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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ G ]
- G acceleration [force]; conductance; free energy; gallop; ganglion; gap; gas; gastrin; gauge; gauss; genome, genomic; geometric efficiency; giga; gingiva, gingival; glabella; globular; globulin; glucose; glycine; glycogen; goat; gold inlay; gonidial; good; goose; grade [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification: GX grade cannot be assessed, G1 well differentiated tumor, G2 moderately differentiated tumor, G3 poorly differentiated tumor, G4 undifferentiated tumor]; Grafenberg spot; gram; gravida; gravitation constant; Greek; green; guanidine; guanine; guanosine; gynecology; unit of force of acceleration
- G- giga- [109]
- G0 quiescent phase of cells leaving the mitotic cycle
- 1G first generation
- G1 well differentiated tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- G1 presynthetic gap [phase of cells prior to DNA synthesis]
- GI primigravida
- 2G second generation
- G2 moderately differentiated tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- G2 postsynthetic gap [phase of cells following DNA synthesis]
- GII secundigravida
- G3 poorly differentiated tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- GIII tertigravida
- G4 undifferentiated tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- G° standard free energy
- g force [pull of gravity]; gap; gauge; gender; grain; gram; gravity; group; ratio of magnetic moment of a particle to the Bohr magneton; standard acceleration due to gravity, 9.80665 m/s2
- g relative centrifugal force
- γ see gamma
- GA Gamblers Anonymous; gastric analysis; gastric antrum; general anesthesia; general angiography; general appearance; genetic algorithm; gentisic acid; germ-cell antigen; gestational age; gibberellic acid; gingivoaxial; glucoamylase; glucose; glucose/acetone; glucuronic acid; Golgi apparatus; gramicidin A; granulocyte adherence; granuloma annulare; guessed average; gut-associated; gyrate atrophy
- GA1 genetic algorithm 1 [based on algebraic rules]
- GA2 genetic algorithm 2 [fuzzy logic based on mutation strategy]
- G/A globulin/albumin [ratio]
- Ga gallium; granulocyte agglutination
- Gα G protein subunit alpha complex
- ga gauge
- GAA gossypol acetic acid
- GAAS Goldberg Anorectic Attitude Scale
- GABA, gaba gamma-aminobutyric acid
- GABAA gamma-aminobutyric acid ionotropic receptor family A
- GABAB gamma-aminobutyric acid ionotropic receptor family B
- GABAC gamma-aminobutyric acid ionotropic receptor family C
- GABAT, GABA-T gamma-aminobutyric acid transaminase
- GABHS group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus
- GABI German Angioplasty Bypass Intervention [trial]; German Angioplasty Bypass Surgery Investigation
- GABOA gamma-amino-beta-hydroxybutyric acid
- GABRA gamma-aminobutyric acid alpha receptor
- GAC general ambulatory care
- GACELISA immunoglobulin G [IgG] capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]
- GACT government activity [UMLS]
- GAD generalized anxiety disorder; glutamic acid decarboxylase
- GADFLI general absorbed [radiation] dose and fluence investigation
- GADH gastric alcohol dehydrogenase
- GADS gonococcal arthritis/dermatitis syndrome
- GAdV goat [caprine] adenovirus
- GAEIB Group of Advisors on the Ethical Implications of Biotechnology [European Economic Community]
- GAERS genetic absence epilepsy rats from Strasbourg
- GAF global assessment of functioning [scale]
- GAFeSV Gardner-Arnstein feline sarcoma virus
- GAFG goal attainment follow-up guide
- GAG glycosaminoglycan; group-specific antigen
- GAH glyceraldehyde
- GAHS galactorrhea-amenorrhea hyperprolactinemia syndrome
- GaHV gallid herpesvirus
- GAIN Glycine Antagonist GV150526 in Acute Stroke [trial]
- GaIN Georgia Interactive Network for Medical Information
- GAIP human Gα interacting protein
- GAIPAS General Audit Inpatient Psychiatric Assessment Scale
