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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ E ]
- EPICS Early Postmenopausal Intervention Cohort Study
- EPID electronic portal imaging device
- EPIDS Early Post-Myocardial Infarction Intravenous Dipyridamole Study
- epid epidemic
- epil epilepsy, epileptic
- EPILOG Evaluation of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty to Improve Long-Term Outcome with Abciximab Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Blockade [trial]
- epineph epinephrine
- epis episiotomy
- EPISODE Evaluation of Peripheral Intramuscular Sonography on Doppler Effect
- EPI/STAR echo planar imaging with signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency
- EPISTENT EPILOG STENT Trial; Evaluation of IIb/IIIa Platelet Inhibitor for Stenting
- epith epithelium
- EPIV enhanced potency inactivated polio vaccine
- EPIX Emergency Preparedness Information Exchange [Canada]
- EPL effective pathlength; effective patient's life; equivalent path length; essential phospholipid; extensor pollicis longus; extracorporeal piezoelectric lithotriptor
- EPM electron probe microanalysis; electrophoretic mobility; energy-protein malnutrition
- EPMR progressive epilepsy with mental retardation
- EPN emphysematous pyelonephritis
- EPNP 1,2-epoxy-3(4´-nitrophenoxy)propane
- EPO eosinophil peroxidase; erythropoiesis; erythropoietin; evening primrose oil; exclusive provider organization; expiratory port occlusion
- Epo erythropoietin
- EPOB employee per occupied bed
- EPOC excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
- EPOCH Erythropoietin in Chinese Hamster Ovary [study]
- EPOR erythropoietin receptor
- EPOX epoxygenase
- EPP end-plate potential; equal pressure point; erythropoietic protoporphyria
- epp end-plate potential
- EPPB end positive-pressure breathing
- EPPS Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
- EPQ Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
- EPR early phase reaction; early progressive resistance; effective poor radius; electron paramagnetic resonance; electronic patient record; electrophrenic respiration; emergency physical restraint; enhanced permeability and retention; epitympanic recess; estimated protein requirement; estradiol production rate; evoked potential response; extraparenchymal resistance; extrapyramidal reaction
- EPRCSS European Prospective Randomized Coronary Surgery Study
- EpRE/ARE electrophile/antioxidant response element
- EPROM erasable programmable read-only memory
- EPROU Electronic Patient Record System at Osaka University Hospital
- EPRS electronic patient record system; European Prospective Randomized Study
- EPS ear-patella-short stature [syndrome]; early progressing stroke; elastosis perforans serpiginosa; electrophysiologic study; endoscopic pancreatic sphincterectomy; enzyme pancreatic secretion; exhaustion syndrome; exophthalmos-producing substance; expressed prostatic secretions; extracellular polysaccharide; extracellular protein secretion; extrapyramidal side effects; extrapyramidal symptom; extrapyramidal syndrome
- ep's epithelial cells
- EPSC excitatory postsynaptic current
- EPSDT early and periodic screening diagnosis and treatment program
- EPSE extrapyramidal side effects
- EPSEM equal probability of selection method
- EPSI echo planar spectroscopic imaging
- ε Greek letter epsilon; heavy chain of IgE; permittivity; specific absorptivity
- EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential
- EPSS E point to septal separation
- EPT early pregnancy test
- EPTE existed prior to enlistment
- EPTFE, ePTFE expanded polytetrafluoroethylene
- EPTS existed prior to service
- EPV encephaloclastic proliferative vasculopathy; entomopoxvirus
- EPXMA electron probe x-ray microanalyzer
- EQ educational quotient; encephalization quotient; energy quotient; equal to
- Eq, eq equation; equivalent
- EQA external quality assessment
- EQAM Ervin quality assessment measure
- EQLIPSE Evaluation and Quality in Library Performance-System for Europe
- EQOL economics and quality of life
- EQP extensor quinti proprius
- EqPV equine picornavirus
- EQS electroquasistatic
- EqTV equine torovirus
- EQuIP Evaluation and Quality Improvement Program
- equip equipment
- EQUIPP Evaluation of Quinapril in Primary Practice [trial]
- equiv equivalency, equivalent
- ER efficiency ratio; epigastric region; ejection rate; electroresection; emergency room; endoplasmic reticulum; enhanced reactivation; enhancement ratio; entity-relationship [model]; environmental resistance; enzyme reactor; equine rhinopneumonia; equivalent roentgen [unit]; erythrocyte receptor; estradiol receptor; estrogen receptor; etretinate; evoked response; expiratory reserve; extended release; extended resistance; external resistance; external rotation
- E-R entity-relationship [model]
