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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ E ]
- EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory
- EMBO European Molecular Biology Organization
- embryol embryology
- EMBS Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
- EMC electromagnetic compatibility; electron microscopy; emergency medical care; emergency medical condition; emergency medical coordinator; encephalomyocarditis; enzyme mismatch cleavage; essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
- EMCR electronic medical care record
- EMC&R emergency medical care and rescue
- EMCRO Experimental Medical Care Review Organization
- EMCV eggplant mottled crinkle virus; encephalomyocarditis virus
- EMD electromechanical dissociation; emergency medical dispatcher; emergency medical doctor; Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy; esophageal mobility disorder
- EMDIS European Marrow Donor Information System
- EMDR eggplant mottled dwarf [virus]; eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
- EME electromechanical energy
- EMEA European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products
- EMEDI European Medical Electronic Data Interchange [group]
- EMEM Eagle minimal essential medium
- EMER electromagnetic molecular electron resonance
- emer emergency
- EMF electromagnetic field; electromagnetic flow; electromagnetic flowmeter; electromotive force; Emergency Medicine Foundation; endomyocardial fibrosis; equivalent molecules of immunofluorescence; erythrocyte maturation factor; evaporated milk formula
- emf electromotive force
- EMG electromyogram, electromyography; eye movement gauge; exomphalosmacroglossia-gigantism [syndrome]
- EMGBF electromyographic biofeedback
- EMG(int) integrated electromyographic [value]
- EMGN extramembranous glomerulonephritis
- EMG/NCV electromyography/nerve conduction velocity [test]
- EMI electromagnetic immunity; electromagnetic interference; emergency medical information
- EMIAT European Myocardial Infarction Amiodarone Trial; European Myocardial Infarction Arrhythmia Trial
- EMIC emergency maternal and infant care; Environmental Mutagen Information Center [NLM]
- EMICBACK Environmental Mutagen Information Center Backfile [NLM database]
- EMIP European Myocardial Infarction Project
- EMIP-FR European Myocardial Infarction Project-Free Radicals
- EMIT enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique; European Mivazerol Trial
- EmIV Enytus montanus ichnovirus
- EMJH Ellinghausen-McCullough-Johnson-Harris [medium]
- EML erythema nodosum leprosum
- EMLA eutectic mixture of local anesthetics
- EMM erythema multiforme major
- EMMA eye movement measuring apparatus
- EMMV eggplant mild mottle virus
- EMO Epstein-Macintosh-Oxford [inhaler]; exophthalmos, myxedema circumscriptum praetibiale, and osteoarthropathia hypertrophicans [syndrome]
- emot emotion, emotional
- EMP electric membrane property; electromagnetic pulse; Embden-Meyerhof pathway; European Myocardial Infarction Project; external membrane potential or protein; extramedullary plasmacytoma; malignant proliferation of eosinophils
- EMPAR Enoxaparin MaxEPA Prevention of Angioplasty Restenosis [study]
- EMPIRE Economics of Myocardial Perfusion Imaging in Europe [study]
- EMPS exertional muscle pain syndrome
- EMQ exercise motivation questionnaire
- EMR educable mentally retarded; electromagnetic radiation; electronic medical record; emergency mechanical restraint; emergency medicine resident; essential metabolism ratio; eye movement record
- EMRA Emergency Medicine Residents Association
- EMRC European Medical Research Council
- EMRD emergency medicine residency director
- E-MRI extremity magnetic resonance imaging
- EMRS electronic medical record system
- EMRSA epidemic strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- EMS early morning specimen; early morning stiffness; electrical muscle stimulation; Electronic Medical Service; emergency management of stroke; emergency medical services; endometriosis; environmental management system; eosinophilia myalgia syndrome; ethyl methane-sulfonate; European Multicenter Study
- EMSA electrophoretic mobility shift assay; Emergency Medical Services Agency
- EMSC emergency medical services for children
- EMSS emergency medical services system
