annotation and Similarity [protein] Database
- A-SDC anomaly-symptomatic deformity complex
- ASDC American Society of Dentistry for Children; Association of Sleep Disorders Centers
- ASDE Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative [ASCI] Simulation Development Environment
- ASDH acute subdural hemorrhage or hematoma
- ASDOS Atrial Septal Defect Occlusion System [study]
- ASDP anal sphincter dysplasia
- ASDS American Society for Dermatological Surgery
- ASE acute stress erosion; American Society of Electrocardiography; application service element; axilla, shoulder, and elbow
- ASEX Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale
- ASF African swine fever; aniline-sulfur-formaldehyde [resin]
- ASFR age-specific fertility rate
- ASFV African swine fever virus
- ASG advanced cell group; American Society for Genetics; Army Surgeon General; aspermiogenesis
- ASGBI Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
- ASGE American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- ASGP asialoglycoprotein
- AS/GP antiserum, guinea pig
- ASGR asialoglycoprotein receptor
- ASGV apple stem grooving virus
- ASH Action on Smoking and Health; aldosterone-stimulating hormone; American Society of Hematology; ankylosing spinal hyperostosis; antistreptococcal hyaluronidase; asymmetric septal hypertrophy
- AsH astigmatism, hypermetropic
- A&Sh arm and shoulder
- ASHA American School Health Association; American Social Health Association; American Speech and Hearing Association
- ASHAC acquired immunodeficiency syndrome self-help and care
- ASHBEAMS American Society of Hospital-Based Emergency Aeromedical Services
- ASHBM Associate Scottish Hospital Bureau of Management
- ASHCRM American Society of Health Care Risk Managers
- ASHCSP American Society for Hospital Central Service Personnel [of AHA]
- ASHCVD atherosclerotic hypertensive cardiovascular disease
- ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease; atrioseptal heart disease
- ASHE American Society for Hospital Engineering
- ASHET American Society for Health Manpower Education and Training
- ASHFSA American Society for Hospital Food Service Administrators
- ASHG American Society for Human Genetics
- ASHI Association for the Study of Human Infertility
- ASHL Association of Scottish Health Science Librarians
- ASHM Australasian Society for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Medicine
- ASHN acute sclerosing hyaline necrosis
- AS/Ho antiserum, horse
- ASHP American Society for Hospital Planning; American Society of Hospital Pharmacists
- ASHPA American Society for Hospital Personnel Administration
- ASHT American Society of Hand Therapists
- ASHV Arctic squirrel hepatitis virus
- ASI Addiction Severity Index; anxiety state inventory; anxiety status inventory; arthroscopic screw installation
- a-Si amorphous silicon
- ASIA American Spinal Injury Association
- ASIC acid sensing ion channel; application-specific integrated circuit
- aSi/CsI cesium iodide and amorphous silicon [x-ray detector]
- ASIF Association for Study of Internal Fixation
- ASII American Science Information Institute
- ASIM American Society of Internal Medicine
- ASIP atypical protein kinase C isotype-specific interacting protein
- ASIR age-standardized incidence rate
- ASIS American Society for Information Science; American Study of Infarct Survival; Angina and Silent Ischemia Study; average severity of index score; anterior superior iliac spine
- ASIST Atenolol Silent Ischemia Trial
- ASK anomalous state of knowledge; antistreptokinase; Australian Streptokinase [trial in stroke]
- ASL angiosarcoma of liver; antistreptolysin; argininosuccinate lyase
- ASLIB Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau
- ASLM American Society of Law and Medicine
- ASLN Alport syndrome-like hereditary nephritis
- ASLO antistreptolysin O
- ASLT antistreptolysin test
- ASLV avian sarcoma and leukosis virus
- ASM acid sphingomyelinase; active shape model [radiological image]; age-specific mortality; airway smooth muscle; American Society for Microbiology; angular second moment; anterior scalenus muscle
- AsM astigmatism, myopic
- asm age-specific mortality
- ASMA Aerospace Medical Association; antismooth muscle antibody
- ASMC arterial smooth muscle cell
- ASMD anterior segment mesenchymal dysgenesis; atonic sclerotic muscle dystrophy
- ASME Association for the Study of Medical Education
- ASMI anteroseptal myocardial infarct
- As/Mk antiserum, monkey
- ASMPA Armed Services Medical Procurement Agency
- ASMR age-standardized mortality ratio
- ASMS archival [imaging] storage management system
- ASMT acetylserotonin methyltransferase; American Society for Medical Technology
