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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ H ]
- H bacterial antigen in serologic classification of bacteria [Ger. Hauch, breath]; deflection in the His bundle in electrogram [spike]; dose equivalent; draft [Lat. haustus]; electrically induced spinal reflex; enthalpy; fucosal transferase-producing gene; heart; heavy [strand]; height; hemagglutination; hemisphere; hemolysis; Hemophilus; henry; heparin; heroin; high; hippocampus; histidine; Histoplasma; histoplasmosis; Holzknecht unit; homosexual; horizontal; hormone; horse; hospital; Hounsfield unit; hour; human; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hygiene; hyoscine; hypermetropia; hyperopia; hypodermic; hypothalamus; magnetic field strength; magnetization; mustard gas; oersted; the region of a sarcomere containing only myosin filaments [band; Ger. heller, lighter]
- H0 null hypothesis
- H1/2 half-value layer
- H1 first [heart] sound; halistatin; protium
- 1H, H1 protium
- H1 alternate hypothesis [statistics]
- H2 deuterium; second [heart] sound
- 2H, H2 deuterium
- H3, 3H, H3 tritium
- 4H hypothalamic hamartoblastoma-hyperphalangeal hypoendocrine-hypoplastic anus [syndrome]
- H+ hydrogen ion
- [H+] hydrogen ion concentration
- h hand-rearing [of experimental animals]; heat transfer coefficient; hecto; height; henry; hour [Lat. hora]; human; hundred; hypodermic; negatively staining region of a chromosome; Planck constant; secondary constriction; specific enthalpy
- h- hecto- [102]
- HA H antigen; Hakim-Adams [syndrome]; halothane anesthesia; Hartley [guinea pig]; headache; health affairs; health alliance; hearing aid; height age; hemadsorption; hemagglutinating antibody; hemagglutination; hemagglutinin; hemolytic anemia; hemophiliac with adenopathy; hepatic adenoma; hepatic artery; hepatitis A; hepatitis-associated; heteroduplex analysis; heterophil antibody; Heyden antibiotic; high anxiety; hippocampal asymmetry; hippuric acid; histamine; histocompatibility antigen; Horton arteritis; hospital administration; hospital admission; hospital apprentice; Hounsfield unit; human albumin; hyaluronic acid; hydroxyapatite; hydroxylamine; hyperalimentation; hyperandrogenism; hypersensitivity alveolitis; hypo-thalamic amenorrhea
- H/A head to abdomen; headache
- 1HA hydroxyapatite; hydroxylamine
- HA2 hemadsorption virus 2
- Ha absolution hypermetropia; hafnium; hamster; Hartmann number
- ha hectare
- HAA hearing aid amplifier; hemolytic anemia antigen; hepatitis-associated antigen; hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia; hospital activity analysis
- HA Ag hepatitis A antigen
- HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy
- HAAS Honolulu-Asia Aging Study
- hAAT human α1-antitrypsin
- HAB harmful algal bloom; histoacryl blue
- HABA 2(4´-hydroxyazobenzene) benzoic acid
- HABF hepatic artery blood flow
- HA-BP high affinity binding protein
- HACCP hazard analysis and critical control point system [food safety]
- HACE high-altitude cerebral edema
- HACEK Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella
- HACER hypothalamic area controlling emotional response
- HAChT high affinity choline transport
- HACR hereditary adenomatosis of the colon and rectum
- HACS Hazard-Assessment Computer System; hyperactive child syndrome
- hACSP human adenylate cyclase-stimulating protein
- HACT health care activity [UMLS]
- HAD health care alternatives development; hemadsorption; HIV-associated dementia; hospital administration, hospital administrator; hospital anxiety and depression [scale]; human immunodeficiency virus-associated dementia
- HAd hemadsorption; hospital administrator
- HADD hydroxyapatite deposition disease
- HADH hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase
- HAd-I hemadsorption-inhibition
- HADS hospital anxiety and depression scale
- HAdV 1-51 human adenoviruses 1 to 51
- HAdV-A, B, C, D, E, F human adenoviruses A, B, C, D, E, and F
- HAE health appraisal examination; hearing aid evaluation; hepatic artery embolism; hereditary angioneurotic edema
- Hae Haemophilus influenzae aegyptius
- HAEC Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis; human aortic endothelial cell
- HAF hepatocellular altered focus; hyperalimentation fluid
- HaF Hageman factor
