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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ E ]
- ECLAT European Community and Latin American Network on Biology and Control of Triatomines [Chagas disease]
- ECLiPS encoded combinatorial libraries in polymeric support
- ECLRS electronic clinical laboratory reporting system
- ECLS extracorporeal life support
- ECM electronic claims management; embryonic chick muscle; erythema chronicum migrans; experimental cerebral malaria; external cardiac massage; extracellular material; extracellular matrix
- ECML extracellular membrane layer
- ECMO enteric cytopathic monkey orphan [virus]; extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
- ECN equipment control number
- ecNOS endothelial cell nitric oxide synthase
- ECO Pan-American Center for Human Ecology and Health
- E co Escherichia coli
- ECochG electrocochleography
- ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
- ECoG electrocorticogram, electrocorticography
- E COLI eighth nerve action potential, cochlear nucleus, olivary complex (superior), lateral lemniscus, inferior colliculus [hearing test]
- E coli Escherichia coli
- ECP ectrodactyly-cleft palate [syndrome]; effective conduction period; effector cell precursor; electronic claims processing; endocardial potential; emergency care provider; entry control point [contamination control]; eosinophil cationic protein; erythrocyte coproporphyrin; erythroid committed precursor; Escherichia coli polypeptide; estradiol cyclopentane propionate; external cardiac pressure; external counterpulsation; extracellular protein; extracorporeal photochemotherapy; free cytoporphyrin of erythrocytes
- ECPA Electronic Communication Privacy Act
- ECPO enteric cytopathic porcine orphan [virus]
- ECPOG electrochemical potential gradient
- ECPR external cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- ECR effectiveness-cost ratio; electrocardiographic response; emergency care research; emergency chemical restraint; European Congress of Radiology; extensor carpi radialis
- ECRB extensor carpi radialis brevis
- ECRHS European Community Respiratory Health Survey
- ECRI Emergency Care Research Institute
- ECRL extensor carpi radialis longus
- ECRO enteric cytopathogenic rodent orphan [virus]
- ECR-SCSI European Committee for Recommendation-Standard on Computer Aspects of Diagnostic Imaging
- ECS elective cosmetic surgery; electrocerebral silence; electroconvulsive shock, electroshock; endocervical swab; endothelial cells; extracapsular spread; extracellular solids; extracellular space
- ECSG European Cooperative Study Group
- ECSO enteric cytopathic swine orphan [virus]
- ECSP epidermal cell surface protein
- ECSS European Coronary Surgery Study
- ECST European carotid surgery trial
- ECSURF economic evaluation of surfactant
- ECSYSVAS European Community Systemic Vasculitis [trials]
- ECT electroconvulsive therapy; emission computed tomography; enteric coated tablet; euglobulin clot test; European compression technique
- ect ectopic, ectopy
- ECTA esophageal gastric tube airway; Everyman's Contingency Table Analysis
- EC-TEOLA epichlorohydrin-triethanolamine
- ECTR endoscopic carpal tunnel release
- ECTV ectromelia virus
- ECU environmental control unit; extended care unit; extensor carpi ulnaris
- ECV enteric calicivirus; epithelial cell vacuolization; extracellular volume; extracorporeal volume
- EcV Euploea corea virus
- ECVA extracranial vertebral artery
- ECVAM European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods
- ECVD extracellular volume of distribution
- ECW extracellular water
- ED early-decision [applicant]; early differentiation; ectodermal dysplasia; ectopic depolarization; effective dose; Ehlers-Danlos [syndrome]; elbow disarticulation; electrodialysis; electron density; electron diffraction; embedding dimension; embryonic death; emergency department; emotional disorder, emotionally disturbed; end-diastole; endocrine disruptor; energy diversive [x-ray analysis]; enteric drainage; entering diagnosis; Entner-Doudoroff [pathway]; enzyme deficiency; epidural; epileptiform discharge; equine dermis [cells]; erectile dysfunction; erythema dose; ethyl dichlorarsine; ethynodiol; event definition; evidence of disease; exertional dyspnea; exponential distribution; extensive disease; extensor digitorum; external diameter; extra-low dispersion
- E-D ego-defense; Ehlers-Danlos [syndrome]
- ED01 effective dose, 1% response
- ED50 median effective dose
- ED99 effective dose, 99% response
- Ed depth dose
- ed edema
