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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ F ]
- F bioavailability; a cell that donates F factor in bacterial conjugation; coefficient of inbreeding; a conjugative plasmid in F+ bacterial cells; degree of fineness of abrasive particles; facies; factor; Fahrenheit; failure; false; family; farad; Faraday constant; fascia; fasting; fat; father; feces; fellow; female; fermentation; fertility; fetal; fiat; fibroblast; fibrous; field of vision; filament; Filaria; fine; finger; flexion; flow; fluorine; flux; focal [spot]; focus; foil; fontanel; foramen; force; form, forma; formula; fornix; fossa; fraction, fractional; fracture; fragment; free; French [catheter]; frequency; frontal; frontal electrode placement in electroencephalography; function; fundus; Fusiformis; fusion; Fusobacterium; gilbert; Helmholz free energy; hydrocortisone [compound F]; inbreeding coefficient; left foot electrode in vectorcardiography; phenylalanine; variance ratio
- F0, F1 coupling factor
- F1, F2, etc. first, second, etc., filial generation; years of fellowship study
- FI, FII, etc. factors I, II, etc.
- F344 Fischer 344 [rat]
- °F degree on the Fahrenheit scale
- F´ a hybrid F plasmid
- F- a bacterial cell lacking an F plasmid
- F+ a bacterial cell having an F plasmid
- f atomic orbital with angular momentum quantum number 3; farad; fasting; father; female; femto; fiber, fibrous; fingerbreadth; fission; flexion; fluid; focal; foot; form, forma; formula; fostered [experimental animal]; fraction; fracture; fragment; frequency [statistics]; frontal; function; fundus; numerical expression of the relative aperture of a camera lens
- f- femto- [10-15]
- FA factor analysis; false aneurysm; Families Anonymous; Fanconi anemia; far advanced; fatty acid; febrile antigen; femoral artery; fetal age; fibrinolytic activity; fibroadenoma; fibrosing alveolitis; field ambulance; field assessment; filterable agent; filtered air; first aid; flip angle; fluorescent antibody; fluorescent assay; fluoroalanine; folic acid; follicular area; food allergy; forearm; fortified aqueous [solution]; fractional anisotropy; free acid; Freund adjuvant; Friedreich ataxia; functional activity; functional administration
- F/A fetus active
- fa fatty [rat]
- FAA folic acid antagonist; formaldehyde, acetic acid, alcohol; fumarylacetoacetic acid
- FA-A Fanconi anemia A [gene]
- FAAN Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
- FAB fast atom bombardment; formalin ammonium bromide; fragment, antigen-binding [of immunoglobulins]; French-American-British [leukemia staging]; functional arm brace
- FA-B Fanconi anemia B [gene]
- Fab fragment, antigen-binding [of immunoglobulins]
- F(ab´)2 fragment, antigen-binding [of immunoglobulins, obtained by pepsin cleavage]
- Fabc fragment, antigen and complement binding [of immunoglobulins]
- FABER flexion in abduction and external rotation
- FABF femoral artery blood flow
- FAB-MS fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry
- FABP fatty acid-binding protein; folate-binding protein
- FAC familial adenomatosis coli; femoral arterial cannulation; ferric ammonium citrate; fetal abdominal circumference; fluorescent aromatic compound; 5-fluorouracil, Adriamycin, and cyclophosphamide; foamy alveolar cast; fractional area changes; free available chlorine; functional aerobic capacity
- FA-C Fanconi anemia C [gene]
- Fac factor
- fac facility; to make [Lat. facere]
- FACA Fanconi anemia complementation group A; Fellow of the American College of Anesthetists; Fellow of the American College of Angiology; Fellow of the American College of Apothecaries
- FACAI Fellow of the American College of Allergy and Immunology
- FACAS Fellow of the American College of Abdominal Surgeons
- FACB Fanconi anemia complementation group B
- Facb fragment, antigen, and complement binding
- FACC Fanconi anemia complementation group C; Fellow of the American College of Cardiologists
- FACCT Foundation for Accountability
- FACD Fanconi anemia complementation group D; Fellow of the American College of Dentists
- FACE fluorophore assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis
- FACEP Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians
- FACES Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale; unique facies, anorexia, cachexia, and eye and skin lesions [syndrome]
- FACET Flosequinan Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-Inhibitor [ACEI] Trial; Fosinopril Amlodipine Cardiovascular Events Trial
- FACFP Fellow of the American College of Family Physicians
- FACFS Fellow of the American College of Foot Surgeons
- FACG Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology
- FACH forceps to after-coming head
