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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ H ]
- HPPK 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase
- HPPO high partial pressure of oxygen; hydroxyphenyl pyruvate oxidase
- HPQ Health Perceptions Questionnaire
- HPR haptoglobin-related gene; health practices research
- HPr human prolactin
- hPRL human prolactin
- HPRP human platelet-rich plasma
- HPRT hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase
- HpRz hairpin ribozyme
- HPS Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome; [Simvastatin] Heart Protection Study; Helsinki Policemen Study; hematoxylin, phloxin, and saffron; Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome; high-protein supplement; His-Purkinje system; Hopkins Precursors Study; human platelet suspension; hypertrophic pyloric stenosis; hypothalamic pubertal syndrome
- HPSA health professional shortage area
- HPSL health professions student loan
- HPSS high-performance storage system
- HPT histamine provocation test; human placental thyrotropin; hyperparathyroidism; Hypertension Prevention Trial; hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid [system]
- 1°HPT primary hyperparathyroidism
- 2°HPT secondary hyperparathyroidism
- HPTH hyperparathyroid hormone
- HPTIN human pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
- HPTLC high-performance thin-layer chromatography
- HPU heater probe unit
- HPV Hemophilus pertussis vaccine; hepatic portal vein; human papillomavirus; human parvovirus; hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
- HPVD hypertensive pulmonary vascular disease
- HPV-DE high-passage virus-duck embryo
- HPV-DK high-passage virus-dog kidney
- HPVG hepatic portal venous gas
- HPVM high-performance virtual machine
- HPW hypergammaglobulinemic purpura of Waldenström
- HP/W health promotion/wellness [program]
- HPX high peroxidase [content]; hypophysectomized
- Hpx hemopexin
- HPZ high pressure zone
- [3H] QNB (-)-[3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate
- HQSAR hologram quantitative structure-activity relationship
- HR hairpin ribozyme; hallux rigidus; handwriting recognition [algorithm]; hazard ratio; heart rate; hematopoietic reconstitution; hematopoietic resistance; hemorrhagic retinopathy; hepatorenal; higher rate; high resolution; high risk; histamine receptor; histamine release; hormonal response; hospital record; hospital report; hospitalization rate; human resources; hydroxyethylrutoiside; hyperimmune reaction; hypersensitive response; hypertensive rat; hypophosphatemic rickets; hypoxic reaction
- H&R hysterectomy and radiation
- hr hairless [mouse]; homologous repeat; host-range [mutant]; hour
- HRA health record analyst; health risk appraisal; heart rate audiometry; heart-reactive antibody; hereditary renal adysplasia; high right atrium; histamine release activity; Human Resources Administration
- HRAE high right atrium electrogram
- HRBC horse red blood cell
- HRC health reference center; hereditary renal cancer; high-resolution chromatography; horse red cell; human rights committee
- h/rCRF human recombinant corticotropin-releasing factor
- HRCT, HR-CT high-resolution computed tomography
- HRE hepatic reticuloendothelial [cell]; high-resolution electrocardiography; hormone receptor enzyme; hormone response element
- HR-EEG high resolution electroencephalography
- HREH high-renin essential hypertension
- HREM high-resolution electron microscopy
- HRF health-related facility; heart rate fluctuations; histamine-releasing factor; homologous restriction factor [erythrocyte surface protein]; human readable format
- HRG histidine-rich glycoprotein
- HRGP histidine-rich glycoprotein
- HRH2 histamine receptor H2
- HR-HPV high risk human papillomavirus [infection]
- HrHRF human recombinant histamine-releasing factor
- HRI high resolution imaging
- HRIG, HRIg human rabies immunoglobulin
- HRL head rotation to the left
- HRLA human reovirus-like agent
- HRM health risk management; Heidelberg Retracing Model
- HRmax maximal heart rate
- HRMS health records management system; high resolution multisweep [imaging]
- hRNA heterogeneous ribonucleic acid
- HRNB Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery
- hROAT human renal organic anion transporter
- HRP high-risk patient; high-risk pregnancy; histidine-rich protein; horseradish peroxidase
- HRPC hormone-resistant prostatic cancer
- HRPD Hamburg Rating Scale for Psychiatric Disorders
- hr-PET high-resolution positron emission tomography
- HRPT hyperparathyroidism
- HRQOL health-related quality of life
- HRR Hardy-Rand-Rittler [color vision test]; head rotation to the right; heart rate range
- HRRI heart rate retardation index