- EDA ectodermal dysplasia, anhidrotic; electrodermal activity; electrodermal audiometry; electrolyte-deficient agar; electron donor acceptor; electronic design automation; end-diastolic area; exploratory data analysis
- EDAC 1-ethyl-3-diethylaminopropyl carbodiimide
- EDAM electron-dense amorphous material
- EDAP emergency department approved for pediatrics
- EDAX energy dispersive x-ray analysis
- EDB early dry breakfast; electron-dense body; Enrollment Database [Medicare]; ethylene dibromide; expert database; extended definition beta; extensor digitorum brevis
- EDBP erect diastolic blood pressure
- EDC emergency decontamination center; end-diastolic count; endocrine-disrupting chemical; endocrine-disrupting compound; estimated date of conception; ethylene dichloride; expected date of confinement; expected delivery, cesarean; extensor digitorum communis
- ED&C electrodesiccation and curettage
- EDCF endothelium-derived contracting factor
- EDCI energetic dynamic cardiac insufficiency
- EDCP eccentric dynamic compression plate [osteosynthesis]
- EDCS end-diastolic chamber stiffness; end-diastolic circumferential stress
- EDc(V) extrapolated dose converted (volume) [radiotherapy]
- EDD effective drug duration; electron dense deposit; end-diastolic dimension; esophageal detection device; estimated due date; expected date of delivery
- EDDA expanded duty dental auxiliary
- EDDS electronic development delivery system
- EDE effective dose equivalent
- EDECS emergency department expert charting system
- edent edentia, edentulous
- EDF edge response function; eosinophil differentiation factor; erythroid differentiation factor; extradural fluid
- EDG electrodermography
- EDGE Evaluation of Dispatch Catheter for Vein Graft Revascularization
- EDH epidural hematoma
- EDHEP European Donor Hospital Education Program
- EDHF endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor
- EDI eating disorder inventory; electronic data interchange; estimated daily intake
- EDIC Echocardiography Dobutamine International Cooperative Study; Epidemiology of Diabetes Intervention and Complications
- EDIM epizootic diarrhea of infant mice
- E-diol estradiol
- EDIT Early Defibrillator Implantation Trial; Early Diabetes Intervention Trial
- EDK energy deposition kernel
- EDL end-diastolic length; end-diastolic load; Essential Drug List [WHO]; estimated date of labor; extensor digitorum longus
- ED/LD emotionally disturbed and learning disabled
- ED LOS emergency department length of stay
- EDM early diastolic murmur; electro-discharge machining; electron density map; esophageal Doppler monitoring; Essential Drugs and Medicines [WHO]; extramucosal duodenal myotomy
- EDMA ethylene glycol dimethacrylate; Euclidean distance matrix analysis [computer-assisted surgery]
- EDMD emergency physician; Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
- EDN electrodesiccation; eosinophil-derived neurotoxin
- EDNA Emergency Department Nurses Association
- EDNF endogenous digitalis-like natriuretic factor
- EDOC estimated date of confinement
- EDOU emergency department observation unit
- EDP electron dense particle; electronic data processing; end-diastolic pressure
- EDQ extensor digiti quinti
- EDR early diastolic relaxation; effective direct radiation; electrodermal response; electronic death reporting; endothelium-dependent relaxation
- EDRES Effects of Debulking on Restenosis [trial]
- EDRF endothelium-derived relaxing factor
- EDRM emergency department readmission monitor
- EDS edema disease of swine; egg drop syndrome; Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; electronic decision support; Emery-Dreifuss syndrome; energy-dispersive spectrometry; epigastric distress syndrome; essential data set; excessive daytime sleepiness; extradimensional shift
- EDSR electronic document storage and retrieval
- EDSS expanded disability status scale
- EDT end-diastolic thickness; erythrocyte density test
- EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
- EDTMP ethylenediamine tetramethylene phosphoric acid
- EDTR emergency department-based trauma response
- EDTU emergency diagnostic and treatment unit
- Educ education
- EDV end-diastolic volume; epidermodysplasia verruciformis
- ED(V) extrapolated dose (volume) [radiotherapy]
- EDVI end-diastolic volume index
- EDVX X-linked epidermodysplasia verruciformis
- EDWTH end-diastolic wall thickness
- EDX, EDx electrodiagnosis
- EDXA energy-dispersive x-ray analysis
- Edyn,l dynamic elastance, lung
- Edyn,rs dynamic elastance, respiratory system
- Edyn,w dynamic elastance, chest wall
