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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ H ]
- HTLVR human T-lymphotropic virus receptor
- HTML hypertext markup language
- HTMT hybrid technology multi-threaded technology
- HTN Hantaan [-like virus]; histatin; hypertension; hypertensive nephropathy
- HTO high tibial osteotomy; high turnover osteoporosis; hospital transfer order
- HTOF healthy tissue overdose factor [radiotherapy]
- HTOR 5-hydroxytryptamine oxygenase regulator
- HTP House-Tree-Person [test]; hydroxytryptophan; hypothromboplastinemia
- 5-HTP 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan
- HtPA hexahydrophthalic anhydride
- HTPN home total parenteral nutrition
- HTR hemolytic transfusion reaction; histidine transport regulator; 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor
- hTR human thyroid receptor
- HTRAK health maintenance tracking system
- hTRb human thyroid receptor beta
- HTRCCT high temporal resolution cine computed tomography
- HTS Hamilton Twin Study; head traumatic syndrome; HeLa tumor suppression; high-throughput screening; high-titer screening; Home Telecare System [Australia]; human thyroid-stimulating hormone, human thyroid stimulator; hypertonic saline [solution]
- hTS human thymidylate synthase
- HTSAB human thyroid-stimulating antibody
- HTSC home telecare service center
- hTSC human thiazide-sensitive sodium-chloride cotransporter
- HTSH, hTSH human thyroid-stimulating hormone
- HTST high temperature, short time
- HTT 5-hydroxytryptamine transformer
- HTTP hypertext transfer protocol
- HTTPD hypertext transfer protocol daemon
- HTTPS secure hypertext transfer protocol; support hypertext transfer protocol
- HTV herpes-type virus
- HTVD hypertensive vascular disease
- HTX heterotaxy, X-linked; histrionicotoxin
- HTx heart transplantation
- HU heat unit; hemagglutinating unit; hemolytic unit; Hounsfield unit; human urine, human urinary; hydroxyurea; hyperemia unit
- Hu human
- HUAA home uterine activity assessment
- HUB HELIOS unification bus
- HUBNET Hospital and University of Buffalo Library Resource Network
- HUC human uroepithelial cell; hypouricemia
- HuCS human-centered system
- HuEPO human erythropoietin
- HU-FSH human urinary follicle-stimulating hormone
- HUGO Human Genome Organization
- HUGV Hughes virus
- HUI headache unit index; Health Utilities Index
- HUIFM human leukocyte interferon milieu
- HuIFN human interferon
- HUK human urinary kallikrein
- HUM Hilbert uniqueness method
- Hum humerus
- HUMAN hyper utilities mechatronic assistant [microscopic neurosurgical manipulator]
- HUMANE human-oriented universal medical assessment system under network environment
- HUP Hospital Utilization Project
- HUR hydroxyurea
- HURA health in underserved rural areas
- HURT hospital utilization review team
- HUS heel ultrasonography; hemolytic uremic syndrome; hyaluronidase unit for semen
- HuSA human serum albumin
- HuSMC human smooth muscle cell
- HUT head-up tilt
- hut histidine utilization [gene]
- HUTHAS human thymus antiserum
- HuTV human torovirus
- HUV human umbilical vein
- HUVEC human umbilical vein endothelial cell
- HV hallux valgus; Hantaan virus; has voided; heart volume; hepatic vein; hepatitis virus; herpesvirus; high voltage; high volume; histologically verified; His ventricle; hospital visit; hyperventilation; hypervolemia; hypovirus
- H&V hemigastrectomy and vagotomy
- Hv heat of evaporation
- hv hypervariable region
- HVA hallux valgus angle; homovanillic acid
- HVAC heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
- HVC Health Visitor's Certificate
- HVCT helical volume scan computed tomography
- HVD Hantavirus [HV] disease; hypertensive vascular disease
- HVDRR hypocalcemic vitamin D-resistant rickets
- HVE hepatic venous effluence; high-voltage electrophoresis
- HVEM herpesvirus [HV] entry mediator
- HVG host versus graft [disease]
- HVGS high-voltage galvanic stimulation
- HVJ hemagglutinating virus of Japan
- HVL, hvl half-value layer
- HVLP high volume, low pressure
- HVM high-velocity missile
- HVPC high-voltage pulsed current
- HVPE high-voltage paper electrophoresis
- HVPG hepatic venous pressure gradient
- HVPGS high voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation
- HVR hepatic vascular resistance; hypervariable region; hypoxic ventilation response
- HVS herpesvirus of Saimiri; herpesvirus sensitivity; high vaginal swab; high-voltage spike-and-wave [discharge]; high-voltage stimulation; high-volume screening; hyperventilation syndrome; hyperviscosity syndrome
- HVSD hydrogen-detected ventricular septal defect
- HVT half-value thickness; herpesvirus of turkeys
- HVTEM high-voltage transmission electron microscopy
- HVUS hypocomplementemic vasculitis urticaria syndrome
- HVWP hepatic vein wedge pressure
- HW half-width; healing well; heart weight; hypertriglyceridemic waist
- HWB hot water bottle
- HWBW heart weight to body weight [ratio]
- HWC Health and Welfare, Canada
- HWCD Hans-Weber-Christian disease
- HWD heartworm disease
- HWE Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium [population genetics]; healthy worker effect; hot water extract
- HWML health and welfare makeup language
- HWP hepatic wedge pressure; hot wet pack
- HWS hot water-soluble
- HX histiocytosis X; hydrogen exchange; hypophysectomized; hypoxanthine
- Hx hallux; Hemopexin; history; hypoxanthine
- hx hospitalization
- HXB hexabrachion
- HXIS hard x-ray imaging spectrometry
- HXM hexamethylmelamine
- HXR hypoxanthine riboside
- Hy hypermetropia; hyperopia; hypophysis; hypothenar; hysteria
- HYC hycanthone methylsulfonate
- Hy-C Hydralazine vs Captopril [trial]
- HYCAT Hytrin Community Assessment Trial
- HYCONES Hybrid Connectionist Expert System
- HYCX hydrocephalus due to congenital stenosis of aqueduct of Sylvius
- HYD hydralazine; hydration, hydrated; hydrocortisone; hydrodensitometry; hydroxyurea
- hydr hydraulic
- hydro hydrotherapy
- HYE healthy years equivalent
- hyg hygiene, hygienic, hygienist
- HYL, Hyl hydroxylysine
- HYNON Hypertension Non-Drug treatment [cooperative study]
- HYP hydroxyproline; hypnosis
- Hyp hydroxyproline; hyperresonance; hypertrophy; hypothalamus
- hyp hypophysis, hypophysectomy
- HyperGEN Hypertension Genetic Epidemiology Network
- hyper-IgE hyperimmunoglobulinemia E
- hypn hypertension
- hypno hypnosis
- Hypo hypodermic, hypodermic injection
- hypox hypophysectomized
- HYPP hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
- HYPPOS Hypertensive Population Survey
- HYPREN Hypertension under Prazosin and Enalapril [study]
- HypRF hypothalamic releasing factor
- Hypro hydroxyproline
- hys, hyst hysterectomy; hysteria, hysterical
- HYSTENOX Enoxaparin Following Hysterectomy [study]
- HyTk hybromycin-thymidine kinase
- HYVET Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial
- HZ herpes zoster
- Hz hertz
- HZFesV Hardy-Zuckerman feline sarcoma virus
- Hz/G hertz/gauss
- HZO herpes zoster ophthalmicus
- HZV herpes zoster virus