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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ B ]
- B bacillus; bands; barometric; base; basophil, basophilic; bath [Lat. balneum]; Baume scale; behavior; bel; Benoist scale; benzoate; beta; biscuspid; black; blood, bloody; blue; body; boils at; Bolton point; bone marrow-derived [cell or lymphocyte]; born; boron; bound; bovine; break; bregma; bronchial, bronchus; brother; Brucella; bruit; buccal; Bucky [film in cassette in Potter-Bucky diaphragm]; Bucky factor; bursa cells; burst [pacemaker]; bypass; byte; colorectal tumor extending into adipose tissue [Dukes classification]; magnetic induction; minimal detectable blurring; supramentale [point]
- B0 constant magnetic field in nuclear magnetic resonance
- B1 palpable one lobe prostatic tumor less than 1.5 cm [Jewett staging system]; tumor extending into muscularis propria [Astler-Coller classification]
- B1 induced field in nuclear magnetic resonance; radiofrequency magnetic field in nuclear magnetic resonance; thiamine
- B2 palpable two-lobe prostatic tumor larger than 1.5 cm [Jewett staging system]; tumor extending into perirectal adipose tissue [Astler-Coller classification]
- B2 riboflavin
- B6 pyridoxine
- B7 biotin
- B8 adenosine phosphate
- B12 cyanocobalamin
- b barn; base; boils at; born; brain; branched; [chromosome] break; supramentale [point]; twice [Lat. bis]
- b sample regression coefficient [statistics]
- b+ positron emission
- b- beta emission
- β see beta
- BA Bachelor of Arts; backache; bacterial agglutination; bactericidal activity; barbituric acid; basion; benz[a]anthracene; benzyladenine; best amplitude; beta adrenergic; betamethasone acetate; bilateral asymmetrical; bile acid; Biliary atresia; biological activity; blocking antibody; blood agar; blood alcohol; bone age; boric acid; bovine albumin; brachial artery; breathing apparatus; bronchial asthma; buccoaxial; buffered acetone
- Ba barium; barium enema; basion
- ba basion
- BAA benzoylarginine amide; branched amino acid
- BAAP bone-anchored auricular prosthesis
- BAATAF Boston Area Anticoagulation Trial for Atrial Fibrillation
- BAAV bovine adeno-associated virus
- BAB blood agar base
- Bab Babinski's reflex; baboon
- BabK baboon kidney
- BABs born after the ban cases [see BSE]
- BABV Babahoya virus
- BAC baclofen; bacterial adherent colony; bacterial antigen complex; bacterial artificial chromosome; blood alcohol concentration; British Association of Chemists; bronchoalveolar carcinoma; bronchoalveolar cells; buccoaxiocervical
- Bac, bac Bacillus
- BACT bacterium [UMLS]; best available control technology
- Bact, bact Bacterium; bacterium, bacteria
- BACUS Balloon Angioplasty Compliance Ultrasound Study
- BAD biological aerosol detection; biologically active dose; British Association of Dermatologists
- BADE [Thoracic] Bioimpedance as an Adjunct to Dobutamine Echocardiography [study]
- BADS black locks-albinism-deafness syndrome
- BAdV bovine adenovirus
- BAdV-A, B, C bovine adenovirus A, B and C
- BAE bovine aortic endothelium; bronchial artery embolization
- BaE barium enema
- BAEC bovine aortic endothelial cell
- BAEDP balloon aortic end-diastolic pressure
- BAEE benzoylarginine ethyl ester
- BaEn barium enema
- BAEP brainstem auditory evoked potential
- BAER brainstem auditory evoked response
- BaEV baboon endogenous virus
- BaFBr:Eu europium-activated barium fluorohalide
- BAG buccoaxiogingival
- BAGG buffered azide glucose glycerol
- BAGV Bagaza virus
- BAHA® bone-anchored hearing aid
- BAHAMA Baragwanath Hypertension Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Multiarm
- BA/HPCC biomedical application of high performance computing and communication
- BAHS Boston Area Health Study; butoctamide hydrogen succinate
- BAHV Bahig virus
- BAI beta-aminoisobutyrate
- BAIB beta-aminoisobutyric [acid]
- BAIF bile acid independent flow
