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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ H ]
- HHV human herpesvirus
- HHV 1 to 8 human herpesviruses 1 to 8
- HI half-scan with interpolation; hazard index; head injury; health informatics; health insurance; hearing impaired; heart infusion; hemagglutination inhibition; hepatobiliary imaging; high impulsiveness; histidine; hormone-independent; hormone insensitivity; hospital insurance; humoral immunity; hydroxyindole; hyperglycemic index; hypomelanosis of Ito; hypothermic ischemia
- H-I hemagglutination-inhibition
- Hi histamine; histidine
- HIA Hearing Industries Association; heat infusion agar; hemagglutination inhibition antibody or assay
- HIAA Health Insurance Association of America
- 5-HIAA 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
- HIB heart infusion broth; hemolytic immune body; Haemophilus influenzae type B [vaccine]
- Hib Haemophilus influenzae type B [vaccine]
- HIBAC Health Insurance Benefits Advisory Council
- HIBC health industry bar code
- HIBCC Health Industry Business Communications Council
- HIC handling-induced convulsions; health insurance claim; Heart Information Center; hydrophobic-interaction chromatography
- HICA hydroxyisocaproic acid
- HIC-CPR high-impulse compression cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- HICH hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage
- HiCn cyanmethemoglobin
- HICPAC Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee [CDC]
- HI-CPR high-impulse cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- HID headache, insomnia, depression [syndrome]; herniated intervertebral disk; human infectious dose; hyperkinetic impulse disorder; hypertension in diabetes
- HIDA Health Industry Distributors Association; hepato-iminodiacetic acid (lidofenin) [nuclear medicine scan]
- HIDAC high density avalanche chamber
- HIDDEL health information disclosure, description, and evaluation language
- HIE human intestinal epithelium; hyperimmunoglobulin E; hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
- HIES hyper-immunoglobulin E [IgE] syndrome
- HIF higher integrative functions; hypoxia-inducible factor
- HIFBS heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum
- HIFC hog instrinsic factor concentrate
- HIFCS heat-inactivated fetal calf serum
- HiFOS High-Frequency Oscillation Study
- HIFU high-intensity focused ultrasound
- HIG, hIG human immunoglobulin
- HIg hyperimmunoglobulin
- HIH hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage
- HIHA high impulsiveness, high anxiety
- HiHb hemiglobin (methemoglobin)
- HII Health Industries Institute; health information infrastructure; Health Insurance Institute; hemagglutination inhibitor immunoassay
- HIL health information locator
- HILA high impulsiveness, low anxiety
- HILDA human interleukin in DA [cells]
- HIM health information management; hepatitis-infectious mononucleosis; hexosephosphate isomerase; hyperimmunoglobulin M
- HIMA Health Industry Manufacturers Association
- HIMAC heavy ion medical accelerator in Chiba [radiotherapy]
- HIMC hepatic intramitochondrial crystalloid
- HIMO Healthcare Information Management Officer [Japan]
- HIMP high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone
- HIMS healthcare information management system
- HIMSS Healthcare Information Management and Support System; Healthcare Information Management Systems Society
- HIMT hemagglutination inhibition morphine test
- HIN health information network; Hemophilia in the Netherlands [study]
- HI:NC health information: nursing component
- HINF health information science
- HINT healthcare information networks and technologies; hierarchical interpolation; Holland Interuniversity Nifedipine/Metoprolol Trial
- Hint Hinton [test]
- HIO health insuring organization; hypoiodism
- HIOMT hydroxyindole-O-methyl transferase
- HIOS high index of suspicion
- HIP health illness profile; health insurance plan or program; help for incontinent people; heparan sulfate/heparin interacting protein; homograft incus prosthesis; hospital insurance program; hydrostatic indifference point
- HIPA heparin-induced platelet activation
- HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- HIPC Health Information Policy Council; health insurance purchasing collective; health insurance purchasing cooperative
- HIPDM N-trimethyl-n- (2-hydroxyl-3-methyl-5-iodobenzyl)-1,3-propendiamine
- HIPE Hospital Inpatient Enquiry
- HiPIP high potential iron protein
- HIPO hemihypertrophy, intestinal web, preauricular skin tag, and congenital corneal opacity [syndrome]; Hospital Indicator for Physicians Orders
- HIPOS Hypertension in Pregnancy: Offspring Study
- HiPPI high-performance parallel interface
- HiPRF high pulse repetition frequency
- HIPS health information processing system; Heparin Delivery with Infusasleeve Catheter Prior to Stent Implantation [study]; Heparin Infusion Prior to Stenting [study]
- HIR head injury routine; healthcare information repository; homogeneity isodose range [radiosurgery]
- HIRLI homogeneity isodose range limited to the inferior [radiosurgery]
- HIRMIT High-Risk Myocardial Ischemia Trial
- HIRS healthcare-specific incident reporting scheme
- HIS health information system; Health Interview Survey; Hemodilution in Stroke [study]; histatin; histidine; Hormones in Stroke [study]; hospital information system; Hungarian Isradipine Study; hyperimmune serum
- His, his histidine
- HISA healthcare information system architecture
- HISAAP Hunter Illawarra Study of Airways and Air Pollution
- HISB Health Insurance Standards Board
- HISCC Healthcare Information Standards Coordinating Committee
- HISKEW Health Information Skeletonized Eligibility Write-off [Medicare]
- HISP Health Information System Programme [South Africa]
- HIS-PACS hospital information system-picture archiving and communication system
- HISPP Healthcare Informatics Standards Planning Panel
- HISSG Healthcare Information System Sharing Group; Hospital Information Systems Sharing Group
- HIST hospital in-service training
- hist histamine; history
- HISTLINE History of Medicine Online [NLM database]
- Histo histoplasmin skin test
- histol histological, histologist, histology
- HIT health integration team; hemagglutination inhibition test; heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Intervention Trial; Hirudin for the Improvement of Thrombolysis [study]; histamine inhalation test; hypertrophic infiltrative tendinitis
- HITB, HiTB Haemophilus influenzae type B
- HITF Health Insurance Trust Fund
- HITS high intensity transient signal
- HIT-SK Hirudin for the Improvement of Thrombolysis with Streptokinase
- HITT heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis
- HITTS heparin-induced thrombosis-thrombocytopenia syndrome
- HIU hyperplasia interstitialis uteri
- HIV human immunodeficiency virus
- HIV1 human immunodeficiency virus type 1
- HIV-1.ANT70 human immunodeficiency virus 1 ANT70
- HIV 1.ARV2/SF2 human immunodeficiency virus 1 ARV2/SF2
- HIV 1.93BR020 human immunodeficiency virus 1 93BR020
- HIV 1.BRU(LAI) human immunodeficiency virus 1 BRU(LAI)
- HIV-1.90CR056 human immunodeficiency virus 1 90CRO56
- HIV-1.ELI human immunodeficiency virus 1 ELI
- HIV-1.ETH2220 human immunodeficiency virus 1 ETH2220
- HIV-1.HXB2 human immunodeficiency virus 1 HXB2
- HIV-1MN human immunodeficiency virus 1 MN
- HIV-1.NDK human immunodeficiency virus 1 NDK
- HIV-1.RF human immunodeficiency virus 1 RF
- HIV-1.U455 human immunodeficiency virus 1 U455
- HIV-2 human immunodeficiency virus type 2
- HIV-2.BEN human immunodeficiency virus 2 BEN
- HIV-2.D205 human immunodeficiency virus 2 D205
- HIV-2.EHOA human immunodeficiency virus 2 EHOA
- HIV-2.ISY human immunodeficiency virus 2 ISY
- HIV-2.ROD human immunodeficiency virus 2 ROD
- HIV-2.ST human immunodeficiency virus 2 ST
- HIV-2.UC1 human immunodeficiency virus 2UC1
- HIV Ag human immunodeficiency virus antigen
- HIV/AIDS human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- HIVAN human immunodeficiency virus-associated nephropathy
- HIV-G human immunodeficiency virus-associated gingivitis
- HIVRAD HIV Vaccine Research and Design
- HIVRT human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] reverse transcriptase
- HIZ high intensity zone