- HRS Hamilton Rating Scale; Hamman-Rich syndrome; Haw River syndrome; health and rehabilitative services; Health and Retirement Study; hepatorenal syndrome; high rate of stimulation; hormone receptor site; humeroradial synostosis
- HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration
- HRSD Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; Hirschsprung disease
- HRSP high-resolution storage phosphor
- HRSUB submaximal heart rate
- HRT heart rate; Heidelberg retinal tomography; hormone replacement therapy; Hormone Replacement Trial
- HRTE human reverse transcriptase enzyme
- HRTEM high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
- HRV heart rate variability; human reovirus; human rhinovirus; human rotavirus
- HRV-A, B human rhinoviruses A and B
- HS Haber syndrome; half-scan; half strength [JCAHO unapproved abbreviation]; Hallopeau-Siemens [syndrome]; hamstring; hand surgery; harmonic scalpel; Hartmann solution; head sling; health services; health statistics; healthy subject; heart sounds; heat-stable; heavy smoker; Hegglin syndrome; heme synthetase; hemorrhagic septicemia; hemorrhagic shock; Henoch-Schönlein [purpura]; heparan sulfate; hereditary spherocytosis; herpes simplex; hidradenitis suppurativa; hippocampal system; home surgeon; homologous serum; horizontally selective; Horner syndrome; horse serum; hospital ship; hospital staff; hospital stay; hours of sleep; house surgeon; human serum; Hurler syndrome; hybrid sign; hypereosinophilic syndrome; hypersensitive site; hypersensitivity; hypertonic saline; hypothalamic syndrome
- H/S helper-suppressor [ratio]; hysterosalpingography
- H&S hemorrhage and shock; hysterectomy and sterilization
- hs history; hospitalization
- HSA Hazardous Substances Act; Health Services Administration; Health Services Australia; health systems agency; hereditary sideroblastic anemia; horse serum albumin; human serum albumin; hypersomnia-sleep apnea
- HSAG N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N- 2-ethanesulfonate-saline-albumin-gelatin
- HSAM highly selective affinity modification
- HSAN hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy
- HSAP heat-stable alkaline phosphatase
- HSAS hydrocephalus due to stenosis of aqueduct of Sylvius; hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
- HSC Hand-Schüller-Christian [syndrome]; Health and Safety Commission; health sciences center; health screening center; hematopoietic stem cell; human skin collagenase
- HSCD Hand-Schüller-Christian disease
- HSCL Hopkins Symptom Check List
- HS-CoA reduced coenzyme A
- HSCR Hirschsprung disease
- HSCS health state classification system; Hypertension-Stroke Cooperative Study
- HSCSG Hypertension-Stroke Cooperative Study Group [trial]
- HSCT hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- HSD Hallervorden-Spatz disease; high speed data; highly sulfated domain; honestly significant difference; hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; hypertonic saline and dextran
- H(SD) Holtzman Sprague-Dawley [rat]
- HSDB Hazardous Substances Database [NLM]
- HSDD hypoactive sexual desire disorder
- HSDO health services delivery organization
- HSE health, safety, and environment; heat stress element; hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy; herpes simplex encephalitis; human serum esterase
- hSEAP human secreted alkaline phosphatase
- HSEES Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance [system]
- HSEP heart synchronized evoked potential
- HSES hemorrhagic shock-encephalopathy syndrome
- HSF heat shock factor; hepatocyte stimulatory factor; histamine sensitizing factor; hypothalamic secretory factor
- HSG Health Service Guideline [UK]; herpes simplex genitalis; human salivary gland; hysterosalpingogram, hysterosalpingography
- hSGF human skeletal growth factor
- HSGP human sialoglycoprotein
- HSH Health Smart Home [database]; hypomagnesemia with secondary hypocalcemia
- HSHC hydrocortisone hemisuccinate
- HSI health service indicator; health supervision index; heat stress index; hue saturation intensity [imaging]; human seminal plasma inhibitor
- HSIL high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
- HSIL/CA high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion/cancer
- HSIS Health Services Information System
- HSK herpes simplex keratitis
- HSL hormone-sensitive lipase
- HSLC high-speed liquid chromatography
- HSM health system model; heparin surface-modified [intra-ocular lens]; hepatosplenomegaly; hierarchical storage management; holosystolic murmur
- HSMHA Health Services and Mental Health Administration
- HSN hereditary sensory neuropathy; hospital satellite network
- HSO health service organization
- hSOD human superoxide dismutase
