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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ L ]
- L angular momentum; Avogadro constant; boundary [Lat. limes]; coefficient of induction; diffusion length; inductance; Lactobacillus; lambda; lambert; latent heat; latex; Latin; leader sequence; left; Legionella; Leishmania; length; lente insulin; lethal; leucine; levo-; lewisite; lidocaine; ligament; light; light sense; lingual; Listeria; liter; liver; low; lower; lumbar; luminance; lymph; lymphocyte; outer membrane layer of cell wall of gram-negative bacteria [layer]; pound [Lat. libra]; radiance; self-inductance; syphilis [Lat. lues]; threshold [Lat. limen]
- L0 no evidence of lymph node metastases [TNM (tumor node-metastasis) classification]
- L0 limes zero [limes nul, the largest amount of toxin which will not produce a toxic reaction]
- L+ limes tod [the smallest amount of toxin which will produce a toxic reaction]
- L1 acute lymphoblastic leukemia with lymphoblasts, scanty cytoplasm and inconspicuous nucleoli [FAB (Franco-American-British) classification]; lymph node metastases assessed [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 first, second, third, fourth, and fifth lumbar vertebrae
- LI, LII, LIII first, second, third stage of syphilis
- L2 acute lymphoblastic leukemia with large pleomorphic blasts, abundant cytoplasm, and prominent nucleoli [FAB (Franco-American-British) classification]
- L2 area [length square]
- L3 acute lymphoblastic leukemia having blast with basophilic vacuolated cytoplasm [FAB (Franco-American-British) classification]
- L3 volume [length cube]
- L/3 lower third
- l azimuthal quantum number; left; length; lethal; levorotatory; liter; long; longitudinal; specific latent heat
- Λ see lambda
- λ see lambda
- LA lactic acid; lactic acidemia; large amount; laser angioplasty; late abortion; late antigen; latex agglutination; left angle; left arm; left atrium; left auricle; leucine aminopeptidase; leukemia antigen; leukoagglutination; leuprolide acetate; levator ani; Lightwood-Albright [syndrome]; linear addition; linguo-axial; linoleic acid; lobuloalveolar; local anesthesia; local anesthetic; long-acting [drug]; long arm; long axis; low anxiety; Ludwig angina; lupus anticoagulant; lymphocyte antibody
- L&A light and accommodation; living and active
- L/A liver/aorta
- LA50 total body surface area of burn that will kill 50% of patients (lethal area)
- La labial; lambda; lambert; lanthanum
- LAA left atrial appendage; left atrial area; left auricular appendage; leukemia-associated antigen; leukocyte ascorbic acid
- LAAM L-alpha acetyl methadol; levo-alpha-acetylmethadol
- LAAO L-amino acid oxidase
- LA/Ao left atrial/aortic [ratio]
- LAB, lab laboratory
- LABA long-acting beta agonist
- LabBase laboratory database
- LABBB left anterior bundle branch block
- LABC locally advancing breast cancer
- LABE labetalol
- LABP laboratory procedure [UMLS]
- LA-BP low affinity binding protein
- LABV left atrial ball valve
- LabVISE Laboratory Reporting Scheme in Virology and Serology [Australia]
- LAC La Crosse [virus]; lactase; lansoprazole, amoxicillin, clarithromycin; large area coverage; left atrial circumflex [artery]; left atrial contraction; linear attenuation coefficient; linguoaxiocervical; long-arm cast; low-amplitude contraction; lung adenocarcinoma cells; lupus anticoagulant
- LaC labiocervical
- Lac laceration; lactation
- LACD left apex cardiogram, calibrated displacement
- LACI lacidipine; lipoprotein-associated coagulation inhibitor
- LACN local area communications network
- LacR lactose repressor
- Lacr lacrimal
- LACS long chain acyl-coenzyme A synthetase
- Lact lactate, lactating, lactation; lactic
- Lact hyd lactalbumin hydrolysate
- LACV La Crosse virus
- LAD lactic acid dehydrogenase; left anterior descending [coronary artery]; left atrial defect; left axis deviation; leukocyte adhesion deficiency; ligament augmentation device; linoleic acid depression; lipoamide dehydrogenase; lymphocyte-activating determinant
- LADA laboratory animal dander allergy; latent autoimmune diabetes in the adult, latent autoimmune diabetes of adults; left acromio-dorso-anterior [position]; left anterior descending artery
- LADB left [coronary] descending branch
- LADCA left anterior descending coronary artery
- LADD lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital [syndrome]; left anterior descending diagonal [coronary artery]