- GAIT-ER-AID Gait Explanation and Reasoning Aid [computer gait analysis system]
- GAL galactose; galactosyl; glucuronic acid lactone
- Gal galactose
- gal galactose; gallon
- GALBP galactose-binding protein
- GALC, GalC galactocerebroside
- GALE galactose epimerase
- GALK galactokinase
- GalN galactosamine
- GalNAc N-acetylgalactosamine
- GALNS galactosamine-4-sulfatase
- Gal-1-P galactose-1-phosphate
- GalR galanin receptor
- GALT galactose-1-p-uridyltransferase; gut-associated lymphoid tissue
- GALV gibbon ape leukemia virus
- Galv, galv galvanic
- Gα G protein subunit alpha complex
- GAM geographical analysis machine
- GAME immunoglobulins G, A, M, and E
- GAMIS German-Austrian Myocardial Infarction Study
- GAMM generalized abstract medical model
- γ Greek letter gamma; a carbon separated from the carboxyl group by two other carbon atoms; a constituent of the gamma protein plasma fraction; heavy chain of immunogammaglobulin; a monomer in fetal hemoglobin; photon
- γG immunoglobulin G
- GAMP German-Austrian Multicenter Project
- GAMS German-Austrian Multicenter Study
- GAMV Gamboa virus
- GAN giant axon neuropathy
- G and D growth and development
- gang, gangl ganglion, ganglionic
- GANS granulomatous angiitis of the nervous system
- GAO general accounting office
- GAP glottal area patency; D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; growth associated protein; guanosine triphosphatase-activating protein
- GAPD, GAPDH glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
- GAPDP glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase pseudogene
- GAPO growth retardation, alopecia, pseudo-anodontia, and optic atrophy [syndrome]
- GAPST global average peri-stimulus time
- GarCLV garlic common latent virus
- GarLV garlic latent virus
- GarMbFV garlic mite-borne filamentous virus
- GarMbLV garlic mite-borne latent virus
- GARS German-Austrian Reinfarction Study; glycine amide phosphoribosyl synthetase
- GART genotype antiretroviral resistance test
- GARV Garba virus
- GAS galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome; gastric acid secretion; gastrin; gastroenterology; general adaptation syndrome; generalized arteriosclerosis; global anxiety score; global assessment scale; goal attainment scale; group A Streptococcus; growth arrest-specific [gene]
- GASA growth-adjusted sonographic age
- GASCIS German-Austrian Space-occupying Cerebellar Infarction Study
- GASP Group Against Smoking Pollution [study]
- gastroc gastrocnemius [muscle]
- GAT gamma aminobutyric acid transporter; gelatin agglutination test; geriatric assessment team; Gerontological Apperception Test; group adjustment therapy
- GATB Global Alliance for TB Drug Development
- GATR group attribute [UMLS]
- GAUS German Activator Urokinase Study
- GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
- GAWTS genomic amplification with transcript sequencing
- GAXS German and Austrian Xamoterol Study
- GB gallbladder; gigabyte; glial bundle; goof balls; Guillain-Barre [syndrome]
- Gb gigabit; gilbert
- gB glycoprotein B
- GBA ganglionic blocking agent; gingivobuccoaxial
- GBAP glucocerebrosidase pseudogene
- GBD gallbladder disease; gender behavior disorder; glass blower's disease; Global Burden of Disease [study]; granulomatous bowel disease
- Gβ G protein subunit beta complex
- GBF/DIME Geographic Base File Dual Independent Map Encoding [Bureau of Census file]
- GBG glycine-rich beta-glycoprotein; gonadal steroid-binding globulin
- GBH gamma-benzene hexachloride; graphite benzalkonium-heparin
- GBHA glyoxal-bis-(2-hydroxyanil)
- GBI globulin-binding insulin
- GBIA Guthrie bacterial inhibition assay
- GBL glomerular basal lamina
- GBM glioblastoma multiforme; glomerular basement membrane
- GBP gabapentin; galactose-binding protein; gastric bypass; gated blood pool
- GBpd gigabits per day
- Gbps gigabits per second
- Gbq gigabequerel
- GBR guided bone regeneration
