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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ D ]
- D absorbed dose aspartic acid; cholecalciferol; coefficient of diffusion; dacryon; dalton; date; daughter; day; dead; dead air space; debye; deceased; deciduous; decimal reduction time; degree; density; dental; dermatology, dermatologic; dermatologist; deuterium; deuteron; development; deviation; dextro; dextrose; diabetic; diagnosis; diagonal; diameter; diaphorase; diarrhea; diastole; diathermy; died; difference; diffusion, diffusing; diffusion coefficient; dihydrouridine; dilution [rate]; diopter; diplomate; dipyridamole; disease; dispense; displacement [loop]; distal; distance [focus-object]; diuresis; diurnal; divergence; diversity; diverticulum; divorced; doctor; dog; donor; dorsal; double [pacemaker]; drive; drug; dual; duct; duodenum, duodenal; duration; dwarf; electric displacement; mean dose; right [Lat. dexter]; unit of vitamin D potency
- 1-D one-dimensional
- D1 prostatic tumor with microscopic involvement of pelvic lymph nodes [Jewett staging system]
- D1 diagonal one; first dorsal vertebra
- 2-D two-dimensional
- D2 diagonal two; second dorsal vertebra
- 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
- 3-D three-dimensional
- D/3 distal third
- D3-12 third to twelfth dorsal vertebrae
- 4D 4-dimensional [imaging]
- 4-D four-dimensional
- D4 domain 4; fourth digit
- D10 decimal reduction time
- D50 50% dextrose solution
mean dose
- d atomic orbital with angular momentum quantum number 2; dalton; day [Lat. dies]; dead; deceased; deci-; decrease, decreased; degree; density; deoxy; deoxyribose; dextro-; dextrorotatory; diameter; diastasis; died; diopter; distal; distance [between radiographic grids or between subject and film or cassette]; diurnal; dorsal; dose; doubtful; duration; dyne; right [Lat. dexter]
- d- deci- [10-1]
- 1/d once a day
- 2/d twice a day
mean difference of samples observations [statistics]
- Δ see delta
- δ see delta
- DA dark adaptation; dark agouti [rat]; daunomycin; decision analysis; decontaminating agent; degenerative arthritis; degree of anisotropy; delayed action; dental assistant; deoxyadenosine; descending aneurysm; descending aorta; detrusor areflexia; developmental age; dextroamphet-amine; diabetic acidosis; differential amplifier; differential analyzer; differentiation antigen; digital angiography; digital to analog [converter]; diphenylchlorarsine; Diploma in Anesthetics; direct agglutination; disability assistance; disaggregated; discriminant analysis; dissecting aneurysm; distal arthrogryposis; dopamine; drug addict, drug addiction; drug administration; ductus arteriosus
- D-A donor-acceptor
- D/A date of accident; date of admission; digital-to-analog [converter]; discharge and advise
- D&A dilatation and aspiration; drugs and allergy
- DA1 distal arthrogryposis type 1
- DA2 distal arthrogryposis type 2
- 2,4-DA 2,4-diaminoanisole
- Da dalton
- d(A) primary donor
- da daughter; day; deca-
- da- deka- [101]
- DAA decompensated autonomous adenoma; dementia associated with alcoholism; dialysis-associated amyloidosis; diaminoanisole
- DAAF deoxoyribonucleic acid amplification fingerprinting; Digoxin in Acute Atrial Fibrillation [study]
- DAAO diaminoacid oxidase
- D(A-a)O2 alveolar arterial oxygen gradient
- DAB days after birth; 3,3´-diaminobenzidine; dysrhythmic aggressive behavior
- DABA 2,4-diaminobutyric acid
- DABP D site albumin promoter binding protein
- DABV Dabakala virus
- DAC derived air concentration; digital acquisition; digital-to-analog converter; disaster assistance center; Division of Ambulatory Care
- dac dacryon
- DACCM department of anesthesiology and critical care medicine
- DACL Depression Adjective Check List
- DACM N-(7-diamethylamino-4-methyl-3-coumarinyl) maleimide
- DACMD deputy associate chief medical director
- DACS data acquisition and control system
- DACT dactinomycin; daily activity [UMLS]
- DAD delayed afterdepolarization; diffuse alveolar damage; Disability Assessment in Dementia; discharge abstract databank; dispense as directed
- DADA dichloroacetic acid diisopropylammonium salt
- DADDS diacetyldiaminodiphenylsulfone
- DADS Director Army Dental Service
- DAdV duck adenovirus
- DAdV-1 egg drop syndrome virus
