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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ E ]
- EGC early gastric cancer; epithelioid-globoid cell
- EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- EGDF embryonic growth and development factor
- EGDT early goal-directed therapy
- EGF early graft failure; endothelial growth factor; epidermal growth factor
- EGFP enhanced green fluorescent protein
- EGFR, EGF-R epidermal growth factor receptor
- EGF-URO epidermal growth factor, urogastrone
- EGG electrogastrogram; electroglottogram
- EGH equine growth hormone
- EGHIN Ellen Gartenfeld Health Information Network
- EGIR European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance
- EGL eosinophilic granuloma of the lung
- EGLT euglobin lysis time
- EGM electrogram; extracellular granular material
- EGME ethylene glycol monomethyl ether
- EGMV eggplant green mosaic virus
- EGN experimental glomerulonephritis
- EGNB enteric gamma-negative bacteria
- EGOT erythrocytic glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
- EGR early growth response; erythema gyratum repens
- E-GR erythrocyte glutathione reductase
- EGR-2 early growth response [protein]
- EGRA equilibrium-gated radionuclide angiography
- EGRAC erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity coefficient
- EGS electrogalvanic stimulation; electron gamma shower; external guide sequence
- EGT ethanol gelation test
- EGTA esophageal gastric tube airway; ethyleneglycol-bis-(β-aminoethylether)-N,N,N´,N´- tetraacetic acid
- EGTCSA epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures on awakening
- EGTM European Group on Tumor Markers
- EH enlarged heart; epidermal hyperplasia; epidermolytic hyperkeratosis; epidural hematoma; epoxide hydratase; esophageal hiatus; essential hypertension; external hyperalimentation
- E/H environment and heredity
- E&H environment and heredity
- Eh redox potential
- eh enlarged heart
- EHA Emotional Health Anonymous; Environmental Health Agency
- EHAA epidemic hepatitis-associated antigen
- EHB elevate head of bed
- EHBA extrahepatic biliary atresia
- EHBD extrahepatic bile duct
- EHBF estimated hepatic blood flow; exercise hyperemia blood flow; extrahepatic blood flow
- EHC enterohepatic circulation; enterohepatic clearance; essential hypercholesterolemia; ethylhydrocupreine hydrochloride; extended health care; extrahepatic cholestasis
- EHCR electronic health care record
- EHCW emergency health care worker
- EHD electrohemodynamics; epizootic hemorrhagic disease
- EHDP ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphate
- EHDV epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus
- EHEC enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
- EHF epidemic hemorrhagic fever; exophthalmos-hyperthyroid factor; extremely high frequency
- EHG electrohysterogram, electrohysterography
- EHH esophageal hiatal hernia
- EHI employer's health insurance; environmental health indicator
- EHIA environmental health impact assessment
- EHIBCC European Health Industry Business Communications Council
- EHIV exposure to human immunodeficiency virus
- EHK epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
- EHL effective half-life; electrohydraulic lithotripsy; endogenous hyperlipidemia; Environmental Health Laboratory; essential hyperlipemia; extensor hallucis longus
- EHM extrahepatic metastases
- EHME employee health maintenance examination
- EHMS electrohemodynamic ionization mass spectometry
- EHNA 9-erythro-2-(hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine
- EHNV epizootic hematopoietic necrosis virus
- EHO environmental health officer; extrahepatic obstruction
- EHP di-(20-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate; electron hole pair; Environmental Health Perspectives; excessive heat production; extrahigh potency
- EHPAC Emergency Health Preparedness Advisory Committee
- EHPH extrahepatic portal hypertension
- EHPT Eddy hot plate test
- EHQ Eating Habits Questionnaire
- EHR electronic healthcare record; extended-high rate
- EHS environmental health and safety
- EHSDS experimental health services delivery system
- EHT electrohydrothermoelectrode; essential hypertension
- EHV Edge Hill virus; electric heart vector; epidermal hyperplasia virus; equid herpesvirus
- EHVT Edinburgh Heart Valve Trial
- EI earliness index; Edmonton injector; electrical injury; electrolyte imbalance; electron impact; electron ionization; emotionally impaired; energy index; energy intake; enzyme inhibitor; eosinophilic index; Evans index; excretory index; exercise-induced
- E/I expiration/inspiration [ratio]
- EI ionic reversal potential
- e-I early inspiratory
- EIA electroimmunoassay; enzyme immunoassay; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; equine infectious anemia; erythroimmunoassay; excessive inappropriate aggression; exercise-induced anaphylaxis; exercise-induced asthma; external iliac artery; an interface between a computer and a system for transmitting digital information
- EIAB extracranial-intracranial arterial bypass
- EIAV equine infectious anemia virus
- EIB electrophoretic immunoblotting; eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion body; exercise-induced bronchospasm
- EIC elastase inhibition capacity; enzyme inhibition complex; extensive intraductal carcinoma; extensive intraductal component
- EICESS European Intergroup Cooperative Ewing's Sarcoma Study
- EID ecological interface design; egg infectious dose; electroimmunodiffusion; emergency infusion device
- EIEC enteroinvasive Escherichia coli
- EIEE early infantile epileptic encephalopathy
- EIES Electronic Information Exchange System
- EIF erythrocyte initiation factor; eukaryotic initiation factor
- eIF erythrocyte initiation factor; eukaryotic initiation factor
