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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ E ]
- E air dose; cortisone [compound E]; each; eating; edema; effects variable; elastance; electric charge; electric field vector; electrode potential; electromotive force; electron; embyro; emmetropia; encephalitis; endangered [animal]; endogenous; endoplasm; enema; energy; Entamoeba; enterococcus; enzyme; eosinophil; epicondyle; epinephrine; epithelium/epithelial; error; erythrocyte; erythroid; erythromycin; Escherichia; esophagus; ester; estradiol; ethanol; ethyl; examination; exhalation; expectancy [wave]; expected frequency in a cell of a contingency table; experiment, experimenter; expiration; expired air; exposure; external control [pacemaker]; extract, extracted, extraction; extraction fraction; extralymphatic; eye; glutamic acid; internal energy; kinetic energy; mathematical expectation; redox potential; unit [Ger. Einheit]
- E- exa- [1018]
- E- stereodescriptor to indicate the configuration at a double bond [Ger. entgegen opposite]
- E* lesion on the erythrocyte cell membrane at the site of complement fixation
- E° standard electrode potential
average beta energy
- E0 baseline effect; electric affinity
- E1 estrone
- E-1 to 33 Human echovirus 1 to 33
- E2 17β-estradiol
- E3 estriol
- E4 estetrol
- 4E four-plus edema
- e base of natural logarithms, approximately 2.7182818285; egg transfer; ejection; electric charge; electron; elementary charge; exchange
- e+ positron
- e- negative electron
- ε see epsilon
- η see eta
- EA early antigen; educational age; egg albumin; electric affinity; electrical activity; electroacupuncture; electroanesthesia; electronic patient record [EPR] attributes; electrophysiological abnormality; embryonic antibody; endocardiographic amplifier; Endometriosis Association; enteral alimentation; enteroanastomosis; enzymatically active; epiandrosterone; episodic ataxia; erythrocyte antibody; erythrocyte antiserum; esophageal atresia; estivo-autumnal; ethacrynic acid
- E/A early to late diastolic filling ratio; emergency admission
- E&A evaluate and advise
- Ea energy of aggregation
- ea each
- Ea kinetic energy of alpha particles
- EAA electroacupuncture analgesia; Epilepsy Association of America; essential amino acid; excitatory amino acid; extra-alveolar air; extrinsic allergic alveolitis
- EAAC excitatory amino acid carrier
- EAAV equine adeno-associated virus
- EAB elective abortion; Ethics Advisory Board
- EABV effective arterial blood volume
- EAC Ehrlich ascites carcinoma; electroacupuncture; endocrine-active compound; epithelioma adenoides cysticum; erythema annulare centrifugum; erythrocyte, antibody, complement; external auditory canal
- EACA epsilon-aminocaproic acid
- EACD eczematous allergic contact dermatitis
- EACH essential access community hospital
- EACL European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- EACSS European and Australian Cooperative Stroke Study
- EACT educational activity [UMLS]
- EAD early afterdepolarization; Enterprise Access Directory; extracranial arterial disease
- EA-D early antigen, diffuse
- E-ADD epileptic attentional deficit disorder
- EaDNV Euxoa auxiliaris densovirus
- EADS early amnion deficit spectrum or syndrome
- EAdV equine adenovirus
- EAdV-B equine adenovirus B
- EAE ethylaminoethanol; experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; experimental autoimmune encephalitis
- EAEC enteroadherent Escherichia coli; enteroaggregative Escherichia coli
- EAFT European Atrial Fibrillation Trial
- EAG electroarteriography
- EAGAR Estrogen and Graft Atherosclerosis Research Trial
- EAggEC enteroaggregative Escherichia coli
- EAGLES Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards
- EAHF eczema, asthma, and hay fever
- EAHIL European Association for Health Information and Libraries
- EAHLG equine antihuman lymphoblast globulin
- EAHLS equine antihuman lymphoblast serum
- EAI Emphysema Anonymous, Inc.; erythrocyte antibody inhibition
- EAK ethyl amyl ketone
- EAM episodic ataxia with myokymia; external acoustic meatus
- EAMG experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis
- EAMI exercise training in anterior myocardial infarction
- EAN experimental allergic neuritis
- EAO experimental allergic orchiitis
- EAP electric acupuncture; electroactive polymer; employee assistance program; epiallopregnanolone; Epstein-Barr associated protein; erythrocyte acid phosphatase; evoked action potential
- EAPV early to atrial peak velocity [ratio]
- EAQ eudismic affinity quotient
- EAR European Association of Radiology
- EA-R early antigen, restricted
- Ea R reaction of degeneration [Ger. Entartungs-Reaktion]
- EARHA East Anglian Regional Health Authority
