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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ E ]
- ESPC enhanced spectral pathology component
- EsPeR personalized risk estimation
- ESPRIM European Study Prevention Research of Infarct with Molsidomine
- ESPRIT Efficacy Safety Prospective Randomized Ibopamine Trial; European and Australian Stroke Prevention in Reversible Ischemia Trial; European Study of the Prevention of Reocclusion after Initial Thrombolysis; European Study Programme for the Relevance of Immunology in Liver Transplantation
- ESPS European Secondary Prevention Study; European Stroke Prevention Study
- ESPVR end-systolic pressure-volume relationship
- ESQ early signs questionnaire
- ESR Einstein stroke radius; electric skin resistance; electron spin resonance; equipment service report; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; estrogen receptor; extracytoplasmic stress response
- ESRD end-stage renal disease
- ESRF end-stage renal failure; European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute
- ESS earliest starting shift; earth and space sciences; elementary sulcal surface; empty sella syndrome; endostreptosin; erythrocyte-sensitizing substance; euthyroid sick syndrome; excited skin syndrome; exonic splicing silencer or suppressor; squamous self-healing epithelioma
- ess essential
- ESSENCE Efficacy Safety Subcutaneous Enoxaparin in Non-Q-Wave Coronary Events [study]
- ESSEX European Scimed Stent Experience
- ESSF external spinal skeletal fixation
- ESSV Essaouira virus
- EST Early Stroke Trial; electric shock threshold; electroshock therapy; endodermal sinus tumor; endometrial sinus tumor; endoscopic sphincterectomy; esterase; exercise stress test; expressed sequence tag
- Est estradiol
- est ester; estimation, estimated
- ESTEEM European Standardised Telematic Tool to Evaluate EMG
- esth esthetics, esthetic
- Est,l elastance, lung
- ESTR Estrogens [dataset]
- Est,rs elastance, respiratory system
- Est,w elastance, chest wall
- ESU electrosurgical unit; electrostatic unit
- E-sub excitor substance
- ESUE emergency screening ultrasound examination
- ESV end-systolic volume; esophageal valve
- ESVEM Electrophysiologic Study vs Electrocardiographic Monitoring
- ESVH endoscopic saphenous vein harvesting
- ESVI end-systolic volume index
- ESVS endoscopic vascular surgery; epiurethral suprapubic vaginal suspension
- ESWL extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
- ESWS end-systolic wall stress
- Esyn reversal potential
- ET educational therapy; effective temperature; ejection time; embryo transfer; endothelin; endotoxin; endotracheal; endotracheal tube; end-tidal; endurance time; enterotoxin; epidermolytic toxin; epithelial tumor; esophageal temperature; esotropia; essential thrombocythemia; essential tremor; ethanol; etiocholanolone test; etiology; eustachian tube; examination terminal; exchange transfusion; exercise test; exercise treadmill; exfoliative toxin; expiration time; exploratory thoracoscopy
- E:T, E/T effect to target [ratio]
- ET-1 endothelin-1
- ET3 erythrocyte triiodothyronine
- ET4 effective thyroxine [test]
- Et ethyl; etiology
- et and [Lat. et]; end-tidal
- ETA electron transfer agent; endotracheal airways; endotracheal aspiration; ethionamide; exfoliative toxin A
- ET-A, ETA endothelin A
- η Greek letter eta; absolute viscosity
- ETAB extrathoracic assisted breathing
- ETAC early treatment of the atopic child
- ETAF epidermal thrombocyte activating factor; epithelial thymus-activating factor
- et al and others [Lat. et alii]
- ETAR equivalent tissue air ratio
- ET-B, ETB endothelin B
- ETC electron transport chain; emergency trauma care; enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli; esophageal tracheal combitube; estimated time of conception
- ETc corrected ejection time
- ETCC emergency team coordination course
- ETCO2, etCO2 end-tidal carbon dioxide [concentration]
- ETD eustachian tube dysfunction
- ETDRS Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study