- BAIT bacterial automated identification technique
- BAKUV Baku virus
- BAKV Bakel virus; Bakau virus
- BAL bio-artificial liver; blood alcohol level; British anti-lewisite; bronchoalveolar lavage
- bal balance; balsam
- BALB binaural alternate loudness balance
- BALF broncho-alveolar lavage fluid
- bals balsam
- BALT bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue
- BAM Bacteriological Analytical Manual; basilar artery migraine; bilateral augmentation mammoplasty; brachial artery mean [pressure]
- BaM barium meal
- Bam benzamide
- BAME benzoylarginine methyl ester
- BaMMV barley mild mosaic virus
- BaMV bamboo mosaic virus
- BAN British Approved Name; British Association of Neurologists
- BANS back, arms, neck, and scalp
- BANTER Bayesian Network Tutoring and Explanation
- BANV Banzi virus
- BAO basal acid output; brachial artery output
- BAO-MAO basal acid output to maximal acid output [ratio]
- BAP bacterial alkaline phosphatase; Behavior Activity Profile; beta-amyloid peptide; blood-agar plate; bovine albumin in phosphate buffer; brachial artery pressure; brightness area product
- BAPhysMed British Association of Physical Medicine
- BAPI barley alkaline protease inhibitor
- BAPN beta-aminoproprionitrile
- BAPO British Association of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngologists
- BAPP beta amyloid precursor protein
- BAPS biomechanical ankle platform system; bovine albumin phosphate saline; British Association of Paediatric Surgeons; British Association of Plastic Surgeons
- BAPT British Association of Physical Training
- BAPTA 1,2-bis (aminophenoxy) ethane-N,N,N´,N´-tetraacetic acid
- BAPV bovine alimentary papillomavirus
- BAQ brain-age quotient
- BAR bariatrics; barometer, barometric; beta-adrenergic receptor
- βAR beta adrenergic receptor
- bar barometric
- BARASTER Balloon Angioplasty vs Rotational Atherectomy for Stent Restenosis
- Barb, barb barbiturate, barbituric
- BARI Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation [trial]
- BARK beta-adrenergic receptor kinase
- BARN bilateral acute retinal necrosis; Body Awareness Resource Network
- BAROCCO Balloon Angioplasty vs Rotacs for Total Chronic Coronary Occlusion [trial]
- BARS behaviorally anchored rating scale
- BART blood-activated recalcification time
- BARV Barur virus
- BarV barley virus
- BarV-B1 barley virus B1
- BAS balloon atrial septostomy; battalion aid station; benzyl anti-serotonin; beta-adrenergic stimulation; boric acid solution; Bronx Longitudinal Aging Study
- BaS barium swallow
- bas basilar; basophil, basophilic
- BASA Boston Assessment of Severe Aphasia
- BASC Blood Pressure in Acute Stroke Collaboration
- BASE B27-arthritis-sacroiliitis-extra-articular features [syndrome]
- BASH body acceleration synchronous with heart rate
- BASIC Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Introduction Code
- BASIS Basel Antiarrhythmic Study of Infarct Survival
- baso basophil
- BASOC boundary at the scale of the core [imaging]
- BAstV bovine astrovirus
- BaSV Bajra streak virus
- BAT basic aid training; best available technology; blunt abdominal trauma; bright acuity test; brown adipose tissue
- BATV Batai virus
- BAUP Bovie-assisted uvulopalatoplasty
- BAUS British Association of Urological Surgeons
- BAUV Bauline virus
- BAV banana virus; bicuspid aortic valve; Bivens arm virus
- BaV Barramundi virus
- BAV-CH banana virus-China
- BAVCP bilateral abductor vocal cord paralysis
- BAVFO bradycardia after arteriovenous fistula occlusion
- BAW bronchoalveolar washing
- BaYMV barley yellow mosaic virus
- BAYV bayou virus
- BB bad breath; bed bath; beta blockade, beta blocker; biceps brachii; BioBreeding [rat]; blanket bath; blood bank; blood buffer; blow bottle; blue bloaters [emphysema]; bombesin; borderline; Bortfeld/Boyer [radiotherapy]; both bones; breakthrough bleeding; breast biopsy; bronchial blocker [tube]; brush border; buffer base; bundle branch; isoenzyme of creatine kinase containing two B subunits