- HAFP human alpha-fetoprotein
- HAG heat-aggregated globulin
- HAGG hyperimmune antivariola gammaglobulin
- HAGH hydroxyacyl-glutathione hydrolase
- HAGL humeral avulsion of glenohumeral ligament
- HAH halogenated aromatic compound
- HAHS Harvard Alumni Health Study
- HAHTG horse antihuman thymus globulin
- HAI hemagglutination inhibition; hepatic arterial infusion; hospital-acquired infection
- H&A Ins health and accident insurance
- HAIR-AN hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance, and acanthosis nigricans [syndrome]
- HaK hamster kidney
- HAL hand-assisted laparoscopy; Heart Attacks in London [study]; hepatic artery ligation; hybrid artificial liver; hypoplastic acute leukemia
- hal halogen; halothane
- HALC high affinity-low capacity
- HALF high amplitude low frequency; Homocysteine, Atherosclerosis, Lipid and Familial Hypercholesterolemia [study]
- HALFD hypertonic albumin-containing fluid demand
- halluc hallucinations
- HALO Halotestin
- HALP hyperalphalipoproteinemia
- HALT Hypertension and Lipid Trial
- HALT MI Hu23F2G Anti-Adhesion to Limit Cytotoxic Injury Following Acute Myocardial Infarction [study]
- HALV human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome lymphotropic virus
- HaLV hamster leukemia virus
- HAM hearing aid microphone; helical axis in motion; hemolymph anticoagulation medium; human albumin microsphere; human alveolar macrophage; human T-cell lymphotropic virus associated myelopathy; hypoparathyroidism, Addison disease, and mucocutaneous candidiasis [syndrome]
- HAM-1, 2 histocompatibility antigen modifier types 1 and 2
- HAm human amnion
- HAMA Hamilton anxiety [scale]; human anti-murine antibody
- HA-MA methacrylated hyaluronic acid
- HAMD Hamilton depression [scale]
- HAMDCT Hospital Authority Master Disease Code Table [Hong Kong]
- HAMIT Heparin in Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial
- HaMSV, Ha-MSV Harvey murine sarcoma virus
- HAN heroin-associated nephropathy; hyperplastic alveolar nodule
- HANA hemagglutinin neuraminidase
- H and E hematoxylin and eosin [stain]
- HANDI Hemophilia and AIDS/HIV Network for the Dissemination of Information
- Handicp handicapped
- HANE hereditary angioneurotic edema; Hydrochlorothiazide, Atenolol, Nitrendipine, Enalapril [study]
- HANES Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- hANF human atrial natriuretic factor
- h ANP human atrial natriuretic peptide
- HANSA Healthcare Advanced Networked System Architecture
- HAODM hypoplasia anguli oris depressor muscle
- HAP Handicapped Aid Program; Hazardous Air Pollutants [List]; hazardous air pollution; health alliance plan; hepatic arterial phase; heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis; high-altitude peristalsis; histamine acid phosphate; hospital-acquired pneumonia; hospital admissions program; humoral antibody production; hydrolyzed animal protein; hydroxyapatite
- HAp hydroxyapatite
- HAPA hemagglutinating anti-penicillin antibody
- HAPC high-amplitude peristaltic contraction; hospital-acquired penetration contact
- HAPE high-altitude pulmonary edema
- HAPI Heparin as an Alternative to Promote Patency in Acute Myocardial Infarction [study]
- HAPORT Heart Attack Patient Outcome Research Team [study]
- HAPPHY Heart Attack Primary Prevention in Hypertension
- HAPS hepatic arterial perfusion scintigraphy
- HAPSA Home Assessment Program for Successful Aging
- HaPV hamster polyomavirus
- HAPVC hemi-anomalous pulmonary venous connection
- HAPVD hemi-anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
- HAPVR hemi-anomalous pulmonary venous return
- HaPyV hamster polyomavirus
- HAQ health assessment questionnaire
- HAR head airway region; high-altitude retinopathy
- HARD hydrocephalus-agyria-retinal dysplasia [syndrome]
- HARD +/- E hydrocephalus-agyria-retinal dysplasia plus or minus encephalocele [syndrome]
- HAREM heparin assay rapid easy method
- HARH high-altitude retinal hemorrhage
- HARM harmonics from the injected signal; heparin assay rapid method
- HAROLD Hypertension and Ambulatory Recording in the Old
- HARP Harvard Atherosclerosis Reversibility Project; homeless and at-risk population; hospital admission risk profile
- HARS histidyl-ribonucleic acid [RNA] synthetase; human AIDS [acquired immunodeficiency syndrome] reporting system