- DAE differential algebraic equation; diphenylanthracene endoperoxide; diving air embolism; dysbaric air embolism
- DA/ES data analysis expert system
- DAEV Dermolepida albohirtum entomopoxvirus
- DAF decay-accelerating factor; delayed auditory feedback; drug-adulterated food
- DAFV Desulfurolobus virus
- DAG diacylglycerol; dianhydrogalactitol; directed acyclic graph; dystrophin-associated glycoprotein
- DAGK diacylglycerol kinase
- DAGL diacylglycerol lipase
- DAGT direct antiglobulin test
- DAGV D'Aguilar virus
- DAH diffuse alveolar hemorrhage; disordered action of the heart
- DAHEA Department of Allied Health Education and Accreditation
- DAHM Division of Allied Health Manpower
- DAI diffuse axonal injury; drug attitude inventory
- DAIDS Division of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) [NIH]
- DAIS Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention Study
- DAISY Diabetes Autoimmunity Study in the Young
- DAIT Division of Allergy, Immunology and Transplantation [NIH]
- DaIV Diadegma acronyctae ichnovirus
- Dal, dal dalton
- DALA delta-aminolevulinic acid
- DALE disability-adjusted life expectancy; Drug Abuse Law Enforcement
- DALM dysplasia with associated lesion or mass
- DALT dalton
- DALY(s) disability-adjusted life year(s)
- DAM data-associated message; database access module; degraded amyloid; diacetyl monoxime; diacetylmorphine
- dam decameter
- DAMA discharged against medical advice
- DAMAD Diabetic Microangiopathy Modification with Aspirin vs Dipyridamole
- DAMET Diet and Moderate Exercise Trial
- DAMOS drug application methodology with optical storage
- dAMP deoxyadenosine monophosphate; deoxyadenylate adenosine monophosphate
- DAN data acquisition in neurophysiology; diabetic autonomic neuropathy
- DANAMI Danish Multicenter Study of Acute Myocardial Infarction
- DANC decontaminating agent, noncorrosive
- D and C dilatation and curettage
- DANS 1-dimethylaminonaphthalene-5-sulfonyl chloride
- DANTE delays altered with nutation for tailored excitation
- DAO diamine oxidase
- DAo descending aorta
- DAOM depressor anguli oris muscle
- DAP data acquisition processor; data architecture project; depolarizing afterpotential; diabetes-associated peptide; diaminopimelic acid; diaminopyridine; diastolic aortic pressure; diastolic arterial pressure; dihydroxyacetone phosphate; dipeptidylaminopeptidase; direct latex agglutination pregnancy [test]; dose area product; Draw-a-Person [test]; Drug Action Programme [WHO]
- D-AP5 D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid
- D-AP7 D-2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid
- DAP&E Diploma of Applied Parasitology and Entomology
- DAPI 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole
- DAPPAF Dual-Site Atrial Pacing for Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation [trial]
- DAPRE daily adjustable progressive resistive exercise
- DAPRU Drug Abuse Prevention Resource Unit
- DAPs Database Access Project [UK]
- DAPT diaminophenylthiazole; direct agglutination pregnancy test
- DAQ data acquisition; Diagnostic Assessment Questionnaire; digital acquisition
- DAR daily activity record; daily effective rhythm; death after resuscitation; diacereine; differential absorption ratio; dual asthmatic reaction
- DA-R dopamine receptor
- DARE Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness; Drug Abuse Resistance Education
- DARP drug abuse rehabilitation program
- DARPA Defense Advanced Research Project Agency [Department of Defense]
- DART Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology [NLM database]; Diet and Reinfarction Trial; Dilation vs Ablation Revascularization Trial
- D/ART Depression, Awareness, Recognition, and Treatment [NIMH hotline]
- DARTS Diabetes Audit and Research in Tayside, Scotland; Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Testing System
- DAS data acquisition system; dead air space; Death Anxiety Scale; delayed anovulatory syndrome; dextroamphetamine sulfate; 4,15-diacetoxyscripenol; Dietary Alternatives Study; digital angiography segmentation; double addition of serum; dyadic adjustment scale
- DASA distal articular set angle
- DASD direct access storage device
- DASH Delay in Accessing Stroke Healthcare [trial]; Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension [trial]; Distress Alarm for the Severely Handicapped