- B&B branch and bound [algorithm]
- bb Bolton point; both bones
- BBA born before arrival
- BBB blood-brain barrier; blood buffer base; bundle-branch block
- BBBB bilateral bundle-branch block
- BBBD blood brain barrier disruption
- BBC bromobenzycyanide; buccal bifurcation cyst
- BbCPV Biston betularia cypovirus
- BBD benign breast disease
- BB3DI broad beam 3-dimensional irradiation
- BBE Bacteroides bile esculin [agar]
- BBEP biotechnology, biologics, and environmental protection; brush border endopeptidase
- BBF bronchial blood flow
- BBI Biomedical Business International; Bowman-Birk soybean inhibitor
- BBM banked breast milk; brush border membrane
- BBMV broad bean mottle virus; brush border membrane vesicle
- BBN broad band noise
- BBNV broad bean necrosis virus
- BBOT 2,5-bis(5-t-butylbenzoxalol-2-yl)thiophene
- BBOV Bimbo virus
- BBPP Beta-Blocker Pooling Project
- BBR bibasilar rate; bundle branch reentry
- BBRS Burks' Behavior Rating Scale
- BBR-VT bundle branch reentry-ventricular tachycardia
- BBs both bones
- BBS Barolet-Biedl syndrome; bashful bladder syndrome; benign breast syndrome; bilateral breath sounds; bombesin; borate-buffered saline; brown bowel syndrome; bulletin board software
- BBScV blueberry scorch virus
- BBSV broad bean stain virus
- BBT basal body temperature
- BBTD baby bottle Tooth decay
- BBTMV broad bean true mosaic virus
- BBTV banana bunchy top virus
- BBV Berkeley bee virus; black beetle virus; Bukalasa bat virus
- BB/W BioBreeding/Worcester [rat]
- BBWV broad bean wilt virus
- BC Bachelor of Surgery [Lat. Baccalaureus Chirurgiae]; back care; bactericidal concentration; basal cell; basket cell; battle casualty; bicarbonate; biliary colic; bipolar cell; birth control; blastic crisis; blood count; blood culture; Blue Cross [plan]; board certified; bone conduction; brachiocephalic; brain contour; breast cancer; bronchial carcinoma; buccal cartilage; buccocervical; buffy coat
- B&C biopsy and curettage
- Bc Bacillus cereus
- b/c benefit/cost [ratio]
- BCA balloon catheter angioplasty; bell clapper anomaly; bicinchoninic acid; blood color analyzer; Blue Cross Association; branchial cleft anomaly; Breast Cancer Action; breast cancer antigen; bromochloroacetic acid
- BCAA branched chain amino acid
- bCaCC bovine calcium-sensitive chloride channel
- BCAEC bovine coronary artery endothelial cell
- BCaMV bean calico mosaic virus
- BCAPS Beta-Blocker Cholesterol-Lowering Asymptomatic Plaque Study
- BCAT brachiocephalic arterial trunk
- BCB blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier; brilliant cresyl blue
- BCBR bilateral carotid body resection
- BC/BS Blue Cross/Blue Shield [plan]
- BCBSA Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
- BCC basal-cell carcinoma; bedside communication controller; biliary cholesterol concentration; birth control clinic; business card computer
- bcc body-centered-cubic
- BC-CFC blast cell colony-forming cell
- BCCG British Cooperative Clinical Group
- BCCP biotin carboxyl carrier protein
- BCCV Black Creek Canal virus
- BCD binary-coded decimal; bleomycin, cyclophosphamide, dactinomycin
- BCDDP Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project
- BCDF B-cell differentiation factor
- BCDL Brachmann-Cornelia de Lange [syndrome]
- BCDRS Brief Carroll Depression Rating Scale
- BCDS Bulimia Cognitive Distortions Scale
- BCDSP Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program
- BCE basal cell epithelioma; benign childhood epilepsy; bubble chamber equipment
- BCECT benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal [spikes]
- BCEI breast cancer estrogen-inducible
- BCEOP benign partial epilepsy with occipital paroxysms
- BCF basic conditioning factor; basophil chemotactic factor; bioconcentration factor; breast cyst fluid