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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ H ]
- HEDH hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia-hypothyroidism [syndrome]
- HEDIS health employer data and information set
- HEENT head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat
- HEEP health effects of environmental pollutants
- HEF hamster embryo fibroblast; human embryo fibroblast
- HeFT heart failure trial
- HEG hemorrhagic erosive gastritis; hexaethylene glycol
- HEHR highest equivalent heart rate
- HEI Health Effects Institute; high-energy intermediate; highly exposed individual; homogeneous enzyme immunoassay; human embryonic intestine [cells]
- HEI-AR Health Effects Institute-Asbestos Research
- HEIR health effects of ionizing radiation; high-energy ionizing radiation
- HEIS high-energy ion scattering
- HEK human embryo kinase; human embryonic kidney
- HEL hen egg white lysozyme; human embryonic lung; human erythroleukemia
- HeLa Helen Lake [human cervical carcinoma cells]
- Heliox helium and oxygen
- HELF human embryo lung fibroblast
- HELLIS Health, Literature, Library and Information Services
- HELLP hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count [syndrome]
- HELP Hawaii early learning profile; Health Education Library Program; Health Emergency Loan Program; Health Evaluation and Learning Program; Health Evaluation Through Logical Processing; Heart European Leaders Panel [study]; heat escape lessening posture; heparin-induced extracorporeal low-density lipoprotein precipitation [treatment]; Heroin Emergency Life Project; Hospital Equipment Loan Project; Hospitalized Elderly Longitudinal Project
- HELP NSAID Helicobacter Eradication for Lesion Prevention with Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs [study]
- HELPS Hypertension, Exercise and Lifestyle Programs for Seniors [study]
- HELVETICA Hirudin in European Restenosis Prevention Trial vs Heparin Treatment in Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
- HEM hematology, hematologist; hematuric; hemophilia; hemorrhage; hemorrhoids; high-electrolyte meal
- HEMA health data manager application; Health Education Media Association; 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate
- hemat hematology, hematologist
- HEMB hemophilia B
- hemi hemiparalysis, hemiparesis; hemiplegia
- HEMO, hemo hemodialysis
- HEMOA Hemophilia A Mutation Database
- HEMOSTAT Hemostasis with ProstarXL vs Angioseal After Coronary Intervention Trial
- HEMPAS hereditary erythrocytic multinuclearity with positive acidified serum
- HEMRI hereditary multifocal relapsing inflammation
- HEMS hospital engineering management system
- HEN home enteral nutrition
- hENaC human epithelial sodium channel
- HeNe helium neon [laser]
- HEP hemolysis end point; hepatic; hepatoerythropoietic porphyria; high egg passage [virus]; high-energy phosphate; human epithelial cell; Hypertension in Elderly Persons [trial]
- HEp-1 human cervical carcinoma cells
- HEp-2 human laryngeal tumor cells
- Hep hepatic; hepatitis
- hEP human endorphin
- HEPA high-efficiency particulate air [filter]
- HEP A, HepA hepatitis A
- HEP B, HepB hepatitis B
- HEPBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen
- HEP C hepatitis C
- HEP D hepatitis D
- HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic [acid]
- HEPM human embryonic palatal mesenchymal [cell]
- HEPOD hereditary expansile polyostotic dysplasia
- HEPT 1-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6-(phenylthio)thymine
- HER hemorrhagic encephalopathy of rats; hernia; human epidermal growth factor receptor
- Her-2 human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 [breast cancer]
- hered heredity, hereditary
- HERN Human T-cell Leukemia Virus European Research Network
- hern hernia, herniated
- HERO Hirulog Early Reperfusion/Occlusion [study]
- HEROICS How Effective Are Revascularization Options in Cardiogenic Shock? [trial]
- HERS Health Evaluation and Referral Service; Heart and Estrogen-Progestin Replacement Study; hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome; Human Immunodeficiency Virus [HIV] Research Study; Hysterectomy Educational Resources and Services [Foundation]
