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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ H ]
- HBLA human B-cell lymphocyte antigen
- H2 blockers histamine blockers
- HBLV human B-cell lymphotropic virus
- HBM health belief model; hypertonic buffered medium
- HbM hemoglobin Milwaukee
- HBMEC human brain microvascular endothelial cell
- HbMet methemoglobin
- HBMP Human Brain Map Project
- hBNP human brain natriuretic peptide
- HBO hyperbaric oxygen, hyperbaric oxygenation
- HbO oxyhemoglobin
- HbO2 oxyhemoglobin
- HBOC hereditary breast-ovarian cancer
- HBOT hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- HBP heartbeat period; hepatic binding protein; high blood pressure; hospital-based practice
- HbP primitive hemoglobin
- HBPV HB virus
- HBr hydrobromic acid
- HbR reduced hemoglobin
- HBS hepatitis B surface [antigen]; hyperkinetic behavior syndrome
- HBs hepatitis B surface [antigen]
- HbS hemoglobin S, sickle-cell hemoglobin
- HBsAb hepatitis B surface antibody
- HBsAb/Ag hepatitis B surface antibody/antigen
- HBSAG, HBsAg, HBsAG, HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen
- HBsAg/adr hepatitis B surface antigen manifesting group-specific determinant a and subtype-specific determinants d and r
- HBSC hematopoietic blood stem cell
- HBSS Hank's balanced salt solution
- HbSS hemoglobin SS
- HBT brevetoxin; human brain thromboplastin; human breast tumor
- HBT-B brevetoxin B
- Hbtot total hemoglobin
- HBV hepatitis B vaccine; hepatitis B virus; high biological value
- HBV-MN membranous nephropathy associated with hepatitis B virus
- HBVS hepatitis B virus integration site
- HBW Healthbeat Wales [study]; high birth weight
- HbZ hemoglobin Z, hemoglobin Zürich
- HC hair cell; hairy cell; Hajdu-Cheney [disease]; handicapped; head circumference; head compression; health care; health checkup; healthy control; heart catheterization; heart cycle; heat conservation; heavy chain; hematochromatosis; hemicholinium; hemoglobin concentration; hemorrhagic colitis; heparin cofactor; hepatic catalase; hepatitis C; hepatocellular; hepatocellular cancer; hereditary coproporphyria; hexachloroethane; Hickman catheter; high-calorie [diet]; hippocampus; histamine challenge; histochemistry; home care; homocystinuria; Hospital Corps; house call; Huntington chorea; hyaline casts; hybrid capture [assay]; hydraulic concussion; hydrocarbon; hydrocortisone; hydroxycorticoid; hyoid cornu; hypercholesterolemia; hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- H&C hot and cold
- 4HC 4-hydroperoxy-cyclophosphamide
- Hc hexachloroethane; Histoplasma capsulatum; hybrid capture [assay]; hydrocolloid
- HCA healthcare associate; heart cell aggregate; hepatocellular adenoma; hierarchical clustering analysis; home care aide; Hospital Corporation of America; hybrid capture assay; hydrocortisone acetate; hypothermic circulatory arrest
- HCa high calcium [diet]
- HC/AC head circumference/abdominal circumference ratio
- hCaCC human calcium-sensitive chloride channel
- HCAEC human coronary artery endothelial cell
- HCAP handicapped
- HCATT hyperbaric care air transport team
- HCA/W home care aide or worker
- HCB hexachlorobenzene
- HCC health call center [telemedicine]; healthcare related common component; hepatitis contagiosa canis; hepatocellular carcinoma; history of chief complaint; hospital computer center; hydroxycholecalciferol
- 25-HCC 25-hydroxycholecalciferol
- HCCA healthcare commuting area; 4-hydroxycinnamic acid
- HCCAA hereditary cysteine C amyloid angiopathy
- HCCH hexachlorocyclohexane
- HCCS hereditary cancer consulting service
- HCD health care delivery; heavy-chain disease; high-calorie diet; high-carbohydrate diet; homologous canine distemper; human Chagas disease
- HCE healthcare establishment; healthcare expertise; hypoglossal carotid entrapment
- HC-EAS hybrid capture expansion analysis system
- HCF [fetal] head-to-cervix force; healthy control female; heparin cofactor; hereditary capillary fragility; highest common factor; hypocaloric carbohydrate feeding
- HCFA Health Care Financing Administration [pronounced "Hickfa"]
- hCFSH human chorionic follicle-stimulating hormone
- HCG, HcG, hCG human chorionic gonadotropin
- HCH Health Care for the Homeless; hexachlorocyclohexane; hemochromatosis; hygroscopic condenser humidifier
- HCHB hemichorea-hemiballismus
- HCHP Harvard Community Health Plan