- E/R entity/relationship
- ER+ increased estrogen receptor
- ER- decreased estrogen receptor
- Er erbium; erythrocyte
- Er repulsive energy
- er endoplasmic reticulum
- ERA early [electronic] referrals application; echo record access study; electrical response activity; electroencephalic response audiometry; Electroshock Research Association; energy return ability; Enoxaparin Restenosis after Angioplasty [study]; entity relationship attribute; estradiol receptor assay; estrogen receptor assay; Estrogen Replacement in Atherosclerosis [study]; evoked response audiometry; extended relational algebra
- ERA-ICA estradiol receptor assay immunocytochemical analysis
- ERAS electronic residency application service
- ERASME Efficacy of Renal Artery Stent Multicentre Evaluation
- ERAV equine rhinitis A virus
- ERBAC Excimer Laser, Rotablator and Balloon Angioplasty Comparison [study]
- ERBF effective renal blood flow
- ERBV equine rhinitis B virus
- ERC endoscopic retrograde cholangiography; enteric cytopathic human orphan-rhino-coryza [virus]; erythropoietin-responsive cell; ethical review committee; European Resuscitation Council
- Erc erythrocyte
- ERCC excision repair cross-complementing
- ERCoh event related coherence
- ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
- Ercs erythrocytes
- ERD event related desynchronization; evoked response detector
- ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration
- ERDIP electronic records development and implementation
- ERE external rotation in extension
- EREP event-related evoked potential
- ERF edge response function; Education and Research Foundation; end response function; esophago-respiratory fistula; external rotation in flexion; Eye Research Foundation
- eRF eukaryotic release factor
- E-RFC E-rosette forming cell
- ERFS electrophysiological ring finger splinting
- ERG electron radiography; electroretinogram, electroretinography; emergency response guidebook
- ErgTX ergotoxin
- ERHD exposure-related hypothermic death
- ErHV erinaceid herpesvirus
- ERI elective replacement indicator [pacemaker]; environmental response inventory; E-rosette or erythrocyte rosette inhibitor
- ERIA electroradioimmunoassay
- ERIC Educational Resource Information Center; Educational Resource Information Clearinghouse
- ERICA European Risk and Incidence: A Coordinated Analysis
- ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act
- ERK extracellular signal-regulated kinase
- ErLV Erysimum latent virus
- ERM electrochemical relaxation method; extended radical mastectomy; ezrin, radixin, and moesin
- ERMSa embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
- ERNA early return to normal activities [after acute myocardial infarction]; efferent renal nerve activity; equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography
- ERNST European Resuscitation Nimodipine Study
- ERO effective regurgitant orifice [tricuspid regurgitation]; Eugenics Record Office
- ERO2 oxygen extraction ratio
- EROD 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase
- EROS elaboration of reactions for organic synthesis [system]
- ERP early receptor potential; effective refractory period; elodoisin-related peptide; emergency response team; endoscopic retrograde pancreatography; enzyme-releasing peptide; equine rhinopneumonitis; estrogen receptor protein; event-related potential
- Er-PBMC E-rosette-negative peripheral blood mononuclear cell
- ERPC evacuation of retained products of conception
- ERPF effective renal plasma flow
- ERPG emergency response planning guidelines
- ERPLV effective refractory period of left ventricle
- ERR excess relative risk
- ERS enamel-renal syndrome; endoscopic retrograde sphincterectomy
- Ers respiratory system elastance
- ERSP event-related slow potential
- ERSPC European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostatic Cancer
- ERT electronic textbook of radiology; emergency room thoracotomy, emergent resuscitative thoracotomy; esophageal radionuclide transit; estrogen replacement therapy; examination room terminal; external radiation therapy
- ERTAS extended reticulo-thalamic activating system
- ERTOCS, ERTOS European Randomised Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening
- ERU endorectal ultrasound
- ERV Embu virus; entero-like virus; equine rhinopneumonitis virus; Estero Real virus; etched ringspot virus; expiratory reserve volume
- ERVEV Erve virus
- ERY erysipelas
- Ery Erysipelothrix
- ES ejection sound; elastic stocking; elastic support; electrical stimulus, electrical stimulation; electroshock; electrospray; electrotherapy system; Elejalde syndrome; embryonic stem; emergency service; emission spectrometry; end of systole; endometritis-salpingitis; endoscopic sclerosis; endoscopic sclerotherapy; endoscopic sphincterotomy; end stage [disease]; end-systole; end-to-side; English-speaking; enzyme substrate; epileptic seizures; epileptic syndrome; erythromycin stearate; esophageal, esophagus; esophageal scintigraphy; esterase; evoking strength; Ewing sarcoma; exfoliation syndrome; Expectation Score; experimental study; expert system; exterior surface; extra stimulus; extrasystole