- EMT electronic medical textbook; emergency medical tag; emergency medical team; emergency medical technician; emergency medical treatment; endocardial mapping technique
- EMTA endomethylene tetrahydrophthalic acid
- EMT-A emergency medical technician-ambulance; emergency medical technician providing basic life support or cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- EMTALA Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
- EMT-B basic emergency medical technician
- EMTD estimated maximum tolerated dose
- EMT-D emergency medical technician providing basic life support or defibrillation
- EMT-I emergency medical technician-intermediate
- EMT-M, EMT-MAST emergency medical technician-military antishock trousers
- EMT-P emergency medical technician-paramedic
- EMTS electromagnetic tracking system
- EMT-W emergency medical technician-wilderness
- EMU early morning urine; energy-mode ultrasound
- emu electromagnetic unit
- emul emulsion
- EMV eggplant mosaic virus; equine morbillivirus; eye, motor, voice [Glasgow coma scale]
- EmV Eucocytis meeki virus
- EMVC early mitral valve closure
- EMWAC European Microsoft Windows NT Academic Centre
- EMY emergency medicine resident year
- EN endoscopy; enrolled nurse; enteral nutrition; epidemic nephritis; erythema nodosum
- En, en enema
- ENA Emergency Nurses' Association; epithelial neutrophil-activating [protein]; extractable nuclear antigen
- ENa sodium reversal potential
- ENaC epithelial sodium channel
- ENACT enzyme activity in chemical toxicity
- ENASA Enoxaparin and/or Aspirin in Unstable Angina [trial]
- ENC encounter; encryption; endotoxin neutralizing capacity; environmental control
- ENCORE Evaluation of Nifedipine and Cerivastatin on Recovery of Endothelial Function [trial]
- END early neonatal death; elective neck dissection; endocrinology; endorphin; endothelin; endurance
- end endoreduplication
- ENDIT European Nicotinamide Diabetes Intervention Trial
- Endo endocardial, endocardium; endocrine, endocrinology; endodontics; endonuclease; endotracheal
- endo endoscopy
- EndoCAM endothelial cell adhesion molecule
- Endo-M endocardium and M region
- ENDOR electron nuclear double resonance
- Endo X endonuclease X
- ENDPT end-point of flow velocity after angioplasty; evaluation of Doppler parameters during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
- ENDR endothelin receptor
- ENDRB endothelin receptor B
- ENDT electroneurodiagnostic technologist
- ENE ethylnorepinephrine
- ENeG electroneurography
- enem enema
- ENG electroneurogram, electroneurography; electronystagmogram, electronystagmography
- Eng English
- ENHR Essential National Health Research [South Africa]
- ENI elective neck irradiation; elective nodal irradiation
- ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
- ENK enkephalin
- ENL equivalent number of looks [echocardiography]; erythema nodosum leproticum
- ENMG electroneuromyography
- ENMV endive necrotic mosaic virus
- ENN environmental noise
- ENO, Eno enolase
- ENOG, ENoG electroneuronography
- eNOS endothelial nitric oxide synthase
- ENOXART enoxaparin in arterial surgery
- ENP ethyl-p-nitrophenylthiobenzene phosphate; excellence for nursing practice; extractable nucleoprotein
- E-NPI end nuclear polymorphism index
- ENR eosinophilic nonallergic rhinitis; extrathyroid neck radioactivity
- ENRICAD Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease [trial]
- ENRICHD Enchancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease Patients [trial]
- ENS enteral nutritional support; enteric nervous system; epidermal nevus syndrome; ethylnorsuprarenin
- ENSV Enseada virus
- ENT ear, nose, and throat; enzootic nasal tumor; extranodular tissue
- ent enterotoxin
- ent A enterotoxin A
- ENTICES Enoxaparin and Ticlopidine after Elective Stenting [study]
- Entom entomology
- ENTV Entamoeba virus; Entebbe virus
- ENTY entity [UMLS]
- ENU N-ethyl-nitrosourea
- Env envelope [protein]
- env, environ environment, environmental
- ENVR environmental effect [UMLS]
- ENX endonexin
- enz enzyme, enzymatic
- EO early-onset; eosinophil; ethylene oxide; eyes open
- Eo skin dose
- EOA effective orifice area; erosive osteoarthritis; esophageal obturator airway; examination, opinion, and advice
- EOAD early-onset Alzheimer disease
- EOB emergency observation bed; explanation of benefits
- EOC emergency observation center; emergency operations center
- EoC episode of care
- EOCA early-onset cerebellar ataxia