- HSP Health Systems Plan; healthcare security policy; heat shock protein; Hemorrhagic Stroke Project; hemostatic screening profile; Henoch-Schönlein purpura; high scoring segment pair [molecular genetics database searching algorithm]; hereditary spastic paraparesis; Hospital Service Plan; human serum prealbumin; human serum protein
- hsp heat shock protein [gene]
- HS PACS high-speed picture archive and communication system
- HSPG, HS-PG heparan sulfate-proteoglycan
- HSPM hippocampal synaptic plasma membrane
- HSPN Henoch-Schönlein purpura nephritis
- HSPp heat shock protein promoter
- HSQ health status questionnaire; home screening questionnaire
- HSQB Health Standards and Quality Bureau
- HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum correlation
- HSR Harleco synthetic resin; health services research; heated serum reagin; homogeneously staining region; hypersensitivity reaction
- HSRC Health Services Research Center; Human Subjects Review Committee
- HSRCCT high spatial resolution cine computed tomography
- HSRD hypertension secondary to renal disease
- HSR&D health services research and development
- HS-RDEB recessively inherited dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa of Hallopeau and Siemens
- HSRI Health Systems Research Institute
- HSRPROJ Health Services Research Project in Progress [NLM database]
- HSRS Health-Sickness Rating Scale
- HSRV human spuma retrovirus
- HSS Hallermann-Streiff syndrome; Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome; health services support; Henoch-Schönlein syndrome; high-speed supernatant; hyperstimulation syndrome; hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
- HSSCC hereditary site-specific colon cancer
- HSSD hospital sterile supply department
- HSSU hospital sterile supply unit
- HST health sciences and technology
- HSTAR health services and technology assessment research
- HSTAT Health Science/Technology Assessment Text [NLM database]
- HSTF heat shock transcription factor; heat stress transferring factor; human serum thymus factor
- HSTM health state transition matrix
- HSUS Health Services Utilization Study
- HSV herpes simplex virus; high selective vagotomy; hop stunt viroid; hyperviscosity syndrome
- HSV-1 herpes simplex virus type 1
- HSV-2 herpes simplex virus type 2
- HSVd hop stunt viroid
- HSVE herpes simplex virus encephalitis
- HSVT high speed valve tester
- HSVTK, HSVtk herpes simplex virus [HSV] thymidine kinase
- HSyn heme synthase
- HT Hashimoto thyroiditis; head trauma; hearing test; hearing threshold; heart; heart transplantation, heart transplant; hemagglutination titer; hereditary tyrosinemia; hierarchical term [UMLS]; high-frequency transduction; high temperature; high tension; high threshold; histologic technician; home treatment; hospital treatment; Hough transform; Hubbard tank; human thrombin; hydrocortisone test; hydrotherapy; hydroxytryptamine; hypermetropia, total; hypertension; hypertensive; hypertext; hyperthyroidism; hypertransfusion; hypodermic tablet; hypothalamus; hypothyroidism
- H&T hospitalization and treatment
- 3HT tritiated thymidine
- 5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine [serotonin]
- Ht height of heart; heterozygote; hyperopia, total; hypothalamus
- Ht dose equivalent to individual tissues
- hT human telomerase
- ht heart; heart tones; height; high tension
- HTA health technology assessment; heterophil transplantation antigen; human thymocyte antigen; hydroxytryptamine; hypophysiotropic area
- HTACS human thyroid adenyl-cyclase stimulator
- ht aer heated aerosol
- HT(ASCP) Histologic Technician certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists
- HTB house tube feeding; human tumor bank
- HTC hepatoma cell; hepatoma tissue culture; home telecare; homozygous typing cell
- Htc hematocrit
- HTCMS home telecare management system
- HTCVD hypertensive cardiovascular disease
- HTD human therapeutic dose
- HTDW heterosexual development of women
- HTF heterothyrotropic factor; house tube feeding; HpaII tiny fragment
- HTG hypertriglyceridemia
- HTGL hepatic triglyceride lipase
- HTGS high-throughput genomic sequence
- HTH helix-turn-helix; high-test hypochlorite; homeostatic thymus hormone; hypothalamus
- Hth hypothermic
- HTHD hypertensive heart disease
- HTIG human tetanus immune globulin
- HTK heel to knee
- HTL hamster tumor line; hearing threshold level; histotechnologist; human T-cell leukemia; human thymic leukemia
- HTLA high-titer, low avidity [antibody]; human T-lymphocyte antigen
- HTL(ASCP) Histotechnologist certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists
- HTLF human T-cell leukemia virus enhancer factor
- HTLV human T-lymphotropic virus
- HTLV 1, 2 human T-lymphotropic viruses 1 and 2
- HTLV-III human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type III
- HTLV-MA cell membrane antigen associated with human T-lymphotropic virus