- FACHA Fellow of the American College of Health Administrators; Fellow of the American College of Hospital Administrators
- FACHE Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives
- FACIT fibril-associated collagen with interrupted triple helices
- FACL fatty acid coenzyme ligase
- FACLM Fellow of the American College of Legal Medicine
- FACMTA Federal Advisory Council on Medical Training Aids
- FACN Fellow of the American College of Nutrition
- FACNHA Foundation of American College of Nursing Home Administrators
- FACNM Fellow of the American College of Nuclear Medicine
- FACNP Fellow of the American College of Nuclear Physicians
- FACO Fellow of the American College of Otolaryngology
- FACOG Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- FACOS Fellow of the American College of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- FACOSH Federal Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health
- FACP Fellow of the American College of Physicians
- FACPE Fellow of the American College of Physician Executives
- FACPM Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine
- FACR Fellow of the American College of Radiology
- FACS Fellow of the American College of Surgeons; fluorescence-activated cell sorter
- FACScan fluorescence associated cell sorter scan
- FACSM Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine
- FACT Flannagan Aptitude Classification Test; focused appendix computed tomography; functional assessment of cancer therapy
- FACT-B functional assessment of cancer therapy-breast
- FACTS Functional Angiometric Correlation with Thallium Scintigraphy [trial]
- FACWA familial amyotrophic chorea with acanthocytosis
- FAD familial Alzheimer dementia; familial autonomic dysfunction; fetal activity-acceleration determination; flash-induced afterdischarge; flavin adenine dinucleotide
- FA-D Fanconi anemia D [gene]
- FADF fluorescent antibody dark field
- FADH2 reduced form of flavin adenine dinucleotide
- FADIR flexion in adduction and internal rotation
- FADN flavin adenine dinucleotide
- FADS fetal akinesia deformation sequence
- FAdV fowl adenovirus
- FAE fetal alcohol effect; follicle-associated epithelium
- FA-E Fanconi anemia E [gene]
- FAEE fatty acid ethyl ester
- FAEES fatty acid ethyl ester synthase
- FAES Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences
- FAF fatty acid free; fibroblast-activating factor
- FAH Federation of American Hospitals
- FAHIS Florida Abuse Hotline Information System
- Fahr Fahrenheit
- FaHV falconid herpesvirus
- FAI first aid instruction; free androgen index; functional aerobic impairment; functional assessment inventory
- FAJ fused apophyseal joint
- FAK focal adhesion kinase
- FALG fowl antimouse lymphocyte globulin
- FALP fluoro-assisted lumbar puncture
- FALS familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; forward angle light scatter
- FAM 5-fluorouracil, Adriamycin, and mitomycin C; fuzzy associative memory
- Fam, fam family, familial
- FAMA Fellow of the American Medical Association; fluorescence-assisted mismatch analysis; fluorescent antibody to membrane antigen
- FAM-A functional area model-activity
- FAM-D functional area model of data
- FAME fatty acid methyl ester
- FAMG family group [UMLS]
- fam hist family history
- FAMIS Fosinopril in Acute Myocardial Infarction Study
- FAMMM familial atypical multiple mole-melanoma [syndrome]
- FAMOUS Fragmin Advanced Malignancy Outcome Study
- FAMP fludarabine
- FAN fuchsin, amido black, and naphthol yellow
- FANA fluorescent antinuclear antibody
- F and R force and rhythm [of pulse]
- FANEL Federation for Accessible Nursing Education and Licensure
- FANPT Freeman Anxiety Neurosis and Psychosomatic Test
- FANTASTIC Full Anticoagulation vs Aspirin and Ticlopidine After Stent Implantation [study]
- FAO Food and Agriculture Organization [of United Nations]
- FAO2 fractional alveolar oxygen
- FAOF family assessment of occupational functioning
- FAP familial adenomatous polyposis; familial amyloid polyneuropathy; fatty acid polyunsaturated; fatty acid poor; femoral artery pressure; fibrillating action potential; Fibrinolytics vs Primary Angioplasty [trial]; fixed action potential; frozen animal procedure; functional ambulation profile
- FAPA Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association; Fellow of the American Psychoanalytical Association
- FAPHA Fellow of the American Public Health Association
- FAPIS Flecainide and Propafenone Italian Study
- FAPS Felodipine Atherosclerosis Prevention Study; French Aortic Plaque Study
- FAPY formamidopyrimidine
- FAQ frequently asked question; functional asessment questionnaire
- FAR fatal accident rate; Federal acquisitions regulation; fractional albumin rate
- far faradic
- FARE Federation of Alcoholic Rehabilitation Establishments
- FARS Fatality Analysis Reporting System