- HJ Henderson-Jones [disease]; Highlands J [virus]; Howell-Jolly [bodies]
- HJB high jugular bulb
- HJR hepatojugular reflex
- HJV Highlands J virus
- HK hand to knee; heat-killed; heel-to-knee; hexokinase; human kidney
- H-K hand to knee
- hK2 human glandular kallikrein 2
- HKAFO hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis
- HKAO hip-knee-ankle orthosis
- HKB hybrid knowledge base
- HKC human kidney cell
- HKLM heat-killed Listeria monocytogenes
- HKS hyperkinesis syndrome
- HL hairline; hairpin loop; hairy leukoplakia; half life; hallux limitus; health level; hearing level; hearing loss; heparin lock; hepatic lipase; histiocytic lymphoma; histocompatibility locus; Hodgkin lymphoma; human leukocyte; hydrolethalus [syndrome]; hyperlipidemia; hypermetropia, latent; hypertrichosis lanuginosa
- H&L heart and lung [machine]
- H/L hydrophil/lipophil [ratio]
- Hl hypermetropia, latent
- hl hectoliter
- HL7 health level 7
- HLA histocompatibility leukocyte antigen; histocompatibility locus antigen; homologous leukocyte antibody; horizontal long axis [imaging]; human leukocyte antigen; human lymphocyte antigen
- HL-A human leukocyte antigen
- HLAA human leukocyte antigen A
- HLAB human leukocyte antigen B
- HLAC human leukocyte antigen C
- HLAD human leukocyte antigen D
- HLA-DP human leukocyte antigen, DP subregion
- HLA-DQ human leukocyte antigen, DQ subregion
- HLA-DR human leukocyte antigen, DR subregion
- HLA-LD human lymphocyte antigen-lymphocyte defined
- HLA-SD human lymphocyte antigen-serologically defined
- HLB hydrophilic-lipophilic balance; hypotonic lysis buffer
- HLBI human lymphoblastoid interferon
- HLC heat loss center
- HLCL human lymphoblastoid cell line
- HLD hepatolenticular degeneration; herniated lumbar disk; Hippel-Lindau disease; hypersensitivity lung disease
- HLDH heat-stable lactic dehydrogenase
- HLDM high-level data model
- HLEG hydrolysate lactalbumin Earle glucose
- HLF heat-labile factor; hepatic leukemia factor; high-level fluoroscopy
- HLH helix-loop-helix; hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
- hLH human luteinizing hormone
- HLHS hypoplastic left heart syndrome
- HLI human leukocyte interferon
- H-L-K heart, liver, and kidneys
- HLL hypoplastic left lung
- HLLAPI high-level language application programming interface
- HLM heart-lung machine
- HLN hilar lymph node; hyperplastic liver nodules
- HLP hepatic lipoperoxidation; hind leg paralysis; holoprosencephaly; hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans; hyperlipoproteinemia
- HLQ high-level question
- HLR heart-lung resuscitation; heart-to-lung ratio; high-level resistance
- HLS Health Learning System; high-level segmentation [module]; Hippel-Lindau syndrome
- HLT heart-lung transplantation; high-L-leucine transport; human lipotropin; human lymphocyte transformation
- HLTx heart-lung transplant
- HLV hamster leukemia virus; herpes-like virus; hypoplastic left ventricle
- HLVS hypoplastic left ventricle syndrome
- HM hand movements; health maintenance; heart murmur; hemifacial microsomia; hemodynamic monitoring; hemosiderin-laden macrophages [siderophages]; Holter monitoring; home management; homosexual male; hospital management; human milk; hydatidiform mole; hyperbaric medicine; hyperimmune mouse
- Hm manifest hypermetropia
- hm hectometer
- HMA health care management alternatives; heteroduplex mobility assay; human monocyte antigen; hydroxymethionine analog
- HMAB human monocyte antigen B
- HMAC Health Manpower Advisory Council
- HMAS hyperimmune mouse ascites
- HMB homatropine methobromide; human milk bank; hydroxymethylbilane
- HMBA hexamethylene bisacetamide
- 7-HMBA 7-hydroxymethyl-7-methyl-benz[α]anthracene
- HMBANA Human Milk Bank Association of North America
- HMBS hydroxymethylbilane synthetase
- HMC hand-mirror cell; health maintenance cooperative; heroin, morphine, and cocaine; hospital management committee; human mesotheial cell; hypertelorism-microtia-clefting [syndrome]
- HMCA hydroxymethyl-cyclophenyl adenine
- HMCCMP human mammary carcinoma cell membrane proteinase
- HMD head-mounted display [computer graphics]; hyaline membrane disease
- HMDC health maintenance and diagnostic center