- HCHWA hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis
- HCHWA-D hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis-Dutch type
- HCI Health Commons Institute; human collagenase inhibitor; human-computer interface
- HcImp hydrocolloid impression
- HCIN high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
- HCIS Health Care Information System
- HCK hematopoietic cell kinase
- HCL hairy-cell leukemia; human cultured lymphoblasts
- HCl hydrogen chloride
- HCLF high carbohydrate, low fiber [diet]
- HCLU health care libraries unit
- HCM health care management; hospital communication module; hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- HCMM hereditary cutaneous malignant melanoma
- HCMV human cytomegalovirus
- HCN health communication network; hereditary chronic nephritis
- HCO health care organization
- HCO3 bicarbonate
- HCOP health center opportunity program
- HCoV human coronavirus
- HCP handicapped; health care provider; hematopoietic cell phosphatase; hepatocatalase peroxidase; hereditary coproporphyria; hexachlorophene; high cell passage; home care platform; hydrophobic class pair; hyperplasia with chronic pancreatitis
- H&CP hospital and community psychiatry
- HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
- HCPH hematopoietic cell phosphatase
- HCPOTP health care professionals other than physicians
- HCPP health care prepayment plan
- HCQI health care quality improvement (pronounced Hicky)
- HCQIA Health Care Quality Improvement Act
- HCR heme-controlled repressor; host-cell reactivation; hysterical conversion reaction
- HCRE Homeopathic Council for Research and Education
- hCRH human corticotropin-releasing hormone
- Hcrit hematocrit
- H-CRT high-resolution cathode ray tube
- HCS Hajdu-Cheney syndrome; Hazard Communication Standard; health care support; hemocystic spot; high confidence [information] system; hourglass contraction of the stomach; human chorionic somatotropin; human cord serum
- 17-HCS 17-hydroxycorticosteroid
- hCS human chorionic somatomammotropin
- HCSD Health Care Studies Division
- hCSM human chorionic somatomammotropin
- HCSS hypersensitive carotid sinus syndrome
- HCSUS human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] Cost and Services Utilization Study
- HCT health check test; helical computed tomography; hematocrit; historic control trial; homocytotrophic; human calcitonin; hydrochlorothiazide; hydrophobic class torsion; hydroxycortisone
- Hct hematocrit
- hCT human calcitonin; human chorionic thyrotropin
- HCTA health care technology assessment; helical compound tomographic angiography
- HCTC Health Care Technology Center
- HCTD hepatic computed tomography density
- HCTS high cholesterol and tocopherol supplement
- HCTU home cervical traction unit
- HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
- HCU healthcare unit; homocystinuria; hyperplasia cystica uteri
- HCUP Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project [database]
- HCUPnet Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Network
- HCV hepatitis C virus; hog cholera virus
- HCVD hypertensive cardiovascular disease
- HCVE human cardiac valve endothelium
- HCVS human coronavirus sensitivity
- HCW health care worker
- Hcy homocysteine
- HD distilled mustard [war gas]; Haab-Dimmer [syndrome]; Hajna-Damon [broth]; Hansen disease; hard disk; hearing distance; heart disease; helix destabilizing [protein]; hemidesmosome; hemidiaphragm; hemodialysis; hemolytic disease; hemolyzing dose; hemorrhagic dengue; herniated disk; high density; high dose; hip disarticulation; Hirschsprung disease; histopathologic damage; Hodgkin disease; homeodomain; hormone-dependent; house dust; human diploid [cells]; Huntington disease; hydatid disease; hydrodensitometry; hydroxydopamine
- H&D Hunter and Driffield [curve]
- HD50 50% hemolyzing dose of complement
- HDA heteroduplex analysis; Huntington Disease Association; hydroxydopamine
- HDAC histone deacetylase
- HDAd helper-dependent adenovirus
- HD-AF hemidesmosome-anchoring filament
- HDAg hepatitis delta antigen
- HDARAC high-dose cytarabine
- HDBH hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase
- HDC hand drive control; Health Care Financing Administration [HCFA] Data Center; high-dose chemotherapy; histidine decarboxylase; hospital dialysis center; human diploid cell; hypodermoclysis
- HDCS human diploid cell strain
- HDCT high-dose chemotherapy