- eIF4E eukaryotic initiation factor 4E
- EIHDW Evaluation of Ischemic Heart Disease in Women [study]
- EII electrical impedance imaging
- EIM elastic image matching; equity implementation model; excitability-inducing material
- EIMS electron ionization mass spectrometry
- EINECS European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
- EINet Emerging Infections Network
- EIO European Institute of Oncology
- EIP end-expiratory pause; ethylisopropylamiloride; extensor indicis proprius
- EIPS endogenous inhibitor of prostaglandin synthase
- eIPV enhanced inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine
- EIRnv extra incidence rate of non-vaccinated groups
- EIRP effective isotropic radiated power
- EIRv extra incidence in vaccinated groups
- EIS Environmental Impact Statement; Epidemic Intelligence Service; European Infarction Study
- EIT electrical impedance tomography; erythroid iron turnover
- EIU enzyme immunoassay unit
- EIV equine influenza virus; external iliac vein
- EIW electronic information warehouse
- EJ elbow jerk; external jugular
- EJB ectopic junctional beat
- EJM epilepsy juvenile myoclonic
- EJP excitation junction potential
- EJV external jugular vein
- EK enterokinase; erythrokinase
- EK potassium equilibrium potential; potassium reversal potential
- Ek kinetic energy
- EKC epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
- EKF extended Kalman filtering
- EKG electrocardiogram, electrocardiography
- EKLF erythroid Krüppel-like factor
- EKS epidemic Kaposi sarcoma
- EKV erythrokeratodermia variabilis
- EKY electrokymogram, electrokymography
- EL early latent; elbow; electroluminescence; erythroleukemia; exercise limit; external lamina
- El elastase; explanation library
- el elixir
- ELA elastase; elastomer-lubricating agent; endotoxin-like activity
- ELAD extracorporeal liver assist device
- ELAM endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule
- ELAS extended lymphadenopathy syndrome
- ELAT Embolism in Left Atrial Thrombi [study]
- ELAV embryonic lethal, abnormal vision
- ELB early light breakfast; elbow
- elb elbow
- ELBW extremely low birth weight
- ELCA Excimer Laser Coronary Angioplasty [registry]
- ElCPV Eriogaster lanestris cypovirus
- ELD egg lethal dose
- elec electricity, electric
- elect elective; electuary
- ELECTZ electrosurgical loop excision of the cervical transformation zone
- ELEM equine leukoencephalomalacia
- elem elementary
- elev elevation, elevated, elevator
- ELF elective low forceps; extremely low frequency
- ELG eligibility [database]
- ELH egg-laying hormone
- ELHE Evaluation of Losartan in Hemodialysis [study]
- ElHV elephantid herpesvirus
- ELI exercise lability index
- ELIA enzyme-linked immunoassay
- eLib electronic library
- ELICT enzyme-linked immunocytochemical technique
- ELIEDA enzyme-linked immunoelectron diffusion assay
- ELIRA enzyme-linked immunoreceptor assay
- ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
- ELISK excimer laser intrastromal keratomileusis
- ELITE Evaluation of Losartan in the Elderly [study]
- ELIV Ellidaey virus
- elix elixir
- ELL elongation factor homologous to mixed lineage leukemia
- ELLV Ellidaey virus
- ElLV elderberry latent virus
- ELM external limiting membrane; extravascular lung mass
- ELMCV El Moro Canyon virus
- ELMP expertise-led medical protocol
- ELN elastin; electronic noise
- ELND elective lymph node dissection
- ELOD expected average lod [score]
- ELOP estimated length of program
- ELOS estimated length of stay
- ELP elastase-like protein; endogenous limbic potential; exogenous lipoid pneumonia
- ELPS excessive lateral pressure syndrome
- ELR electronic laboratory-based reporting
- ELRA European Language Resources Agency
- ELS Eaton-Lambert syndrome; electron loss spectroscopy; emergency life support; enzymatic labile site; extended least squares; extralobar sequestration; extremely low frequency
- ELSA European Lacidipine Study on Atherosclerosis; European Longitudinal Study on Aging
- ELSI ethical, legal, and social issues
- ELSS emergency life support system
- ELT endless loop tachycardia; euglobulin lysis time
- ELV entero-like virus; environmental limit value; erythroid leukemia virus
- ELVD Exercise in Left Ventricular Dysfunction [trial]
- ELVd eggplant latent viroid
- ELVD-CHF Exercise in Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Chronic Heart Failure [trial]
- elx elixir
- EM early memory; ejection murmur; electromagnetic; electron micrograph; electron microscopy, electron microscope; electrophoretic mobility; Embden-Meyerhof [pathway]; emergency management; emergency medicine; emmetropia; emotional disorder, emotionally disturbed; end of memory; ergonovine maleate; erythema migrans; erythema multiforme; erythrocyte mass; erythromycin; esophageal manometry; esophageal motility; estramusine; expectation-maximization [algorithm]; extensive metabolizer; extracellular matrix
- E-M expectation-maximization
- E/M electron microscope, electron microscopy; evaluation and management
- E&M endocrine and metabolic; evaluation and management [coding]
- Em emmetropia
- Em mid-point redox potential
- EMA electronic microanalyzer; emergency management agency; emergency medical assistance; emergency medical assistant; emergency medical attendant; endothelial monocyte antigen; epithelial membrane antigen; extramural absorber
- EMAB endothelial monocyte antigen B
- E-mail electronic mail
- EMAP Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program [Environmental Protection Agency]; evoked muscle action potential
- Emax maximum effect; maximum energy
- EMB embryology; endomyocardial biopsy; engineering in medicine and biology; eosin-methylene blue; ethambutol; explosive mental behavior
- emb embolism; embryo; embryology
- EMBASE Excerpta Medica Database