- ASMTY acetylserotonin methyltransferase Y
- ASN abstract syntax notation; alkali-soluble nitrogen; American Society of Nephrology; American Society of Neurochemistry; arteriosclerotic nephritis; asparagine; Associate in Nursing
- Asn, asn asparagine
- ASO administrative services only; AIDS service organization; allele-specific oligonucleoside; antistreptolysin O; arteriosclerosis obliterans
- ASOD anterior segmental ocular dysgenesis
- AS ON antisense oligonucleotide
- ASOS American Society of Oral Surgeons
- ASOT antistreptolysin-O test
- ASP abnormal spinal posture; active server page or pages; active server processor; acute suppurative parotitis; acute symmetric polyarthritis; affected sibling pair; African swine pox; aged substrate plasma; alkali-stable pepsin; American Society of Parasitology; amnesic shellfish poisoning; ankylosing spondylitis; anorectal malformation, sacral bony abnormality, presacral mass [association]; antibody-specific prediction; antisocial personality; aortic systolic pressure; application service provider; area systolic pressure; asparaginase; aspartic acid
- Asp aspartic acid; asparaginase
- asp aspartame; aspartate, aspartic acid; aspiration; automatic signal processing
- ASPA American Society of Physician Analysts; American Society of Podiatric Assistants; aspartoacylase
- ASPAC Asia-Pacific [regional study]
- ASPAT antistreptococcal polysaccharide test
- ASPCR, AS-PCR allele-specific polymerase chain reaction
- ASPD antisocial personality disorder
- ASPDM American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine
- ASPECT Anticoagulants in Secondary Prevention of Events in Coronary Thrombosis; Approach to Systematic Planning and Evaluation of Clinical Trials
- ASPEN American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
- ASPG antispleen globulin
- AS/PI anterior superior/posterior inferior
- ASPIRE Action on Secondary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events
- ASPM American Society of Paramedics
- ASPO American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics; American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology
- ASPP Association for Sane Psychiatric Practices
- ASPREN Australian Sentinel Practice Research Network
- ASPRS American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- ASPS advanced sleep phase syndrome; Australian Swedish Pindolol Study
- ASPSOM adaptive structure probabilistic self-organizing map
- ASPV apple stem pitting virus
- ASPVD atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease; atherosclerotic pulmonary vascular disease
- ASQ Abbreviated Symptom Questionnaire; Anxiety Scale Questionnaire
- ASR adrenal/spleen ratio; age-standardized rate; aldosterone secretion rate; antistreptolysin reaction; automated speech recognition
- AS/Rab antiserum, rabbit
- ASRT American Society of Radiologic Technologists; American Society of Registered Technologists
- ASS Aarskog-Scott syndrome; acute serum sickness; acute spinal stenosis; acute stroke study; anterior superior spine; argininosuccinate synthetase; Auckland Stroke Study
- ASSA, ASSAS aminopterin-like syndrome sine aminopterin
- ASSC acute splenic sequestration crisis
- AS-SCORE age, stage of disease, physiological system involved, complications, response to therapy
- ASSENT Assessment of the Safety and Efficacy of a New Thrombolytic Agent
- ASSERT [improving] Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services and Educating Providers to Refer Patients to Treatment
- ASSET Anglo-Scandinavian Study of Early Thrombolysis; Atorvastatin Simvastatin Safety and Efficacy Trial
- ASSH American Society for Surgery of the Hand
- ASSI Accurate Surgical and Scientific Instruments
- ASSIA Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts [UK]
- assim assimilate, assimilation
- ASSIST American Stop Smoking Intervention Study
- ASSO American Society for the Study of Orthodontics
- Assoc association, associate
- ASSP argininosuccinate synthetase pseudogene
- ASSR adult situation stress reaction; auditory steady-state response
- ASSURE A Stent vs Stent Ultrasound Remodeling Evaluation
- ASSVd Apple scar skin viroid
- ASSX argininosuccinate synthetase pseudogene
- AST above selected threshold; allele-specific transcript; allergy serum transfer; angiotensin sensitivity test; anterior spinothalamic tract; antimicrobial susceptibility test; antistreptolysin test; aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT); Association of Surgical Technologists; astigmatism; atrial overdrive stimulation rate; audiometry sweep test; Australian Streptokinase Trial
- Ast astigmatism
- ASTA anti-alpha-staphylolysin
- ASTAM American Society for Testing and Materials