- DASI Duke activity status index
- DASM data acquisition system management
- DASS Dilazep Aspirin Stroke Study
- DAST diethylaminosulfur trifluoride; drug abuse screening test; drug and alcohol screening test
- DAstV duck astrovirus
- DAT delayed-action tablet; dementia Alzheimer's type; dental aptitude test; diacetylthiamine; diet as tolerated; differential agglutination titer; Differential Aptitude Test; diphtheria antitoxin; direct agglutination test; direct antiglobulin test; Disaster Action Team; divided attention; dopamine transporter
- DATA Diltiazem as Adjunctive Therapy to Activase [study]
- DATE dental auxiliary teacher education
- DATF Difficult Airway Task Force
- DATOS Diet and Antismoking Trial of Oslo Study
- DATP deoxyadenosine triphosphate
- dATP deoxyadenosine monophosphate
- DATTA diagnostic and therapeutic technology assessment
- DAU 3-deazauridine; Dental Auxiliary Utilization
- dau daughter
- DAUs drug abuse testing and urines
- DAV data valid; Disabled American Veterans; disease-associated virus; duck adenovirus
- DAVF dural arteriovenous fistula
- DAVIT Danish Verapamil Infarction Trial
- DAVM dural arteriovenous malformation
- DAvMED Diploma in Aviation Medicine
- DAVP deamino-arginine vasopressin
- DAWN Drug Abuse Warning Network
- DAZ deleted in azoospermia
- DB database; date of birth; deep breath; dense body; dextran blue; diabetes, diabetic; diagonal band; diet beverage; direct bilirubin; disability; distobuccal; double-blind [study]; double buffer [board]; duodenal bulb; Dutch belted [rabbit]
- Db diabetes, diabetic
- Db database; body density
- dB, db decibel
- db database; date of birth; diabetes, diabetic
- DBA database administrator; Diamond-Blackfan anemia; dibenzanthracene; Dolichos biflorus agglutinin
- DBAE dihydroxyborylaminoethyl
- DBB diagonal band of Broca
- DBC dibencozide; distal balloon catheter; dye-binding capacity
- DB&C deep breathing and coughing
- DBCL dilute blood clot lysis [method]
- DBCP dibromochloropropane
- DBD definite brain damage; deoxyribonucleic acid-binding domain; dibromodulcitol; dynamic beam delivery [radiotherapy]
- DBDC distal bile duct carcinoma
- DBDG distobuccal developmental groove
- DBDO decabromodiphenyl oxide; desert battle dress overgarment
- DBDS database definition structure
- DB/DS database of data sets
- dB/dt change of magnetic flux with time
- DBE deep breathing exercise; dibromoethane
- DBED N,N´-bis-dibenzyl ethylenediaminediacetic acid
- dbEST database expressed sequence tag; Database of Expressed Sequence Tags [NLM]
- DBEV Demodema entomopoxvirus
- dbGSS database genome survey sequence; Database on Genome Survey Sequences [NLM]
- DBH dopamine beta-hydroxylase
- DbH diagnosis by hybridization
- DBI development at birth index; phenformin hydrochloride
- DBil direct bilirubin
- DBIOC database input/output control
- DBIR Directory of Biotechnology Information Resources
- dBk decibels above 1 kilowatt
- DBL desbromoleptophos
- DBLE Double Bolus Lytic Efficacy [trial]
- DBM database management; dibromomannitol; dobutamine
- dBm decibels above 1 milliwatt
- dBMAN database manager
- DBMS database management system
- DBN dynamic Bayesian network
- DBNN decision-based neural network
- DBO distobucco-occlusal
- db/ob diabetic obese [mouse]
- DBP deoxyribonucleic acid-binding peptide; diastolic blood pressure; dibutylphthalate; distobuccopulpal; Döhle body panmyelopathy; vitamin D-binding protein
- DBPOFC double-blind placebo-controlled oral food challenge
- DBP-PEG/DNA deoxyribonucleic acid-binding peptide-polyethylene glycol/deoxyribonucleic acid
- DBR distorted breathing rate
- DBRI dysfunctional behavior rating instrument
- DBRPC double-blind randomized placebo-controlled
- DBS deep brain stimulation; Denis Browne splint; despeciated bovine serum; Diamond-Blackfan syndrome; dibromosalicil; diminished breath sounds; direct bonding system; Division of Biological Standards; double blind study; double-burst stimulus; dysgenesis of corpus callosum
- dbSNP Database of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism [NLM]
- DBSP dibromosulphthalein
- dbSTS database of Sequence Tagged Sites [NLM]; database sequence target site
- DBSV deconvolution based on shape variation
- DBT dry bulb temperature
- DBV Dakar bat virus; Dioscorea bacilliform virus
- DBW desirable body weight