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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ H ]
- HMDP hydroxymethylenediphosphonate
- HME Health Media Education; heat and moisture exchanger; heat, massage, and exercise; hemimegalencephaly
- HMEC human mammary epithelial cell
- HMEF heat and moisture exchanger filter
- HMF hydroxymethylfurfural
- HMFG human milk fat globulin
- HMG high-mobility group; human menopausal gonadotropin; 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl
- hMG human menopausal gonadotropin
- HMG CoA 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A
- HMH health level [HL] message handling
- HMI healed myocardial infarct; health and medical informatics; human-machine interface; hypomelanosis of Ito
- HMIC Health Management Information Consortium
- HMIG hazardous materials identification guide
- HMIS hazardous materials identification system; hazardous materials information system; hospital management information system
- HMK high molecular weight kininogen
- HML human milk lysosome
- HMM heavy meromyosin; hexamethyl-melamine; hidden Markov model
- HMMA 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymandelic acid
- HMMER hidden Markov marker and profiles
- HMMF human monocyte-derived macrophage
- HMN hereditary motor neuropathy
- H-MNPM [Department of] Health Education and Welfare-Medicus Nursing Process Methodology
- HMO health maintenance organization; heart minute output
- HMOX heme oxygenase
- HMP hexose monophosphate pathway; hot moist packs
- HMPA hexamethylphosphoramide
- HMPAO, HM-PAO hexamethyl-propyleneamine oxime
- HMPG hydroxymethoxyphenylglycol
- HMPS hexose monophosphate shunt
- HMPT hexamethylphosphorotriamide
- HMQC heteronuclear multiple-quantum correlation
- HMR health maintenance record; health maintenance recommendations; health management resources; histiocytic medullary reticulosis
- HMRI Hospital Medical Records Institute [Canada]
- H-mRNA H-chain messenger ribonucleic acid
- HMRT hazardous materials response team
- HMRTE human milk reverse transcriptase enzyme
- HMRU hazardous materials response unit
- HMS hexose monophosphate shunt; Household Multipurpose Survey; hypermobility syndrome
- HMSA health manpower shortage area; hydroxymethanesulfonate
- HMSAS hypertrophic muscular subaortic stenosis
- hMSH human Mut S homologue
- HMSN hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
- HMSS Hospital Management Systems Society
- HMT hematocrit; histamine-N-methyltransferase; hospital management team
- HMTA hexamethylenetetramine
- HMU hydroxymethyl-uracil
- 5-HMU 5-hydroxymethyl uridine
- HMVEC human dermal microvascular endothelial cell
- HMW high-molecular-weight
- HMW-BCGF high-molecular-weight B cell growth factor
- HMWC high-molecular-weight component
- HMWGP high-molecular-weight glycoprotein
- HMWK high-molecular-weight kininogen
- HMX heat, massage, and exercise
- HN head and neck; head nurse; hemagglutinin neuraminidase; hematemesis neonatorum; hemorrhage of newborn; hereditary nephritis; high necrosis; hilar node; histamine-containing neuron; home nursing; human nutrition; hypertrophic neuropathy
- H&N head and neck
- HNA healthcare network architecture; heparin neutralizing activity
- HNAD hyperosmolar nonacidotic diabetes
- HNB human neuroblastoma
- HNBD has not been drinking
- HNC hypernephroma cell; hyperosmolar nonketotic coma; hypothalamoneurohypophyseal complex
- HNF hepatocyte nuclear factor
- HNF1A hepatocyte nuclear factor-1-alpha
- HNKC hyperosmolar nonketotic coma
- HNKDS hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic state
- HNL histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis
- HNMT histamine N-methyltransferase
- HNN hierarchical neural network
- HNP hereditary nephritic protein; herniated nucleus pulposus; human neurophysin
- HNPCC hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer; Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer [Database]; human nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
- HNPP hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies
- HNR harmonic-to-noise ratio
- hnRNA heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleic acid