- EO-CFC eosinophil-leukocyte colony forming cell
- EOD entry on duty; every other day; explosive ordnance disposal
- EOF end of file
- E of M error of measurement
- EOG electro-oculogram, electro-oculography; electro-olfactogram, electro-olfactography; eosinophilic gastroenteritis; ethylene oxide gas
- EOGBS early-onset group B streptococcal [infection]
- EOJ extrahepatic obstructive jaundice
- EOL end of life [pacemaker]
- EOM electro-optic modulator; end of message; equal ocular movement; external otitis media; extraocular movement; extraocular muscle
- EoM equation of motion
- EOMA emergency oxygen mask assembly
- EOMB explanation of Medicare benefits
- EOMI extraocular muscles intact
- EOM NL extraocular eye movements normal
- EOP efficiency of plating; emergency outpatient
- EOR European Organization for Research; exclusive operating room
- EORTC European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer
- EOS end of saturated bombardment; end of service [pacemaker]; end of study; eosinophil; European Orthodontic Society
- eos, eosin eosinophil
- Eosm effective osmolarity
- EOT effective oxygen transport
- EOU epidemic observation unit
- EOx eye oximeter
- EP echo planar; ectopic pregnancy; edible portion; electronic palpation; electrophoresis; electrophysiologic; electroprecipitin; emergency physician; emergency procedure; endocochlear potential; endogenous pyrogen; endoperoxide; endorphin; endplate; end point; enteropeptidase; environmental protection; enzyme product; eosinophilic pneumonia; epicardial electrogram; epirubicin; epithelium, epithelial; epoxide; erythrocyte protoporphyrin; erythrophagocytosis; erythropoietic porphyria; erythropoietin; esophageal pressure; estramustine phosphate; European Pharmacopoeia; evoked potential; evolutionary programming; excretory phase; exophytic papilloma; expert panel; extreme pressure
- Ep primary etiology [of vascular diseases]; proton energy
- EPA eicosapentaenoic acid; empiric phrase association; Environmental Protection Agency; erect posterior-anterior; erythroid potentiating activity; extrinsic plasminogen activator
- EPAP expiratory positive airway pressure
- EPAQ Extended Personal Attitudes Questionnaire
- EPA/RCRA Environmental Protection Agency Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- EPAS evolution of physiological analysis systems
- EPB extensor pollicis brevis
- EPBF effective pulmonary blood flow
- EPC endothelial progenitor cell; end-plate current; epilepsia partialis continua; evidence-based practice center; external pneumatic compression
- EPCA external pressure circulatory assistance
- EPCG endoscopic pancreatocholangiography
- EPCOT European Prospective Cohort on Thrombophilia
- EPCRLS European Pancreatic Cancer Reference Library System
- EPCS emergency portacaval shunt
- EPCV Epirus cherry virus
- EPD embolic protection device; energy-protein deficit; etiological potentials display
- EPDML epidemiology, epidemiologic
- EPE erythropoietin-producing enzyme
- EPEC enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
- EPEG etoposide
- EPESE Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly
- EPF early pregnancy factor; endocarditis parietalis fibroplastica; endothelial proliferating factor; established program financing; estrogenic positive feedback; exophthalmos-producing factor
- EPG eggs per gram [count]; electropalatography; electropneumography, electropneumogram; ethanolamine phosphoglyceride
- EPH edema-proteinuria-hypertension; episodic paroxysmal hemicrania; extensor proprius hallucis
- EPHIP education program for health informatics professionals
- EPhMrA European Pharmaceutical Marketing Association
- EpHV elapid herpesvirus
- EPHX epoxide hydrolase
- EPI echo planar imaging; electronic portal imaging; Emotion Profile Index; epilepsy; epinephrine; epirubicin; epithelium, epithelial; Estes Park Institute; evoked potential index; Expanded Programme of Immunization [WHO]; extrapyramidal involvement; extrinsic pathway inhibitor
- epi epinephrine
- EPIC Echocardiography Persantine International Cooperative Study; Echo Persantine Italian Cooperative Study; European Prevalence of Infection in Intensive Care Study; European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study; European Prototype for Integrated Care; Evaluation of 7E3 for the Prevention of Ischemic Complications
- EPICORE Epidemiology Coordinating Research Centre