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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ F ]
- FCD feces collection device; fibrocystic disease; fibrocystic dysplasia; focal cytoplasmic degradation
- FCE fibrocartilaginous embolism
- FceR fragment receptor for immunoglobulin E
- FCF fetal cardiac frequency; fibroblast chemotactic factor
- FCFC fibroblast colony-forming cell
- FcγR fragment receptor for immunoglobulin G
- FCH faculty contact hour; family care home; fetal cystic hygroma
- FCHL familial combined hyperlipidemia
- FChS Fellow of the Society of Chiropodists
- FCHSP flight crew health stabilization program [NASA]
- FCI fixed-cell immunofluorescence; folded cell index; food chemical intolerance
- FCIM Federated Council for Internal Medicine
- fCJD familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
- FCL fibroblast cell line
- fcly face lying
- FCM flow cytometry; fuzzy cognitive map [algorithm]
- FCMC familial chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis; family centered maternity care
- FCMD Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy
- FCMS Fellow of the College of Medicine and Surgery; Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome
- FCMW Foundation for Child Mental Welfare
- FCO Fellow of the College of Osteopathy
- FCoV feline coronavirus
- FCP F-cell production; femoral hole coronal positioning; final common pathway; Functional Communication Profile
- FCPN fuzzy coloured Petri net
- FCPR fatigue crack propagation rate
- FCPS Fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
- FCR flexor carpi radialis; fractional catabolic rate; Fuji computed radiography
- FcR Fc receptor; fragment receptor [immunoglobulin]
- FCRA fecal collection receptacle assembly; Fellow of the College of Radiologists of Australasia
- FCRC Frederick Cancer Research Center
- FcRγ fragment receptor gamma chain
- FCS faciocutaneoskeletal syndrome; fecal containment system; feedback control system; fetal calf serum; foot compartment syndrome
- FCSP Fellow of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
- FCST Fellow of the College of Speech Therapists
- FCSW female commercial sex worker
- FCT food composition table; fucosyl transferase
- FCU flexor carpi ulnaris
- FCV feline calicivirus; fowl calicivirus
- FCx frontal cortex
- FCXM flow cytometric cross-matching
- FD familial dysautonomia; family doctor; fan douche; fatal dose; fetal danger; fibrin derivative; fibrous dysplasia; floppy disk; focal distance; Folin-Denis [assay]; follicular diameter; foot drop; forceps delivery; Fourier descriptor; fractal dimension; fracture-dislocation; freeze drying
- FD1 from day 1
- FD2 from day 2
- FD50 median fatal dose
- Fd the amino-terminal portion of the heavy chain of an immunoglobulin molecule; ferredoxin
- fd fundus
- FDA Fisher discriminant analysis; fluorescein diacetate; Food and Drug Administration; right frontoanterior [fetal position]
- FDA-CBER Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
- FDAM fuzzy logic based decision analysis module
- FDAMA Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act
- FDAW film digitizer acquisition workstation
- FDB familial defective apolipoprotein B
- FDBL fecal daily blood loss
- FDC factor-dependent cell [line]; follicular dendritic cell
- FD&C Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; food, drugs, and cosmetics
- FDCA Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
- FDCPA Food, Drug, and Consumer Product Agency
- FDD fluorescent differential display; Food and Drugs Directorate; frequency division duplex [telemedicine]
- FDDC ferric dimethyldithiocarbonate
- FDDI fiber distributed data interface; film distribution data interface
- FDDS Family Drawing Depression Scale
- FDE female day-equivalent; final drug evaluation
- FDECU field employable environmental control unit
- FDF fast death factor; fractional dimension filtering
- FDFQ Food/Drink Frequency Questionnaire
- FDFT farnesyldiphosphate farnesyltransferase
- FDG [clinical] features of differential diagnosis; fluorine 18-labeled deoxyglucose; fluorodeoxyglucose [scan]
- fdg feeding
- FDGF fibroblast-derived growth factor
- FDG-PET fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography
- FDH familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia; focal dermal hypoplasia; formaldehyde dehydrogenase
- FDI facial disability index; fibrillation detection interval; first dorsal interosseous [muscle]; frequency domain imaging; functional disability index; International Dental Federation [Federation Dentaire Internationale]
- FDIU fetal death in utero
- FDK Feldkamp [algorithm]
- FDL flexor digitorum longus
- FDLMP first day of last menstrual period
- FDLO fluorescent dye-labeled oligonucleotide
- FDLV fer de lance virus
- FDM fetus of diabetic mother; fibrous dysplasia of the mandible; finite differentiation method; fluorodeoxymannose
- FDMP fluid depth at Morison's pouch
- FDNB fluorodinitrobenzene
- FDO Fleet Dental Officer
- FDOPA fluorodihydroxyphenylalanine
- FDP family doctor practice; fibrin degradation product; fibrinogen degradation product; flexor digitorum profundus; fructose-1,6-diphosphate; left frontoposterior [position of fetus]
- FDPase fructose-1,6-diphosphatase
- FDPM frequency domain photon migration
- FDPS farnesyl diphosphate synthetase
- FDPSL farnesyl diphosphate synthetase-like
- FDQB flexor digiti quinti brevis
- FDR first-degree relative; fractional disappearance rate
- FDS Fellow in Dental Surgery; fiber duodenoscope; flexor digitorum superficialis
- FDSRCSEng Fellow in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
- FDT right frontotransverse [position of fetus]
- FDTD finite difference time domain [method]