- EARR extended aortic root replacement
- EARS European Atherosclerosis Research Study
- EAS Edinburgh Artery Study; emergency ambulance service; endarterectomized aortic segment; European Atherosclerosis Society
- EASI eczema area and severity index; European Antiplatelet Stent Investigation; European applications in surgical interventions; extra-amniotic saline infusion
- EAST Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma; elevated-arm stress test; Emory angioplasty vs. surgery trial; external rotation, abduction stress test
- EASY European Prototype for Integrated Care [EPIC] assessment system
- EAT Eating Attitudes Test; Ehrlich ascites tumor; electro-aerosol therapy; epidermolysis acuta toxica; experimental autoimmune thymitis; experimental autoimmune thyroiditis
- EATB European Association of Tissue Banks
- EATC Ehrlich ascites tumor cell
- EAV entity-attribute-value [data organization]; equine abortion virus; equine arteritis virus
- EAVC enhanced atrioventricular conduction
- EAVM extramedullary arteriovenous malformation
- EAVN enhanced atrioventricular nodal [conduction]
- EB elective abortion; electron beam; elementary body; embryoid body; emotional behavior; endometrial biopsy; epidermolysis bullosa; Epstein-Barr [virus]; esophageal body; estradiol benzoate; Evans blue
- Eb binding energy
- EBA early bacterial activity; epidermolysis bullosa acquisita; epidermolysis bullosa atrophicans; extrahepatic biliary atresia; orthoethoxybenzoic acid
- EBC esophageal balloon catheter
- EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
- EBCP evidence-based clinical practice
- EBCT electron-beam computed tomography
- EBD epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
- EBDA effective balloon dilated area
- EBDC ethylene bisdithiocarbamate; evidence-based healthcare
- EBDCT Cockayne-Touraine type of epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
- EBDD epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica dominant
- EBDR epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica recessiva
- EBE Excluder Bifurcated Endoprosthesis
- EBER Epstein-Barr encoded RNA
- EBF erythroblastosis fetalis; exclusive breast feeding
- E-BFU erythroid blood-forming unit
- EBG electroblepharogram, electroblepharography
- EBH epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria; evidence-based healthcare
- EBHC evidence-based healthcare
- EBI emetine bismuth iodide; erythroblastic island; estradiol binding index; European Bioinformatics Institute; external beam irradiation
- EBIF emotional behavioral index form
- EBIORT, EB-IORT electron beam intraoperative radiotherapy
- EBK embryonic bovine kidney
- EBL erythroblastic leukemia; estimated blood loss
- eBL endemic Burkitt lymphoma
- EBL/S estimated blood loss during surgery
- EBLV European bat lyssavirus
- EBM electrophysiologic behavior modification; epidermal basement membrane; epidermolysis bullosa, macular type; evidence-based medicine; expressed breast milk
- EBMS Engineering and Biology in Medicine Society
- EBMT European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
- EBMTR European Bone Marrow Transplantation Registry
- EBMWG evidence-based medicine working group
- EBN evidence-based nursing
- EBNA Epstein-Barr virus-associated nuclear antigen
- EBO Ebola [disease or virus]
- EBOB 4´-ethynyl-4-n-propyl-bicycloorthobenzoate
- E/BOD electrolyte biochemical oxygen demand
- EBO-R Ebola Reston virus
- EBOV Ebola virus
- EBP error-back propagation; estradiol-binding protein
- EbpS elastin-binding protein of Staphylococcus aureus
- EBRI Employee Benefits Research Institute
- EBRT electron beam radiotherapy; external beam radiation therapy
- EBS elastic back strap; electric brain stimulation; Emergency Bed Service; epidermolysis bullosa simplex
- EBSS Earle's balanced salt solution
- EBT electron beam tomography; external beam therapy
- EBV effective blood volume; Egypt bee virus; Epstein-Barr virus; estimated blood volume
- EBv Epstein-Barr virus
- EBVS Epstein-Barr virus susceptibility
- EBZ epidermal basement zone
- EC effective concentration; ejection click; electrochemical; electron capture; embryonal carcinoma; emergency center; emergency contraception; endemic cretinism; endocrine cells; endothelial cell; energy charge; enteric coating; entering complaint; enterochromaffin; entorhinal cortex; Enzyme Commission; epidermal cell; epirubicin/cyclophosphamide; epithelial cell; epithelial component; equalization-cancellation; error correction; Escherichia coli; esophageal carcinoma; ethyl chloride; excitation-contraction; experimental control; expiratory center; extended care; exterior coat; external carotid [artery]; external conjugate; extracellular; extracellular concentration; extracorporeal; extracranial; eye care; eyes closed