- ETD(V) extrapolated tolerance dose (volume) [radiotherapy]
- ETE end-to-end [anastomosis]
- ETEC enterotoxic or enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
- ETF electron-transferring flavoprotein; eustachian tube function; extensions teardrop fracture
- ETFB electron transfer flavoprotein, beta polypeptide
- ETG episode treatment group
- ETH elixir terpin hydrate; ethanol; ethmoid
- ETh excitability threshold
- eth ether
- ETHC elixir terpin hydrate with codeine
- ETHR education, training, and human resources
- ETI endotracheal intubation
- ETIC Environmental Teratology Information Center
- ETICBACK Environmental Teratology Information Center Backfile [NLM database]
- ETIO etiocholanolone
- etiol etiology
- EtIV Eriborus terebrans ichnovirus
- ETK erythrocyte transketolase
- ETKTM every test known to man
- ETL echo train length; expiratory threshold load
- ETM erythromycin
- ETNet Educational Technology Network
- EtNU ethyl nitrosourea
- ETO estimated time of ovulation; ethylene oxide
- Eto ethylene oxide
- E-TOF electron time of flight
- ETOH, EtOH ethyl alcohol
- ETOX ethylene oxide
- ETP electron transport particle; entire treatment period; ephedrine, theophylline, phenobarbital; eustachian tube pressure
- ETPCO2 end-tidal partial carbon dioxide [concentration]
- ETR effective thyroxine ratio; electronic textbook of radiology; endothelin receptor
- ETS educational testing service; electrical transcranial stimulation; electronic transimpedance scanning; electron transport system; electrosleep therapy; endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy; environmental tobacco smoke; erythromycin topical solution; event timing system; expiration time signal; extracellular transport system
- ET-ST endotracheal tube-stylet unit
- ETT endotracheal tube; epinephrine tolerance test; exercise tolerance test; exercise treadmill test; extrathyroidal thyroxine
- ET-TL endotracheal tube-Trachlight unit
- ETTP enhanced trusted third party
- ETU emergency and trauma unit; emergency treatment unit; ethylene thiourea
- ETV extravascular thermal volume
- ETX etiology
- EU Ehrlich unit; elementary unit; emergency unit; endotoxin unit; entropy unit; enzyme unit; esterase unit; etiology unknown; excretory urography; expected utility
- Eu europium; euryon
- EUA examination under anesthesia
- EUBV Eubenangee virus
- EUCLID European Diabetes Controlled Trial of Lisinopril in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
- EUCROMIC European Collaborative Research on Mosaicism in Chorionic Virus Sample
- EUCS end-user computing satisfaction scale
- EUDB end-user database
- EUFOS European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies
- EUHID encrypted universal health care identifier
- EUL expected upper limit
- EUM external urethral meatus
- EUP extrauterine pregnancy
- EURAGE European Community Concerted Action on Aging
- EURALIM European Alimentation Study
- EURAMIC European Community Multicenter Study on Antioxidants, Myocardial Infarction and Breast Cancer
- EURID European Registry for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
- EURO-ART European Angiojet Rapid Thrombectomy [study]
- EUROASPIRE European Action on Secondary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events
- EUROCARDI European Concerted Action for the Rapid Diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction
- EUROCARE European Carvedilol Restenosis Trial
- EURO-CAT European Cancer After Transplant [project]; European Register of Congenital Anomalies and Twins
- EURODIAB ACE European Diabetes: Aetiology of Childhood Diabetes on an Epidemiological Basis
- EURODIAB IDDM European Diabetes Centers Study of Complications in Patients with Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus
- EURODIAB TIGER European Diabetes: Type I Genetic Epidemiology Resources
- EURO-DIRECT European Direct Myocardial Revascularization in Regeneration of Endomyocardial Channels Trial
- EUROHAZCON Congenital Anomalies Near Hazardous Waste Landfill Sites in Europe [study]