- GBS gallbladder series; gastric bypass surgery; general biopsychosocial screening; glycerine-buffered saline [solution]; group B Streptococcus; Guillain-Barre syndrome
- GBSS Gey's balanced saline solution; Guillain-Barre-Strohl syndrome
- GC ganglion cell; gas chromatography; general circulation; general closure; general condition; generalizability coefficient; generalized coherence; genetic counseling; geriatric care; germinal center; giant cell; glucocerebrosidase; glucocorticoid; goblet cell; Golgi cell; gonococcus; gonorrhea; granular casts; granulomatous colitis; granulosa cell; group-specific component; guanine cytosine; guanylate (or guanylyl) cyclase
- Gc galactocerebroside; gigacycle; gonococcus; group-specific component
- gC glycoprotein C
- GCA gastric cancer area; giant cell arteritis
- g-cal gram calorie
- GCAP germ-cell alkaline phosphatase
- GCAT Guideline Compliance Assessment Tool
- GCB gonococcal base
- GC-B guanylate cyclase B
- gCBF global cerebral blood flow
- GCBM glomerular capillary basement membrane
- GCD graft coronary disease
- GCDFP gross cystic disease fluid protein
- GCF growth-rate-controlling factor
- GCFT gonococcal/gonorrhea complement fixation test
- GCFV ginger chlorotic fleck virus
- GCG galactosyl ceramide beta-galactosidase; Genetics Computer Group; glucagon
- GCGR glucagon receptor; glucocorticoid receptor
- GCH granular clinical history
- GCI General Cognitive Index; glottal closure instant
- GCIIS glucose controlled insulin infusion system
- GCK glomerulocystic kidney; glucokinase
- GCL giant-cell lesion; globoid cell leukodystrophy
- GCLO gastric Campylobacter-like organism
- GCM Gorlin-Chaudhry-Moss [syndrome]
- g-cm gram-centimeter
- gCMRO2 global cerebral oxygen uptake
- GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
- GC/MS gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
- GCN geometric constraint network; giant cerebral neuron
- GCNA Genetic Confidentiality and Nondiscrimination Act
- GCNF glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor
- g-coef generalizability coefficient
- GCOP glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
- GCP geriatric cancer population; German Cardiovascular Prevention [study]; good clinical practices; granulocyte chemotactic protein
- GCPS Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome
- GCR glucocorticoid receptor; Group Conformity Rating
- GCRC General Clinical Research Center [of NIH]
- GCRG giant-cell reparative granuloma
- GCRS gynecological chylous reflux syndrome
- GCS general clinical services; Gianotti-Crosti syndrome; Glasgow Coma Scale; global coordinate system [computer-assisted surgery]; glucocorticosteroid; glutamylcysteine synthetase; glycine cleavage system
- GCSA Gross cell surface antigen
- GCSE generalized convulsive status epilepticus
- G-CSF granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
- GCSFR granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor
- GCSP glycine cleavage system protein
- GCT general care and treatment; germ-cell tumor; giant cell thyroiditis; giant cell tumor
- GC(T)A giant cell (temporal) arteritis
- GC-TEA gas chromatography thermal energy analyzer
- GCTTS giant cell tumor of tendon sheath
- GCU gonococcal urethritis
- GCV ganciclovir; great cardiac vein
- GCVF great cardiac vein flow
- GCV-TP ganciclovir triphosphate
- GCW glomerular capillary wall
- GCWM General Conference on Weights and Measures
- GCY gastroscopy
- GD gadolinium; gastroduodenal; Gaucher disease; general diagnostics; general dispensary; gestational day; Gianotti disease; gonadal dysgenesis; Graves disease; growth and development; growth delay
- Gd gadolinium
- gD glycoprotein D
- gD2 glycoprotein D2
- G&D growth and development
- GDA gastroduodenal artery; general daily activity; germine diacetate; Graves disease autoantigen
- GDAC Generic Drugs Advisory Committee [FDA]
- GDB gas density balance; Genome Database; guide dogs for the blind