- LADH lactic acid dehydrogenase; liver alcohol dehydrogenase
- LAD-MIN left axis deviation, minimal
- LADP left acromio-dorso-posterior [position]; left anterior descending arterial pressure
- LADS Lors American Data System
- LAE left atrial enlargement
- LAEDV left atrial volume in end diastole
- LAEI left atrial emptying index
- LAESV left atrial volume in end systole
- LAF laminar air flow; Latin American female; left anterior fascicle; leukocyte-activating factor; lymphocyte-activating factor
- LAFB left anterior fascicular block
- LAFR laminar air flow room
- LAFU laminar air flow unit
- LAG labiogingival; leukocyte antigen group; linguo-axiogingival; lymphangiogram; lymphocyte activation gene
- LaG labiogingival
- LAH lactalbumin hydrolysate; left anterior hemiblock; left atrial hypertrophy; Licentiate of Apothecaries Hall; lithium, aluminum, hydroxide
- LAHB left anterior hemiblock
- LAHC low affinity-high capacity
- LAHF low amplitude high frequency
- LAHT laser-assisted hair transplantation
- LAHV leukocyte-associated herpesvirus
- LAI latex particle agglutination inhibition; leukocyte adherence inhibition
- LaI labioincisal
- LAID left anterior internal diameter
- LAIF leukocyte adherence inhibition factor
- LAIT latex agglutination inhibition test
- LAK lymphokine-activated killer [cells]
- LAL left axillary line; limulus amebocyte lysate; low air loss; lysosomal acid lipase
- LaL labiolingual
- LALB low air-loss bed
- LALI lymphocyte antibody-lymphocytolytic interaction
- LALL lymphomatous acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- LALR lexically assign, logically refine [computer strategy]
- LALV Lucerne Australian latent virus
- LAM laminectomy; laminin; lamivudine; late ambulatory monitoring; Latin American male; left anterior measurement; left atrial myxoma; linear associative memory; lipoarabinomannan; lymphangioleiomyomatosis; lymphocyte adhesion molecule
- Lam laminectomy
- LAMA laminin A
- LAMB laminin B; lentigines, atrial myxoma, mucocutaneous myxomas, blue nevi [syndrome]
- L-AmB liposomal AmBisome [amphotericin]
- Λ Greek capital letter lambda
- λ Greek lowercase letter lambda; craniometric point; decay constant; an immunoglobulin light chain; mean free path; microliter; thermal conductivity; wavelength
- LAMBR laminin B receptor
- LAMC laminin C
- LAMMA laser microprobe mass analyzer
- LAMP limbic system-associated membrane protein; lysosome-associated membrane protein
- LAN local area network; long-acting neuroleptic [agent]
- LANC long-arm navicular cast
- LANE lidocaine, atropine, naloxone, epinephrine [drugs that may be administered via endotracheal tube]
- LANV Laguna Negra virus; left atrial neovascularization
- LAO left anterior oblique; left atrial overload; Licentiate of the Art of Obstetrics
- LAP laboratory accreditation program; laparoscopy; laparotomy; latency-active promoter; latency-associated protein; left arterial pressure; left atrial pressure; leucine aminopeptidase; leukemia-associated phenotype; leukemia-associated phosphoprotein; leukocyte alkaline phosphatase; liver-enriched transcriptional activator protein; low atmospheric pressure; lyophilized anterior pituitary
- Lap laparoscopy; laparotomy
- Lap & dye laparoscopy and injection of dye
- LAPIS Late Potentials in Myocardial Infarction Study
- LAPSE long-term ambulatory physiologic surveillance
- LAPSS Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen
- LAPW left atrial posterior wall
- LAR laryngology; late asthmatic response; late reaction; left arm recumbent; legally authorized representative; leukocyte antigen-related; low anterior resection
- Lar larynx; left arm reclining
- LARA Low-Dose Aspirin Trial on Restenosis after Angioplasty
- LARab laryngeal abductor
- LARad laryngeal adductor
- LARC leukocyte automatic recognition computer
- LARD lacrimoauriculoradiodental [syndrome]
- L-Arg L-arginine
- LARIS laser atomization resonance ionization spectroscopy
- LARS laparoscopic antireflux surgery; laser angioplasty in the treatment of restenosis developing within coronary stents; leucyl-tRNA synthetase
- Laryngol laryngology
- LAS laboratory automation system; lateral amyotrophic sclerosis; laxative abuse syndrome; left anterior-superior; leucine acetylsalicylate; linear alkylsulfonate; local adaptation syndrome; long arm splint; lower abdominal surgery; lymphadenopathy syndrome; lymphangioscintigraphy
- LASA linear-analogue self assessment; lipid-associated phenotype