- HERT hospital emergency response team
- HES health examination survey; hematoxylin-eosin stain; human embryonic skin; human embryonic spleen; hydroxyethyl starch; hypereosinophilic syndrome; hyperprostaglandin E syndrome
- HeSCA Health Sciences Communications Association
- HESI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute
- HET Health Education Telecommunications; helium equilibration time
- Het heterophil
- het heterozygous
- HETA health evaluation and technical assistance
- HETE hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic [acid]
- HETP height equivalent to a theoretical plate; hexaethyltetraphosphate
- HEV health and environment; hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus; hemorrhagic enteritis virus; hepatitis E virus; hepato-encephalomyelitis virus; high endothelial venule; high endothelial vessel; human enterovirus
- HeV hepatitis virus
- HEV-A, B, C, D human enteroviruses A, B, C and D
- HEW [Department of] Health, Education, and Welfare
- HEX hexaminidase; hexosaminidase
- Hex hexamethylmelamine
- HEXA Hexosaminidase A Locus Database
- HEX A, hex A hexosaminidase A
- HEX B, hex B hexosaminidase B
- HEX C, hex C hexosaminidase C
- HF Hageman factor; half-Fourier; haplotype frequency; hard filled [capsule]; hay fever; head forward; head of fetus; heart failure; helper factor; hemofiltration; hemorrhagic factor; hemorrhagic fever; Hertz frequency; high fat [diet]; high flow; high frequency; hippocampal formation; human factor; human fibroblast; humidifier fever; hydrogen fluoride; hyperflexion
- Hf hafnium; hippocampal formation
- hF half-Fourier
- hf half; high frequency
- HFA Health for All [WHO]; high-functioning autism
- HFAK hollow-fiber artificial kidney
- HFB human fetal brain
- HFBA heptafluorobutyric acid
- HFC hard filled capsule; high-frequency component; high-frequency current; histamine-forming capacity; hydrofluorocarbon
- HFD hemorrhagic fever of deer; high-fiber diet; high-flux dialysis; high forceps delivery; high-frequency Doppler; hospital field director; human factors design
- HFDA high film density area
- HFDK human fetal diploid kidney
- HFDL human fetal diploid lung
- HFE hemochromatosis
- HFe hemochromatosis
- HFEC human foreskin epithelial cell
- HFECG high frequency electrocardiography
- HFF human foreskin fibroblast
- HFG hand-foot-genital [syndrome]
- HFGC human fetal glial cell
- HFH hemifacial hyperplasia
- HFHV high frequency, high volume
- HFI hereditary fructose intolerance; high-Fourier imaging; high-frequency information; human fibroblast interferon
- HFIF human fibroblast interferon
- HFIFPPV high frequency interrupted flow positive pressure ventilation
- HFIS high-frequency insertion system [electrosurgery]
- HFJV high-frequency jet ventilation
- HFK human foreskin keratinocyte
- HFL human fetal lung
- HFM hand, foot and mouth [disease]; hemifacial microsomia
- HFMA Healthcare Financial Management Association
- HFO high-frequency oscillator; high-frequency oscillatory [ventilation]
- HFO-A high-frequency oscillatory [ventilation]-active [expiratory phase]
- HFOV high-frequency oscillatory ventilation
- HFP hexafluoropropylene; high-frequency pulsation; hypofibrinogenic plasma
- HFPPV high-frequency positive pressure ventilation
- HFPV high-frequency percussive ventilation
- HFR high-frequency recombination
- Hfr heart frequency; high frequency
- HFRND high frequency and responsibility nursing diagnosis
- HFRS hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
- HFS hemifacial spasm; Hospital Financial Support
- hfs hyperfine structure
- hFSH, HFSH human follicle-stimulating hormone
- HFSP Hanukah factor serine protease
- HFST hearing for speech test
- HFT high-frequency transduction; high-frequency transfer
- Hft high-frequency transfer
- HFTT high-frequency induced thermotherapy
- HFU hand-foot-uterus [syndrome]
- HFV high-frequency ventilation; human foamy virus
- HG hand grip; herpes gestationis; Heschl's gyrus; high glucose; human gonadotropin; human growth; hypoglycemia
- hg hectogram; hemoglobin
- HGA homogentisic acid
- HGAC high gain adaptive control
- hGalR human galanin receptor
- Hgb hemoglobin