- FdUrd fluorodeoxyuridine
- (F)dUTP fluorescent deoxyuridine triphosphate
- FDV Fiji disease virus; foliar decay virus; Friend disease virus
- FDWT fast dyadic wavelet transform
- FDXD flat dynamic x-ray image detector
- FDZ fetal danger zone
- FE fatty ester; fecal emesis; fetal erythroblastosis; fetal erythrocyte; figure eight [Doppler signal kernel]; finite element; fluid extract; fluorescent erythrocyte; forced expiration; formaldehyde-ethanol; frequency-encoded; frozen embryo
- Fe female; ferret
- Fe fraction excreted [of dose]
- fe female
- FEA finite element analysis
- feb fever [Lat. febris]
- FEBP fetal estrogen-binding protein
- FEBS Federation of European Biochemical Societies
- FEB SZ febrile seizures
- FEC fixed excitation codebook; forced expiratory capacity; free erythrocyte coproporphyrin; freestanding emergency center; Friend erythroleukemia cell
- FECH ferrochelatase
- FECG fetal electrocardiogram
- FECO2 fractional concentration of carbon dioxide in expired gas
- FECP free erythrocyte coproporphyrin
- FECSR flexion-extension cervical spine radiography
- FECT fibroelastic connective tissue
- FECU factor [VIII] correctional unit
- FECV feline enteric coronavirus
- FECVC functional extracellular fluid volume
- FED field emission display; figure eight distribution; fish eye disease
- FeD iron deficiency
- Fed federal
- FedNets Federal agency networks
- FEDRIP Federal Research in Progress [database]
- FedStats Federal statistics
- FEE forced equilibrating expiration
- FEEG fetal electroencephalography
- FEER field echo with even echo rephasing
- FEESST flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with sensory testing
- FEF forced expiratory flow
- FEF25-75 forced expiratory flow at 25-75% of forced vital capacity
- FEF50 forced expiratory flow at 50% of forced vital capacity
- FEF50/FIF50 ratio of expiratory flow to inspiratory flow at 50% of forced vital capacity
- FEFV forced expiratory flow volume
- fEGG fast electrogastrogram
- FEH focal epithelial hyperplasia
- FEHBARS Federal Employee Health Benefit Acquisition Regulations
- FEHBP Federal Employee Health Benefits Program
- FEHBP-MSA Federal Employees Health Benefits Program-Medical Savings Account
- Fe+2Hgb ferromethemoglobin
- Fe+3Hgb ferrimethemoglobin
- FeHV felid herpesvirus
- FEIBA factor eight bypassing activity
- FEKG fetal electrocardiogram
- FEL familial erythrophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
- FELASA Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Association
- FELC Friend erythroleukemia cells
- FeLV feline leukemia virus
- FEM female; femur, femoral; finite element method [algorithm]; finite element model
- fem female; femur, femoral
- FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
- FEMINA Felodipine ER and Metoprolol in the Treatment of Angina Pectoris
- fem intern at inner side of the thighs [Lat. femoribus internus]
- FEN flap endonuclease [protein]
- Fen fenfluramine
- FENa, FENa fractional excretion of sodium
- FEO familial expansile osteolysis
- FEO2, FEO2 fractional concentration of oxygen in expired gas
- FEOBV fluoroethoxybenzylvesamicol
- FEP fluorinated ethylene-propylene; free erythrocyte protoporphyrin; front-end processing; front-end processor
- FEPB functional electronic peroneal brace
- FEPP free erythrocyte protoporphyrin
- FER flexion, extension, rotation; fractional esterification rate; functional entity-relationship
- fert fertility, fertilized
- FES family environment scale; fat embolism syndrome; flame emission spectroscopy; forced expiratory spirogram; functional electrical stimulation
- Fe/S iron/sulfur [protein]
- FESO4 ferrous sulfate
- FESS functional endoscopic sinus surgery
- FEST Fosinopril Efficacy/Safety Trial; Fosinopril on Exercise Tolerance [study]; Framework for European Services in Telemedicine
- FeSV feline sarcoma virus
- FET field-effect transistor; forced expiratory time
- FETE Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis
- FETs forced expiratory time in seconds
- FEUO for external use only
- FEV familial exudative vitreoretinopathy; forced expiratory volume
- FEV1, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in one second
- FEV1% ratio of FEV1 to FVC
- fev fever
- FEVB frequency ectopic ventricular beat
- FEVR familial exudative vitreoretinopathy
- FF degree of fineness of abrasive particles; fat-free; father factor; fecal frequency; fertility factor; field of Forel; filtration fraction; fine fiber; fine focus; finger flexion; finger-to-finger; fixation fluid; flat feet; flip-flop; fluorescent focus; follicular fluid; force fluids; forearm factor; forearm flow; forward flexion; foster father; free fraction; fresh frozen; fundus firm
- F2F face-to-face
- F-F femoro-femoral
- ff+ fertility inhibition positive
- ff- fertility inhibition negative
- FFA Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists; free fatty acid
- FFAP free fatty acid phase
- FFARCS Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons
- FFB fat-free body; flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy
- FFC fixed flexion contracture; fluorescence flow cytometry; free from chlorine
- FFCM Fellow of the Faculty of Community Medicine
- FFD Fellow in the Faculty of Dentistry; finger-to-floor distance; focus-film distance; free-form deformations
- FFDCA Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
- FFDD focal facial dermal dysplasia
- FFDM full field digital mammography
- FFDSRCS Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons
- FFDW fat-free dry weight
- FFE fast field echo; fecal fat excretion
- FFF degree of fineness of abrasive particles; field-flow fractionation; flicker fusion frequency
- FFG free fat graft