- ASTECS Antenatal Steroid Therapy in Elective Cesarean Section [study]
- ASTH, Asth asthenopia
- ASTHO Association of State and Territorial Health Officers; Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
- ASTI antispasticity index
- ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
- ASTMH American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- ASTO antistreptolysin O
- as tol as tolerated
- ASTPHND Association of State and Territorial Public Health and Nutrition Directors
- ASTRO American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
- AstV Astrovirus
- ASTZ antistreptozyme
- ASUB active substance [UMLS]
- ASV anodic stripping voltammetry; antisiphon valve; anti-snake venom; autologous saphenous vein; avian sarcoma virus
- ASV-CT10 avian sarcoma virus CT10
- ASVO American Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology
- ASVPP American Society of Veterinary Physiologists and Pharmacologists
- ASW artificial sweetener
- ASWC averaged spike and wave complex [EEG]
- Asx amino acid that gives aspartic acid after hydrolysis; asymptomatic
- asym asymmetry, asymmetric
- AT abdominal thrusts; Achilles tendon; Achard-Thiers [syndrome]; achievement test; activity training; acute thrombosis; adaptive thermogenesis; adenine-thymine; adenine-thyronine; adipose tissue; adjunctive therapy; adnexal torsion; air temperature; allergy treatment; amino acid transporter; aminotransferase; aminotriazole; amitriptyline; anaerobic threshold; anaphylotoxin; angiotensin; anterior tibia; antithrombin; antitrypsin; antral transplantation; applanation tonometry; ataxia-telangiectasia; atmosphere; atraumatic; atresia, tricuspid; atrial tachycardia; atrial tumor; atropine; attenuate, attenuation; autoimmune thrombocytopenia; axonal terminal; old tuberculin [Gr. alt Tuberkulin]
- A-T ataxia-telangiectasia
- AT1 angiotensin II type 1
- AT10 dihydrotachysterol
- AT I angiotensin I
- AT II angiotensin II
- AT III angiotensin III; antithrombin III
- At acidity, total; angiotensin; antithrombin; astatine; atrium, atrial
- At amount in tissue
- at air tight; atom, atomic; technical atmosphere
- ATA alimentary toxic aleukia; American Telemedicine Association; American Thyroid Association; aminotriazole; antithymic activity; antithyroglobulin antibody; anti-Toxoplasma antibody; atmosphere absolute; aurintricarboxylic acid
- ATACS Antithrombotic Therapy in Acute Coronary Syndromes [trial]
- ATAI acute traumatic aortic injury
- ATB Articulated Total Body [model]; at the time of the bomb [A-bomb in Japan]; atrial tachycardia with block
- Atb antibiotic
- ATBC Alpha-Tocopherol/Beta Carotene [cancer prevention study]
- ATC activated thymus cell; alpha tocopherol; anaplastic thyroid carcinoma; Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical [classification]; around the clock; certified athletic trainer
- ATCase aspartate transcarbamoylase
- ATCC American Type Culture Collection
- ATCL adult T-cell leukemia or lymphoma
- ATCS anterior tibial compartment syndrome
- ATD Alzheimer-type dementia; androstatrienedione; anthropomorphic test dummy; antithyroid drug; aqueous tear deficiency; asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
- ATDC Association of Thalidomide Damaged Children
- ATDNet Advanced Technology Demonstration Network
- ATDP Attitude Toward Disabled Persons [scale]
- ATE acute toxic encephalopathy; acute toxicity end point; adipose tissue extract; autologous tumor extract
- ATEE N-acetyl-1-tyrosyl-ethyl ester
- ATEM analytic transmission electron microscopy
- Aten atenolol
- ATEST Atenolol and Streptokinase Trial
- ATEV Aphodius tasmaniae entomopoxvirus
- ATF activating transcription factor; anterior talofibular [ligament]; ascites tumor fluid
- At fib atrial fibrillation
- ATG adenine-thymidine-guanine; advanced technology group; antihuman thymocyte globulin; antithrombocyte globulin; antithymocyte globulin; antithyroglobulin
- ATGAM antithymocyte gamma-globulin
- AT/GC adenine-thymine/guanine-cytosine [ratio]
- ATH acetyl-tyrosine hydrazide; alkylated thiohydantoin
- ATh Associate in Therapy
- Athsc atherosclerosis
- AtHV ateline herpesvirus
- ATI abdominal trauma index; attitude-treatment interaction
- ATIAIS Anturane Transient Ischemic Attack Italian Study
- ATIME Accupril Titration Interval Management Evaluation [trial]
- ATL Achilles tendon lengthening; active template library; acute T-cell leukemia; adult T-cell leukemia; anterior tricuspid leaflet; antitension line; atypical lymphocyte
- ATLA adult T-cell leukemia virus-associated antigen; alternatives to laboratory animals
- ATLANTIC Angina Treatment, Lasers, and Normal Therapy in Comparison [trial]
- ATLANTIS Alteplase Thrombolysis for Acute Noninterventional Therapy in Ischemic Stroke