- hnRNP, HNRP heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein
- HNRPG heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein peptide G
- HNS head and neck surgery; home nursing supervisor
- HNSCC head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
- HNSHA hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia
- HNTD highest nontoxic dose
- HNV has not voided; health network venture
- HO hand orthosis; heterotopic ossification; high oxygen; hip orthosis; history of; Holt-Oram [syndrome]; house officer; hyperbaric oxygen
- H/O, h/o history of
- Ho horse; [Cook-Medley] hostility scale
- HOA hip osteoarthritis; hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
- HoaRhLG horse anti-rhesus lymphocyte globulin
- HoaTTG horse anti-tetanus toxoid globulin
- HOB head of bed
- HOC human ovarian cancer; hydroxycorticoid; hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
- HOCA high osmolar contrast agent
- HOCAP Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy Ablation Pacing [study]
- HOCM high-osmolar contrast medium; hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
- HOD hyperbaric oxygen drenching
- HOF hepatic outflow
- HofF height of fundus
- HOGA hyperornithinemia with gyrate atrophy
- HOH hard of hearing
- HOI hospital onset of infection
- HoIg horse immunoglobulin
- HOKPP hypokalemic periodic paralysis
- HOLON health object library online
- HOM high osmolar medium
- HOME Home Observations for Measurement of the Environment
- Homeop homeopathy
- HOMER-D home rehabilitation-dialysis
- HOMO highest occupied molecular orbital; homosexual
- homo homosexual
- HOMSTRAD Homologous Structure Alignment Database [proteins]
- HON Health on the Net [Foundation]
- HONC hyperosmolar nonketotic coma
- HONK hyperosmolar nonketosis
- HoNOS Health of the Nation Outcome Scale
- HOOD hereditary onycho-osteodysplasia
- HOODS hereditary onycho-osteodysplasia syndrome
- HOOE heredopathia ophthalmo-oto- encephalica
- HOOP Health Online Outreach Project
- HOP high oxygen pressure; holoprosencephaly-polydactyly [syndrome]
- HOPE Health Outcomes Prevention Evaluation; Healthcare Options Plan Entitlement; health-oriented physical education; holistic orthogonal parameter estimation; Hospital Outcomes Project for the Elderly; Hypertensive Old People in Edinburgh [study]
- HOPG highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
- HOPI history of present illness
- HOPP hepatic occluded portal pressure
- HOPWA housing opportunities for people with AIDS
- hor horizontal
- HORG health care organization [UMLS]
- HOS health opinion survey; high-order spectrum; Holt-Oram syndrome; human osteosarcoma; hypoosmotic swelling [test]
- HoS horse serum
- HOSE Hierarchically Ordered Spherical Description of Environment
- Hosp, hosp hospital
- HOST healthcare open systems and trials; hybrid open system technology; hypo-osmotic shock treatment
- HOT health-oriented telecommunication; Hormones Opposed by Tamoxifen [trial]; human old tuberculin; hyperbaric oxygen therapy; Hypertension Optimal Treatment [study]
- HOT MI Hyperbaric Oxygen and Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction [study]
- HOTS hypercalcemia-osteolysis-T-cell syndrome
- HOVERGEN Homologous Vertebrate Genes [database]
- HOX, Hox homeobox [protein]
- Ho:YAG holmium:yttrium-aluminumgarnet [laser]
- HP halogen phosphorus; handicapped person; haptoglobin; hard palate; Harvard pump; health profession(al); health profile; health promotion; heat production; heel to patella; Helicobacter pylori; hemiparkinsonism; hemipelvectomy; hemiplegia; hemoperfusion; Hemophilus pleuropneumoniae; heparin; hepatic porphyria; high permeability; high potency; high power; high pressure; high protein; highly purified; horizontal plane; horsepower; hospital participation; hot pack; house physician; human pituitary; hydrophilic petrolatum; hydrostatic pressure; hydroxypyruvate; hyperparathyroidism; hypersensitivity pneumonitis; hypophoria
- H&P history and physical examination
- Hp haptoglobin; hematoporphyrin; hemiplegia