- HART Heparin-Aspirin Reperfusion Trial; hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy; Hypertension Audit of Risk Factor Therapy [study]
- HART II Heparin and Reperfusion Therapies [study]
- HARTS Hoechst Adverse Reaction Terminology System
- HAS Hamilton Anxiety Scale; health advisory service; health-assessment system; Helsinki Ageing Study; Hemostatic System Activation Substudy; highest asymptomatic [dose]; Hirulog Angioplasty Study; hospital administrative service; hospital advisory service; human albumin solution; hydrocephalus due to stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius; hyperalimentation solution; hypertensive arteriosclerotic
- HASCVD hypertensive arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
- HASHD hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease
- HASI Hirulog Angioplasty Study Investigators
- HASM human airway smooth muscle
- HASMC human aortic smooth muscle cell
- HASP Hospital Admissions and Surveillance Program
- HASS highest anxiety subscale score
- HASTE half-Fourier acquisition single shot turbospin echo
- HAstV 1-8 human astroviruses 1 to 8
- HAT Halsted Aphasia Test; head, arm, trunk; heparin-associated thrombocytopenia; heterophil antibody titer; histone acetyltransferase; home asthma telemonitoring; hospital arrival time; human African trypanosomiasis; hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine; hypoxanthine, azaserine, and thymidine
- 3-HAT 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid
- HATG horse antihuman thymocyte globulin
- HATH Heterosexual Attitudes Toward Homosexuality [scale]
- HATT heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis
- HATTS hemagglutination treponemal test for syphilis
- HaTx hanatoxin
- HAU hemagglutinating unit
- HAV hemadsorption virus; hepatitis A virus
- HAVOC Hematoma and Vascular Outcome Complications [study]
- HAVS hand-arm vibration syndrome
- HAWIC Hamburg-Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children
- HAZ height-for-age Z-score
- HAZMAT hazardous material
- HAZOP hazard and operability
- HAZR hazardous substance [UMLS]
- HAZUS Hazard US [loss estimation methodology]
- HAZWOPER hazardous waste operations and emergency response
- HB health board; heart block; heel to buttock; held back; hemoglobin; hepatitis B; His bundle; hold breakfast; housebound; hybridoma bank; hyoid body
- Hb hemoglobin
- HBA bundle of His electrogram; heated blood agar [test]
- HbA hemoglobin A, adult hemoglobin
- HBA1 glycosylated hemoglobin
- HBAb hepatitis B antibody
- HBABA hydroxybenzeneazobenzoic acid
- HbA1c, HbA1c glycosylated hemoglobin
- HBAg hepatitis B antigen
- HBsAG hepatitis B surface virus
- HBB hemoglobin beta-chain; hospital blood bank; hydroxybenzyl benzimidazole
- HbBC hemoglobin binding capacity
- HBBW hold breakfast blood work
- HBC hereditary breast cancer
- HBC, HBc, HBc hepatitis B core [antigen]
- HbC hemoglobin C
- HBCAB, HBcAb hepatitis B core antibody
- HBCAG, HBcAg, HBcAg hepatitis B core antigen
- HBCG heat-aggregated Calmette-Guerin bacillus
- HbCO carboxyhemoglobin
- Hb CS hemoglobin Constant Spring
- HBCT helical biphasic contrast-enhanced computed tomography
- HbCV Haemophilus influenzae conjugate vaccine
- HBD has been drinking; homozygous-by-descent; hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase; hypophosphatemic bone disease
- HbD hemoglobin D
- HBDH hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase
- hBDNF human brain derived neurotrophic factor
- HBDT human basophil degranulation test
- HBE His bundle electrogram
- HbE hemoglobin E
- HBe hepatitis B early antigen
- HBeAb/Ag hepatitis B e antibody/antigen
- HBEAG, HBeAg, HBeAg hepatitis B early antigen
- HBEC human brain endothelial cell
- HB-EGF heparin-binding epidermal growth factor
- HBF hand blood flow; hemispheric blood flow; hemoglobinuric bilious fever; hepatic blood flow; hypothalamic blood flow
- HbF fetal hemoglobin, hemoglobin F
- Hbg hemoglobin
- HBGF heparin-binding growth factor
- HBGM home blood glucose monitoring
- HBGR hemoglobin-gamma regulator
- HbH hemoglobin H
- HBHC hospital-based home care
- HBHCT hospital-based home care team
- Hb-Hp hemoglobin-haptoglobin [complex]
- HBI hemibody irradiation; high serum-bound iron
- HBIG, HBIg hepatitis B immunoglobulin
- HBL hepatoblastoma