- E-C ether-chloroform [mixture]
- EC50 median effective concentration
- E/C endocystoscopy; enteric-coated; estrogen/creatinine ratio
- Ec ectoconchion; entorhinal cortex
- e/c enteric coated [pills]
- ECA electrical control activity; electrocardioanalyzer; endothelial cell antibody; endothelial cytotoxic activity; enterobacterial common antigen; epidemiological catchment area; esophageal carcinoma; ethacrynic acid; ethylcarboxylate adenosine; external carotid artery
- ECa calcium reversal potential
- ECAA European Concerted Action on Anticoagulation [study]
- E-CABG endarterectomy and coronary artery bypass graft
- ECAC European Collection of Animal Cell Cultures
- ECaC epithelial calcium channel
- E-CAD E-cadherin
- ECAF extension corner avulsion fracture
- ECAO enteric cytopathogenic avian orphan [virus]
- ECAP European Concerted Action Project
- ECAQ elderly cognitive assessment questionnaire
- ECASS European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study
- ECAT emission computer-assisted tomography; European Concerted Action on Thrombosis and Disabilities [study]
- ECAT AP European Concerted Action on Thrombosis: Angina Pectoris [study]
- ECBD exploration of common bile duct
- ECBO enteric cytopathogenic bovine orphan [virus]
- ECBS Expert Committee on Biological Standardization [WHO]
- ECBV effective circulating blood volume
- ECC electrocorticogram, electrocorticography; electronic claim capture; embryonal cell carcinoma; emergency cardiac care; emergency care center; encoding combinatorial chemistry; endocervical cone; endocervical curettage; Erlangen Cancer Center [Germany]; estimated creatinine clearance; external cardiac compression; extracorporeal circulation
- ECCE Effects of Captopril on Cardiopulmonary Exercise [study]; extracapsular cataract extraction
- ECCI electronic clinical communication implementation
- ECCL encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis
- ECCLS European Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
- ECCO enteric cytopathogenic cat orphan [virus]; European Culture Collection Organisation
- ECCO2 extracorporeal carbon dioxide
- ECCOMAC European Concerted Community Action Programmes
- ECCO2R extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal
- ECD early child development; ectrodactyly; electrochemical detection, electrochemical detector; electron capture detector; emergency call device; endocardial cushion defect; enzymatic cell dispersion; equivalent current dipole; Erdheim-Chester disease; ethylcysteinate dimer; extended criteria donor; external cardioverter-defibrillator; extracellular domain; extracranial Doppler sonography
- ECDC Escherichia coli Database Collection
- E/CDK cyclin E dependent kinase
- ECDO enteric cytopathic dog orphan [virus]
- ECE equine conjugated estrogen; extracapsular extension
- ECEO enteric cytopathogenic equine orphan [virus]
- ECETOC European Centre for Ecotoxicity and Toxicology of Chemicals
- ECF effective capillary flow; eosinophilic chemotactic factor; erythroid colony formation; Escherichia coli filtrate; ethyl chloroformate; extended care facility; extracellular fluid; extracytoplasmic function
- ECFA, ECF-A eosinophilic chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis
- ECFC eosinophilic chemotactic factor complement
- ECFMG Educational Commission on Foreign Medical Graduates; Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates
- ECFMS Educational Council for Foreign Medical Students
- E-CFU erythroid colony-forming unit
- ECFV extracellular fluid volume
- ECFVD extracellular fluid volume depletion
- ECG electrocardiogram, electrocardiography
- ECGF endothelial cell growth factor
- ECGS endothelial cell growth supplement
- ECH educator contact hour
- ECHO echocardiography; enteric cytopathic human orphan [virus]; Etoposide, cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, and vincristine
- EchoCG echocardiography
- Echo-Eg echoencephalography
- Echo-VM echoventriculometry
- ECHRA electronic healthcare record architecture
- ECHSCP Exeter Community Health Services Computer Project
- ECI electrocerebral inactivity; eosinophil chemotaxis index; eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions; extracorporeal irradiation
- ECIB extracorporeal irradiation of blood
- EC/IC extracranial/intracranial
- ECICD European Consortium for Intensive Care Data
- ECIL extracorporeal irradiation of lymph
- ECIS equipment control information system
- ECK extracellular potassium
- ECL electrochemoluminescent; emitter-coupled logic; enterochromaffin-like [type]; euglobin clot lysis
- ECLAP European Collaboration on Low-Dose Aspirin in Polycythemia Vera