- HPA Health Care Practice Act; Health Policy Agenda for the American People; health promotion advocates; Helix pomatia agglutinin; hemagglutinating penicillin antibody; Histoplasma capsulatum polysaccharide antigen; human platelet alloantigen; human platelet antigen; humeroscapular periarthritis; hybridization protection assay; hypertrophic pulmonary arthropathy; hypophyseal-adrenal axis; hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical [sys-tem]; hypothalamopituitary axis
- HPAA hydroperoxyarachidonic acid; hydroxyphenylacetic acid; hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis
- HPAC high-performance affinity chromatography; hypothalamo-pituitary-adreno-cortical
- HPAE high performance anion exchange [chromatography]
- HPAEC high performance anion exchange chromatography
- HPAEC-PAD high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection
- HPAFT hereditary persistence of alfa-fetoprotein
- H-PAGE horizontal polyacrylamide gel
- HPAH hydralazine pyruvic acid hydrazone
- HPASE high-performance application for science and engineering
- HPB hepatobiliary
- HPBC hyperpolarizing bipolar cell
- HPBF hepatotrophic portal blood factor
- HPBL human peripheral blood leukocyte
- HPC health professional card; hemangiopericytoma; high-performance computing; hippocampal pyramidal cell; history of present complaint; holoprosencephaly; hydroxypropylcellulose
- HPCA human progenitor cell antigen
- HPCC high-performance computing and communications
- HPCE high performance capillary electrophoresis
- HPCHA high red-cell phosphatidylcholine hemolytic anemia
- HPD hearing protective device; hereditary progressive dystonia; high-protein diet; home peritoneal dialysis
- HPDR hypophosphatemic D-resistant rickets
- HPE hepatic portoenterostomy; high-permeability edema; history and physical examination; holoprosencephaly; hydrostatic permeability edema
- HPETE hydroxyperoxy-eicosatetranoic [acid]
- HPeV human parechovirus
- HPF heparin-precipitable fraction; hepatic plasma flow; high-pass filter; high-performance FORTRAN; high-power field [microscope]; hypocaloric protein feeding
- hpf high-power field [microscope]
- HPFH hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
- hPFSH, HPFSH human pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone
- HPG high purity germanium
- hPG, HPG human pituitary gonadotropin
- HpGe hyperpure germanium
- HPGL Hewlett Packard graphic language
- HPH Helix pomatia hemocyanin; hygromycin B phosphotransferase
- Hp-HB haptoglobulin-hemoglobulin complex
- HPI hepatic perfusion index; high pathogenicity island; history of present illness
- HPIEC high performance ion-exchange chromatography
- HPIV 1, 2, 3, 4 human parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, 3, 4
- HPL human parotid lysozyme; human peripheral lymphocyte; human placental lactogen
- hPL human placental lactogen; human platelet lactogen
- HPLA hydroxyphenyl lactic acid
- HPLAC high-pressure liquid-affinity chromatography
- HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography; high-power liquid chromatography; high-pressure liquid chromatography
- HPLC-MS high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
- HPLE hereditary polymorphic light eruption
- HPLH hypoplastic left heart
- HPM high-performance membrane
- HPMC human peripheral mononuclear cell; hydroxypropylmethylcellulose
- hPMS human postmeiotic segregation
- HPN Health Provider Network; hepsin; home parenteral nutrition; hypertension
- hpn hypertension
- HPNAT high-performance networking application team
- HPNS high pressure neurological syndrome
- HPNSP high performance network service provider
- HPO high-pressure oxygen; hydroperoxide; hydrophilic ointment; hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
- HPOA hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
- HPP hereditary pyropoikilocytosis; history of presenting problems
- HPP, hPP human pancreatic polypeptide; hydroxyphenylpyruvate; hydroxypyrozolopyrimidine
- HPPA hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid
- HPPC health plan purchasing cooperative
- HPP-CFC high proliferative potential colony-forming cell
- HPPD hours per patient day; hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase
- hppd hours per patient day
- HPPH 5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-phenyl- hydantoin