- EURO-ISDN European Integrated Services Digital Network
- EURONET European On-Line Network
- EUROPA European Trial of Reduction of Cardiac Events with Perindopril in Stable Coronary Artery Disease
- EuroQol European quality of life [scale]
- EUROSCOP European Registry Society Study of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
- EUROSTROKE European Collaborative Study of Incidence and Risk Factors for Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke
- EUROTOX European Committee on Chronic Toxicity Hazards
- EUROWINTER European Study on Cold Exposure and Winter Mortality from Ischemic Heart Disease
- EUS endorectal ultrasonography or ultrasound; endoscopic ultrasonography or ultrasound; external urethral sphincter
- EUS-CPN endosonography-guided celiac plexus neurolysis
- EUS-FNA endoscopic ultrasound fine-needle aspiration
- Eust eustachian
- EUV extreme ultraviolet laser
- EV Ebola virus; eczema vaccinatum; ejected volume; electric vehicle; electronic patient record [EPR] values; emergency vehicle; encephalitis or encephalomyelitis virus; enteritis virus; enterovirus; entomopoxvirus; epidermodysplasia verruciformis; estradiol valerate; eustachian valve; evoked potential [response]; excessive ventilation; expected value; extravascular
- Ev, ev eversion
- eV, ev electron volt
- EV-69, 70, 71 human enterovirus 69, 70, and 71
- EVA Epidemiological Study on Vascular and Cognitive Aging; ethyl violet azide; ethylene vinyl acetate; European Vascular Agency [study]
- evac evacuate, evacuated, evacuation
- EVADE Experience with Left Ventricular Assist Device with Exercise [trial]
- eval evaluate, evaluated, evaluation
- eval stud evaluation study
- evap evaporation, evaporated
- EVAR endovascular aneurysm repair
- EVB electronic view box; esophageal variceal bleeding
- EVC, EvC Ellis-van Creveld [syndrome]
- EVCI expected value of clinical information
- EVD external ventricular drain; extravascular [lung] density
- ever eversion, everted
- EVF ethanol volume fraction
- EVFMG exchange visitor foreign medical graduate
- EVG electroventriculography
- EVGLI European Working Group on Legionella Surveillance Centre
- EVIL exposure to selected viruses in research laboratories
- EVL electronic visualization laboratory
- EVLW extravascular lung water
- EVM electronic voltmeter; extravascular mass
- EVNT event [UMLS]
- EVOC emergency vehicle operator course
- EVP episcleral venous pressure; evoked visual potential
- EVPI expected value of perfect information
- EVR evoked visual response; exudative vitreoretinopathy
- EVRS early ventricular repolarization syndrome
- EVS eligibility verification system; endovaginal sonography
- EVT endovascular technology
- EVTV extravascular thermal volume
- EVV Everglades virus
- EVXX exudative vitreoretinopathy, X-linked
- EW emergency ward; estrogen withdrawal
- E-W Edinger-Westphal [nucleus]
- EWA estrogen replacement for women with coronary artery disease; exponentially weighted average
- EWAs erythrocytes without antigens
- EWB estrogen withdrawal bleeding
- EWGCP European Working Group on Cardiac Pacing
- EWGLP European Workshop for Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols
- EWHO elbow-wrist-hand orthosis
- EWKY elder Wistar-Kyoto rat
- EWL egg-white lysozyme; evaporation water loss
- EWPHE European Working Party on Hypertension in the Elderly
- EWR European Wallstent Registry
- EWS Ewing sarcoma
- EWSMV European wheat striate mosaic virus
- EWSR Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region
- EX exfoliation; exsmoker
- E(X) expected value of the random variable X
- ex exacerbation; examination, examined, examiner; example; excision; exercise; exophthalmos; exposure; extraction
- EXA electronic x-ray archives
- exac exacerbation
- EXACT Extended Release Adalat Canadian Trial
- EXACTO Excimer Laser Angioplasty in Coronary Total Occlusion
- EXAFS extended x-ray absorption fine structure
- exam examination, examine, examined
- EXBF exercise hyperemia blood flow
- ExBRT external beam irradiation or radiation therapy
- exc excision