- EE electronic encyclopedia; embryo extract; end-to-end; end expiration; energy expenditure; Enterobacteriaceae enrichment [broth]; equine encephalitis; ethinyl estradiol; expressed emotion; external ear; eye and ear
- E-E erythema-edema [reaction]
- E&E eye and ear
- EEA electroencephalic audiometry; end-to-end anastomosis
- EEact energy expenditure due to physical activity
- EEC ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia- clefting [syndrome]; enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
- EECD endothelial-epithelial corneal dystrophy
- EECG electroencephalography
- EED experimental emergency department
- EEE eastern equine encephalitis; eastern equine encephalomyelitis; experimental enterococcal endocarditis; external eye examination
- EEEP end-expiratory esophageal pressure
- EEEV eastern equine encephalitis virus
- EEG electroencephalogram, electroencephalography
- EEGA electroencephalographic audiometry
- EEG-CSA electroencephalography with computerized spectral analysis
- EEGL emergency exposure guidance level; low-voltage electroencephalography
- EEGV1 electroencephalographic variant pattern 1
- EEHS emergency evacuation hyperbaric stretcher
- EEL environmental exposure limit
- EELS electron energy loss spectroscopy
- EELV end-expiratory lung volume
- EEM ectodermal dysplasia, ectrodactyly, macular dystrophy [syndrome]; erythema exudativum multiforme
- EEMCO European Group for Efficacy Measurements on Cosmetics and Other Tropical Products
- EEME, EE3ME ethinylestradiol-3-methyl ether
- EEMG evoked electromyogram
- EENT eye, ear, nose, and throat
- EEP end-expiratory pressure; equivalent effective photon
- EEPI extraretinal eye position information
- EER electroencephalographic response; extended entity-relationship
- EES erythromycin ethylsuccinate; ethyl ethanesulfate
- EESG evoked electrospinogram
- EET epoxyeicosatrienoic [acid]
- EEV endocardial ventriculotomy; equine encephalitis virus; equine encephalosis virus; extracellular enveloped virus
- EEV 1-7 equine encephalosis virus 1 to 7
- EF ectopic focus; edema factor; ejection fraction; elastic fibril; electric field; elongation factor; embryo-fetal; embryo fibroblasts; emergency facility; encephalitogenic factor; endothoracic fascia; endurance factor; eosinophilic fasciitis; epithelial focus; equivalent focus; erythroblastosis fetalis; erythrocyte fragmentation; escalation factor [radiotherapy]; exposure factor; extrafine; extended field [radiotherapy]; extrinsic factor
- Ef free enzyme
- EF-1α elongation factor 1-alpha
- EFA Epilepsy Foundation of America; essential fatty acid; extrafamily adoptee
- EFAD essential fatty acid deficiency
- EFAP employee and family assistance program
- EFAS embryofetal alcohol syndrome
- EFC elastin fragment concentration; endogenous fecal calcium; ephemeral fever of cattle
- EFCC European Federation of Coding Centres
- EFD estimated fluid deficit
- EFDA expanded function dental assistant
- EFE endocardial fibroelastosis
- EFERF Enalapril Felodipine Extended Release Factorial Study
- EFF electromagnetic field focusing
- eff effect; efferent; efficiency; effusion
- effect effective
- effer efferent
- EFFU epithelial focus-forming unit
- EF-G [prokaryotic] elongation factor G
- EFH explosive follicular hyperplasia
- EFICAT Ejection Fraction in Carvedilol-treated Transplant Candidates [study]
- EFL effective focal length
- EFM elderly fibromyalgia; electronic fetal monitoring; electrostatic force microscopy; external fetal monitor
- EF/M electrostatic force microscopy
- EFMI European Federation of Medical Informatics
- EFP early follicular phase; effective filtration pressure; endoneural fluid pressure
- EFPO Educating Future Physicians for Ontario
- EFR effective filtration rate
- EFRT extended field radiotherapy
- EFS earliest finishing shift; electric field stimulation; European Fraxiparin Study; event-free survival
- EFT Embedded Figures Test
- EF-Tu [prokaryotic] elongation factor Tu
- EFV extracellular fluid volume
- EFVC expiratory flow-volume curve
- EFW estimated fetal weight
- EFZ efavirenz
- EG electrogram; enteroglucagon; eosinophilic granuloma; Erb-Goldflam [syndrome]; esophagogastrectomy; esophagogastric; ethylene glycol; external genitalia
- eg for example [Lat. exempli gratia]
- EGA enhanced graphics adaptation; estimated gestational age
- EGAD Expressed Gene Anatomy Database
- EGALITe Ensuring Global Access to Links, Information and Technology to Promote Equity in Health
- EGBUS external genitalia, Bartholin, urethral, Skene glands