- LASAF low quantities of acetylsalicylic acid in atrial fibrillation
- LASA-P linear-analogue self-assessment-Pristman
- LASAR Local Alcohol and Stent Against Restenosis [trial]
- LASA-S linear-analogue self-assessment-Selby
- LASE laser-assisted spinal endoscopy
- LASER light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
- LASH left anterior superior hemiblock
- LA SI linearly additive spatially invariant [image]
- LASIK laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
- L-ASP L-asparaginase
- LASS labile aggregation stimulating substance
- LAST Left Anterior Small Thoracotomy [study]
- LASTAC laser transluminal angioplasty catheter
- LASTLHY Latin American Study of Lacidipine in Hypertension
- LASV Lassa virus
- LAT lactic acidosis threshold; latency-associated transcript; lateral; lateral atrial tunnel; latex agglutination test; latissimus dorsi [muscle]; left anterior trigone; left atrial thrombus; less acute mode of transportation; limbal autograft transplantation; L-type amino acid transporter; lysolecithin acyltransferase
- Lat Latin
- Lat latent; lateral
- Lat bend lateral bending
- LATC lateral talocalcaneal
- LATCH literature attached to charts
- LATE Late Assessment of Thrombolytic Efficacy [trial]
- L · atm liter atmosphere
- LATP left atrial transmural pressure
- LATPT left atrial transesophageal pacing test
- LATS long-acting thyroid stimulator
- LATS-P long-acting thyroid stimulator-protector
- LATu lobulo-alveolar tumor
- LAUP laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty
- LAV liquid-assisted ventilation; lymphadenopathy-associated virus
- Lav lavoratory
- LAVA laser angioplasty vs. angioplasty; Leiden Artificial Valves and Anticoagulation [study]
- LAVH laparoscopy-assisted vaginal hysterectomy
- LAW left atrial wall
- LAX, LAx long axis
- Lax laxative; laxity
- LAX-DSS long axis-discrete subaortic stenosis
- Lax oc laxative of choice
- LB lamellar body; large bowel; left breast; left bronchus; left bundle; left buttock; leiomyoblastoma; lipid body; live birth; liver biopsy; loose body; low back [pain]; lung biopsy; Luria-Bertani [medium]
- L&B left and below
- Lb Leishmania brasiliensis; pound [Lat. libra]; pound force
- LBA laser balloon angioplasty; left basal artery
- LBB left bundle branch; low back bending
- LBBB left bundle branch block
- LBBsB left bundle branch system block
- LBC lidocaine blood concentration; liquid-based cytology; lymphadenosis benigna cutis
- LBCD left border of cardiac dullness
- LBCF Laboratory Branch complement fixation [test]
- LBD lamellar body density; large bile duct; left border of dullness; Lewy body dementia; ligand-binding domain; lower back disorder; lumbar body density
- LBF Lactobacillus bulgaricus factor; limb blood flow; liver blood flow
- Lbf pound force
- Lbf-ft pound force foot
- LBH length, breadth, height
- LBI low back injury; low serum-bound iron
- Lb/in2 pounds per square inch
- LBL labeled lymphoblast; lymphoblastic lymphoma
- LbL layer-by-layer
- LBM last bowel movement; lean body mass; loose bowel movement; lung basement membrane
- L-BMAA L-beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine
- LBMT lansoprazole, bismuth, metronidazole, tetracycline
- LBNP lower body negative pressure
- LBO large bowel obstruction
- LBP lipopolysaccharide-binding protein; local binary pattern; low back pain; low blood pressure; lumbar back pain
- LBPF long bone or pelvic fracture
- LBPP lower body positive pressure
- LBPQ Low Back Pain Questionnaire
- LBRF louse-borne relapsing fever
- LBS low back syndrome; Lübeck Blood [Pressure] Study; lumbar back strain; Lutheran Brotherhood Study; lysine-binding site
- LBSA lipid-bound sialic acid
- LBT low back tenderness or trouble
- LBTI lima bean trypsin inhibitor
- Lb tr pound troy
- LBV Lagos bat virus; left brachial vein; lung blood volume
- LB-V left bundle-ventricle
- LBW lean body weight; low birth weight
- LBWI low-birth-weight infant
- LBWR lung-body weight ratio
- LC Laënnec cirrhosis; Langerhans cell; laparoscopic cholecystectomy; large chromophobe; late clamped; lateral canthotomy; lateral cortex; lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase; left circumflex [coronary artery]; lethal concentration; Library of Congress; life care; light chain; linguocervical; lipid cytosomes; liquid chromatography; liquid crystal; liver cirrhosis; living children; location component; locus ceruleus; long chain; low calorie; low contrast; lower calyceal; lung cancer; lung cell; lymphocyte count