- Es einsteinium; estrid
- Es secondary etiology [vascular diseases]; shear energy
- ESA Electrolysis Society of America; electronic signature authentication; endocardial surface area; epidermal surface antigen; epididymal sperm aneuploidy; esterase; esterase A
- ESAC extra structurally abnormal chromosome
- ESADDI estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intake
- ESAT esterase activator
- ESB electrical stimulation of the brain; enhanced skill building [program]; environmental specimen banking; esterase B
- ESBL extended spectrum beta-lactamase
- ESBY Electrical Stimulation vs Coronary Artery Bypass [study]
- ESC electromechanical slope computer; endosystolic count; environmental stress cracking; epidural spinal cord; erythropoietin-sensitive stem cell; esterase C
- ESCA electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
- ESCALAT, ESCALATE Efegatran and Streptokinase to Canalize Arteries Like Accelerated Tissue Plasminogen Activator [study]
- ESCAPE Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Artery Catheterization Effectiveness
- ESCAT Early Self-Controlled Anticoagulation Trial
- ESCC epidural spinal cord compression; esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
- ESCH European Study Group on Cytogenetic Biomarkers and Health
- Esch Escherichia
- ESCN electrolyte and steroid cardiopathy with necrosis
- ESCOBAR Emergency Stenting Compared to Conventional Balloon Angioplasty Randomized Trial
- ESCODD European Standards Committee on Oxidative DNA Damage
- EsCPS Euxoa scandens cypovirus
- ESCS epidural spinal cord stimulation
- ESD electronic submission document; electronic summation device; electrostatic discharge; emission spectrometric device; end-systolic dimension; esterase-D; exoskeletal device
- ESDI enhanced small device interface
- ESE electrostatic unit [Ger. electrostatische Einheit]; evolutionary stable energy; exercise stress echocardiography
- ESEM European Society for Engineering and Medicine
- ESETCID European Study of Epidemiology and Treatment of Cardiac Inflammatory Diseases
- ESF edge spread function; electron scatter function; electrosurgical filter; erythropoietic stimulating factor
- ESFH European Society for Hemapheresis
- ESFL end-systolic force-length relationship
- ESG electrospinogram; endovascular stent graft; estrogen; exfoliation syndrome glaucoma
- ESGE European Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- ESHEL Association for Planning and Development of Services for the Aged in Israel
- ESHG European Society of Human Genetics
- ESHR elder spontaneously hypertensive rat
- EsHV esocid herpesvirus
- ESI elastase-specific inhibitor; electrospray ionization; emergency safety information; emergency severity index; enzyme substrate inhibitor; epidural steroid injection
- ESIC electrical stimulation-induced contractions
- ESIC-LCE electric stimulation-induced contractions leg cycle ergometry
- ESI-MS electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
- ESIMV expiratory synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
- ESIN elastic stable intramedullary nailing
- ESIPT excited state intermolecular proton transfer
- ESL end-systolic length; E-selectin ligand; extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
- ESLD end-stage liver disease
- ESLF end-stage liver failure
- ESLV elderberry symptomless virus
- ESM ejection systolic murmur; endolymphatic stromal myosis; endoscopic specular microscope; ethosuximide
- ESMC entropy sampling Monte Carlo
- ESMIR Echocardiographic Selection of Patients for Mitral Regurgitation [study]
- ESMIS Emergency Medical Services Management Information System
- ESMoV eggplant severe mottle virus
- ESMS electrospray mass spectrometry
- ESN educationally subnormal; estrogen-stimulated neurophysin
- ESnet Energy Sciences Network [Department of Energy]
- ESN(M) educationally subnormal-moderate
- ESN(S) educationally subnormal-severe
- ESO electrospinal orthosis; embolic signal onset
- eso esophagoscopy; esophagus
- ESOCAP European Study of Community Acquired Pneumonia
- ESP early systolic paradox; echo spacing; effective sensory projection; effective systolic pressure; endometritis-salpingitis-peritonitis; end-systolic pressure; eosinophil stimulation promoter; epidermal soluble protein; especially; evoked synaptic potential; extrasensory perception
- ESPA electrical stimulation-produced analgesia; extended sib pair analysis
- ESPAC European Study Group of Pancreatic Cancer