- HGD high grade dysplasia
- HGDB Human Genome Database
- Hge hemorrhage
- HGF hematopoietic growth factor; hepatocyte growth factor; human gingival fibroblast; hyperglycemic-glucogenolytic factor
- Hg-F fetal hemoglobin
- HGFL hepatocyte growth factor-like [protein]
- HGF-R hepatocyte growth factor receptor
- HGF/SF hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor
- HGG herpetic geniculate ganglionitis; human gammaglobulin; hypogammaglobulinemia
- HGH, HgH, hGH human growth hormone
- HGHRF human growth hormone releasing factor
- HGI Human Gene Index
- HGL heregulin
- HGM hog gastric mucosa; human gene mapping; human glucose monitoring
- HGMCR human genetic mutant cell repository
- HGMD, HGMDB Human Gene Mutation Database
- HGMP Human Genome Mapping Project
- HGMPRC Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre [UK]
- HGO hepatic glucose output; human glucose output
- HGP hepatic glucose production; Human Genome Project; hyperglobulinemic purpura
- HGPRT hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase
- HGPS hereditary giant platelet syndrome; Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome
- HGPT hypoxanthine-guanosine phosphoribosyl transferase
- hGR human glucocorticoid receptor
- hGRH human growth hormone-releasing hormone
- HGS hand grip strength
- HGTS Human Gene Therapy Subcommittee
- HGV hepatitis G virus
- HH halothane hepatitis; handheld; hard-of-hearing; healthy hemophiliac; healthy human; Henderson-Hasselbalch equation; hiatal hernia; Hodgkin-Huxley [model]; holistic health; home help; hydralazine acid-labile hydrazone; hydroxyhexamide; hypergastrinemic hyperchlorhydria; hyperhidrosis; hypogonadotropic hypogonadism; hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism
- H&H hematocrit and hemoglobin
- Hh hedgehog
- HHA health hazard appraisal; hereditary hemolytic anemia; home health agency; home health aid; hypothalamo-hypophyseo-adrenal [system]
- HHANES Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- HHAV human hepatitis A virus
- HHb hypohemoglobinemia; un-ionized hemoglobin
- HHC home health care; household contact; hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
- HHCC home health care classification
- HHCS high-altitude hypertrophic cardiomyopathy syndrome
- HHD high heparin dose; home hemodialysis [telemedicine]; hypertensive heart disease
- HHE health hazard evaluation; hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy [syndrome]; hypotonic hyporesponsive episode
- HHG hypertrophic hypersecretory gastropathy; hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
- HHH hyperornithinemia, hyperammonemia, homocitrillinuria [syndrome]
- HHHH hereditary hemihypotrophy-hemiparesis-hemiathetosis [syndrome]
- HHHO hypotonia, hypomentia, hypogonadism, obesity [syndrome]
- HHI hereditary hearing impairment
- HHIE Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly
- HHIE-S Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly-Screening Version
- HHIS [function of] hospital in home information system
- HHM high humidity mask; Hodgkin-Huxley equation for muscles; humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy
- H + Hm compound hypermetropic astigmatism
- HHMI Howard Hughes Medical Institutes
- HHMMTV human homologue of mouse mammary tumor virus
- HHN handheld nebulizer
- HHNC hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma
- HHNK hyperglycemic hyperosmoler nonketotic [coma]
- HHNS hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome
- HHP Honolulu Heart Program
- HHR hydralazine, hydrochlorothiazide, and reserpine
- HHRG home health resource group
- HHRH hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria; hypothalamic hypophysiotropic releasing hormone
- HHS [Department of] Health and Human Services; Hearing Handicap Scale; Helsinki Heart Study; hereditary hemolytic syndrome; Honolulu Heart Study; human hypopituitary serum; hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome; hyperkinetic heart syndrome
- HHSSA Home Health Services and Staffing Association
- HHT head halter traction; hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia; heterotopic heart transplantation; homoharringtonine; hydroxyheptadecatrienoic acid