- HDCV human diploid cell rabies vaccine
- HDD hard disk device; high-dosage depth; Higher Dental Diploma
- HDDRISC Heart Disease and Diabetes Risk Indicators in a Screened Cohort [study]
- HDES Heidelberg Diet and Exercise Study
- HDF hemodiafiltration; host defense factor; human diploid fibroblast
- HDFP Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program
- 3H-DFP tritiated diisopropyl-fluorophosphonate
- HDG high-dose group
- HDH heart disease history
- Hdh huntingtin; Huntington disease homolog
- 3H-DHE tritiated dihydroergocryptine
- HDI Hamilton depression inventory; hemorrhagic disease of infants; hexamethylene diisocyanate; high definition imaging; hospital discharge index
- HDIC hepatodiaphragmatic interposition of colon
- HDIR high isodose range [radiosurgery]
- HDIVIG high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin
- HDL hardware description language; high-density lipoprotein
- HDLBP high-density lipoprotein binding protein
- HDL-C high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol complex
- HDL-c high-density lipoprotein-cell surface
- HDLP high-density lipoprotein
- HDLS hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids
- HDLW distance from which a watch ticking is heard by left ear
- HDM house dust mite
- HDML health checkup data makeup language
- HDMP high-dose methylprednisolone
- HDMTX high-dose methotrexate
- HDMTX-CF high-dose methotrexate citrovorum factor
- HDMTX-LV high-dose methotrexate leucovorin
- HDN health data network; hemolytic disease of the newborn
- hDNA heteroduplex deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA]; hybrid deoxyribonucleic acid
- HDP heart disease program [computerized diagnosis]; hexose diphosphate; high-density polyethylene; hydrogen diphosphonate; hydroxydimethylpyrimidine
- HDPAA heparin-dependent platelet-associated antibody
- HDPE high-density polyethylene
- HDR high dose radiation; high dose rate [brachytherapy]
- HDRBC head-damaged red blood cells
- HDRF Heart Disease Research Foundation
- HDRS Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
- HDRV human diploid rabies vaccine
- HDRW distance from which a watch ticking is heard by right ear
- HDS Hamilton Depression Scale; Health Data Services; health delivery system; Healthcare Data Systems; herniated disk syndrome; Hospital Discharge Survey; Hypertension in Diabetes Study
- HDSCR health deviation self-care requisites
- HDU hemodialysis unit; high dependency unit
- HDV hemorrhagic disease virus; hepatitis D virus, hepatitis delta virus
- HDZ hydralazine
- HE half-scan with extrapolation; hard exudate; hektoen enteric [agar]; hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis; hematoxylin-eosin [stain]; hemoglobin electrophoresis; hepatic encephalopathy; hereditary elliptocytosis; high exposure; hollow enzyme; human enteric; hydroxyethyl [cellulose]; hyperextension; hypertensive encephalopathy; hypogonadotropic eunuchoidism
- H&E hematoxylin and eosin [stain]; hemorrhage and exudate; heredity and environment
- H/E hematoxylin-eosin [staining]
- He heart
- HEA hexone-extracted acetone; human erythrocyte antigen
- HEADDFIRST Hemicraniectomy and Durotomy from Massive Hemispheric Infarctions: A Proposed Multicenter, Prospective Randomized Study
- HEADLAMP Health and Environment Analysis for Decision-Making: Linkage and Monitoring Project
- HEAL health education assistance loan; Hospital and Emergency Ambulance Link [Singapore]
- HealSB Health Standards Board
- HEALTH ABC Dynamics of Health, Aging and Body Composition [study]
- HealthSTAR Health Services, Technology, Administration, and Research [NLM database]
- HEAP heparin and early patency
- HEART Healing and Early Afterload Reducing Therapy [study]; Health Education and Research Trial; Hyperlipidemia, Epidemiology, Atherosclerosis Risk-Factor Trial; Hypertension and Ambulatory Recording Venetia Study
- HEAT human erythrocyte agglutination test
- HEB hemato-encephalic barrier
- HEBSWEB Health Education Board for Scotland's Website
- HEC hamster embryo cell; Health Education Council; human endothelial cell; hydroxyergocalciferol; hydroxyethyl cellulose
- HECC high-end computing and computation
- HECCWG High End Computing and Computation Working Group
- HED hereditary ectodermal dysplasia; hydrotropic electron-donor; hydroxyephedrine; hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia; unit skin dose [of x-rays, Ger. Haut-Einheits-Dosis]