- FARV Farallon virus
- FAS Family Attitude Scale; fatty acid synthetase; Federation of American Scientists; fetal akinesia sequence; fetal alcohol syndrome
- FASA Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association
- FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board
- FASC free-standing ambulatory surgical center
- fasc fasciculus, fascicular
- FASEB Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
- FASHP Federation of Associations of Schools of the Health Professions
- FAST ferment active solution therapy; Fitness, Arthritis and Seniors Trial; flow-assisted, short-term [balloon catheter]; fluorescent antibody staining technique; fluoro-allergosorbent test; focused abdominal sonography for trauma; Fourier acquired steady state; Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test; functional assessment stages
- FASTEST Femoral Artery Stent Study
- FAST-MI Field Ambulance Study of Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction
- FAstV feline astrovirus
- FAT family attitudes test; fluorescent antibody technique; fluorescent antibody test
- FATDPA fat dual photon absorptiometry
- FATIMA Fraxiparin Anticoagulant Therapy in Myocardial Infarction Study in Amsterdam
- FatIVNA fat in vitro neutron activation analysis
- FATS face and thigh squeeze [position for bag mask ventilation]; Familial Atherosclerosis Treatment Study; fast adiabatic trajectory in steady state
- FATUWW fat underwater weighing
- FAV facio-auriculovertebral [sequence]; feline ataxia virus; floppy aortic valve; fowl adenovirus
- FAVS facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum
- FAW airway flow
- FAX, fax facsimile
- FAZ Fanconi-Albertini-Zellweger [syndrome]; foveal avascular zone; fragmented atrial activity zone
- FB factor B; fascicular block; fasting blood [test]; feedback; fiberoptic bronchoscopy; fingerbreadth; flexible bronchoscope, flexible bronchoscopy; foreign body; Fusobacterium
- FBA fecal bile acid
- FBAO foreign-body airway obstruction
- F-BAR forward and backward autoregressive [algorithm]
- FBC full blood count
- FBCOD foreign body of the cornea, oculus dexter (right eye)
- FBCOS foreign body of the cornea, oculus sinister (left eye)
- FBCP familial benign chronic pemphigus
- FBD forward/backward bending; functional bowel disorder
- fBDE fractional balanced differential expression [microarray analysis]
- FbDP fibrin degradation products
- FBE full blood examination
- FBEC fetal bovine endothelial cell
- FBF forearm blood flow; full breast feeding
- FBG fasting blood glucose; fibrinogen; foreign body granulomatosis
- fbg fibrinogen
- FBH familial benign hypercalcemia
- FBHH familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
- FBI flossing, brushing, and irrigation
- FBJMSV Finkel-Biskis-Jinkins murine sarcoma virus
- FBL follicular basal lamina
- FBLN fibulin
- FBM felbamate; fetal breathing movements; fractional or fractal brownian motion; fresh bone marrow
- FBN Federal Bureau of Narcotics; fibribillin
- FBP femoral blood pressure; fibrin breakdown product; filtered back projection [algorithm]; folate-binding protein; fructose-1,6-biphosphatase
- FBPM forward-backward Prony method [spectral analysis of heart sounds]
- FBPsS Fellow of the British Psychological Society
- FBR fetal breathing rate
- FBS fasting blood sugar; feedback system; fetal bovine serum; film-based system
- FBSC Frederick Biomedical Supercomputing Center [NIH]
- FBSS failed back surgery syndrome; field-based similarity searching
- FC family coping; fasciculus cuneatus; fast component [of a neuron]; febrile convulsions; feline conjunctivitis; ferric chloride; ferric citrate; fibrocyte; finger clubbing; finger counting; flow compensation; fluorocarbon; fluorocytosine; Foley catheter; follicle culture; foster care; fowl cholera; free cholesterol; frontal cortex; functional castration
- 5-FC flucytosine; 5-fluorocytosine
- F + C flare and cells
- Fc centroid frequency; fraction/centrifuge; fragment, crystallizable [of immunoglobulin]
- Fc´ a fragment of an immunoglobulin molecule produced by papain digestion
- fc cutoff frequency; foot candles
- FCA ferritin-conjugated antibodies; Freund's complete adjuvant; functional capacity assessment
- FCAH familial cytomegaly adrenocortical hypoplasia [syndrome]
- FCAP Fellow of the College of American Pathologists
- FCAT Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology
- F cath Foley catheter
- FCC Federal Communications Commission; follicular center cells; Food Chemicals Codex
- fcc face-centered-cubic
- f/cc fibers per cubic centimeter of air
- FCCA familial congenital cardiac abnormality
- FCCH family child care home
- FCCL follicular center cell lymphoma
- FCCSET Federal Coordinating Committee for Science, Engineering and Technology